
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Memorizer of Quraan Thrown Into a Burning Brick Kiln

Ubqari Magazine - July 2016

The fire became a bed of roses for me. When it was time to break the fast, an old man with a white beard came and gave me food to eat. I offered Maghrib Salah and it felt that my followers were praying behind me. The same happened at the time of Isha Salah and Taraweeh.

The truthfulness of the glorious Quraan is a fact. I was going astray but Quraan guided me. I was clueless but Quraan gave me knowledge. My heart was blind but Quraan gave me true insight. O my helper, I wish and pray that everyone understands your importance and seek guidance because you are mankind’s most genuine friend. This friendship will benefit the man when everything will turn futile.  The Quraan has striking details and miracles for the people of understanding. I am going to pen down about two such miracles which will be a source of great inspiration for those who have a deeper insight. Christen converted to Christianity from Hinduism. He had a great thirst to study about true religion. Many religious scholars and Christian priests were fed up of answering his intriguing questions. Someone told him that Quraan is the book of the Creator and this miraculous book has the answers to even the most mindboggling questions. He immediately started reading the Quraan and finally his thirsty soul started to find answers to the questions that had been lingering on his mind for a long time. This got him more interested and he started reading deeper in context. His first question was: What is the purpose of the creation of Jin and humans? He found out that Allah Subhanawo Taa’la has sent man on this earth as His caliph and he is the most Supreme Being ever created. How does the duty of a caliph be fulfilled?  The Quran answered that both creatures are brought into existence for devoting their worship to the Almighty. Then he asked, what is the eternal benefit of praying the Almighty? He got to know through the Quran that people who live their lives according to the principles of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la are rewarded with eternal bliss. Allah Subhanawo Taa’la has traded their lives and provisions in exchange of Paradise. Christen’s heart began to incline towards the truthfulness of the Quran and therefore he entered the circle of Islam taking the name Amir Ali Dawood. He spent the rest of his life researching and observing the deeper meanings hidden in the Quran.

The second miracle that I want to bring into light happened on fifth Ramzan 1986. This is about a man who was a resident of Jatoi Tehsil Alipur. He had two wives and had four children from the first wife and one boy from the second wife. That boy was the apple of his parents’ eyes but the sons of the first wife hated him and were jealous so much so that they wanted to kill the lad. The four sons owned a kiln and that day was the last to bake bricks. Soon their half brother, who was also a memorizer of the Quran, joined them. The sons thought it was a good opportunity to throw him into the burning kiln as he was alone. Once he was thrown inside, the cruel brothers covered the kiln’s opening and left their brother to burn. At the time of breaking fast, the mother inquired about her son. The other four brothers told that they were unaware of his whereabouts. The time of Taraweeh prayer approached but the memorizer who was supposed to lead the salah didn’t arrive. This evoked suspicion of murder in the mother’s heart. The father approached the police and told them about their missing son. The police carried out a search in the adjoining areas and reached the kiln at around 12:00 midnight. As they removed the cover from the opening of the kiln they heard a voice: take care of me, I am alive in here! As the man was pulled out, everyone was in great shock. When the memorizer of the Quran was inquired he told that: my brothers had pushed me into the burning kiln but the fire became a bed of roses for me. When it was time to break the fast, an old man with a white beard came and gave me food to eat. I offered Maghrib Salah and it felt that my followers were praying behind me. The same happened at the time of Isha Salah and Taraweeh. Now, I stand alive and unharmed in front of you all. The Inspector in charge ordered the policemen to arrest the four brothers who had attempted to kill their half brother. At this moment the Quran memorizer said that he wishes to forgive his brothers but the police inspector still arrested them.  This miracle was a result of memorizing Allah Subhanawo Taa’la’s Book with selflessness and dedication. By practicing the teaching of Quran, a memorizer came out safe and sound out of the blazing flames of fire. He truly followed the guidance of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la by forgiving his malicious bothers for their horrendous crime. May Allah Subhanawo Taa’la bless each memorizer of Quran and every Muslim with the blessings and fortunes of His Holy Book. May our Ummah reap the true benefits of life by following the guidelines of the Quran. Aameen!

Undoubtedly, Quran is the most genuine book and it holds miracles for the men of understanding. O mankind! Don’t turn your face away from guidance, don’t be callous, and don’t be lazy in taking supervision for this life will soon come to an end. Quran will speak in favor for those who acted upon its righteous guidance and it can also complain when it is disrespected. Glorify your lives with the beauty of this heavenly book for the end of times is near. 

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