
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - March 2012

Now I am worried about the marriages of my Jinn children. It is very worrisome for me when I come to think of it. Jinn are not ready to accept the proposals of my children; they say that their father is a human. I am worried about this situation, please help me out. After many Istakharras I came to know of you. On hearing this, I smiled. I told him that this is not really a problem I will request the jinn; they will help you in this matter. After some time with the grace of Allah, his jinn children got married. I cautioned him that jinn who refused the marriage proposals of your children may have casted magic on your children. Therefore, I told him the wazifa of Ya Qahaar (u). This wazifa must be carried by his jinn wife and children. It would be better if they all drink it too. Now that person is very happy; his jinn visited me. She bought various presents and gifts which I distributed among the poor and needy people.
Complicated marriage cases are a usual routine matter. In my initial days of introduction with the jinn, I would consider these as unreal and shocking. At times, I would deny myself and would dismiss situations like these as thoroughly fiction. I would wonder that how a marriage between a jinn and a human can take place. But continuous interaction with the jinn revealed the possibility of such situations and relations. Some time ago a person came to me and discussed a situation that was being faced by his son. He told that his son had problem of fits. Gradually, fits started increasing day by day. At last we took him to a saintly person; he called the jinn. We came to know that the jinni involved was female and not a male. She said that I am a Muslim female jinni. I am a widow and I was in search of a partner and husband. Your son is a pious man, offers his prayers and religiously observes fasting. I like him and want to start my marital life with him. But since I have completed the five pilgrims and hence I am very well aware that to start marital life, Nikkah is required. So, I would like to request you to please allow me to marry your son. The father said to the jinni that neither we nor our relatives have ever heard or encountered such a strange situation. Nor any of us have ever heard such a thing as our bed time stories. She said that I humbly request you to please allow me to marry your son. If you allow, I will visit the elders of your clan and would request them to allow me to marry your son.  I am from the clan of jinn, I possess both power and strength; but I do not want to use this power and strength. Please be kind and allow me. I want to take this person as my husband at any cost. We refused and she went away. Now according to our son, that jinni would appear at few times. She started appearing into the dreams of our elders. Initially our elders thought and took it as a dream but later they approached us and enquired about the matter. Eventually we told our elders that this jinni wants to marry our son. How can we allow this to happen when we have already accepted the proposal of his maternal aunt’s daughter for him! Our relatives were also astonished on this situation. We resorted to magic, but the jinni was not ready to abandon my son. The boy’s mother told that one day, a beggar came to our home. She was wearing the veil and came inside our home. She asked for a glass of water, she lifted her veil to drink we saw a very young and beautiful girl. We are astonished to see her beauty. She drank and recited the prayer of drinking water. She took a deep breath and asked if we would allow her to serve this house. We declined and told her that we already have a maid. That beautiful girl said that she want to be my daughter in law. We told her that our son is already engaged. She insisted us to allow her to marry their son. She said that if they accept her, she will do all the errands, so much so she will also perform AAMALS, will recite holy Quran in millions of quantity for the house. She said that she has learnt holy Quran by heart. She further told that she was a student at a seminary in Akhora Khattak for a long time. She then moved to a seminary in Karachi for higher education. She learnt Qirrat from a religious lady. After that to become a religious scholar she earned a degree from a reputed religious university (I do not wish to mention name). She insisted to allow her to be their daughter in law. We were surprised and enquired about her; she promptly said that she is the same jinni that has been requesting you since a long time to accept her as daughter in law. We were frightened to hear this. She told that if you get frightened, I will go away from here. We told her to please go away. On hearing this, she started crying and started requesting us to accept her as daughter in law. She also said that you can also marry your son with someone else too, I can marry with him forcefully and enter into marital relations but my religion and shariah does not allow me to do this, this way. She requested to accept her as daughter in law. We felt bad on seeing her crying so much…. (To be continued)

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