Respected Hakeem Sahib Asalam O Alikum! For sister suffering from hidden diseases I have tested prescription, who gave it to me, was great Aamil and practiceining Hakeem. According to him he has tested on more then fifty women. Gave it to me and I also tested it on many women, also tested it on my wife and thanks to ALLAH with few days I started getting results.
Prescription is as follows:
ھوالشافی: KAMARKAS, ASGANDH, MOCHARS 62.5 grams of each, KEEK RA PHALLI, MAZO SABZ SPARI KATHI 25-25 gram each, KUSHTA MARJAN ASLI, KUSHTA BAIZA MURGHI 12.55 grams, sugar 62.5 grams. Make powder of things and after it add KUSHTA JAT. Usage: use every morning and evening half spoon without eating or drinking anything else with milk. Precautions: do not eat hot things, use and do remember in your prayers.
(Saeed ur rehman , Banu)