
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

All types of Teeth Pain vanished forever in this Ramzan ul Mubarak. / Ramzan and My 07 authentic and proven experiences.

Ubqari Magazine - May 2019

All types of Teeth Pain vanished forever in this Ramzan ul Mubarak.  

Ramzan and My 07 authentic and proven experiences.

Drink litter petrol, which increase the height so much every, become astonished.

Perform this authentic method and get every ease of life.

Joshanda for Dengue Fever

Break of black magic and his return

Natural Cure of High Blood Pressure.

Get rid of Glasses. A proven method.


Readers: Do not become congress. If you knew /adopted any useful spiritual and natural Tips and you took the advantage from it, please share it with Ubqari. This is Sadqa Jaria as many other human will also took the advantage from it.

All types of Teeth pain vanished in this Ramzan – Ul – Mubarak.

Dear Hakeem Sahib Aslamu Alikum! Your day and night hard work for Monthly Ubqari Magazine make this most successful magazine of Pakistan. Many people took the advantage in their daily life domestic chores through this magazine. This is indeed a blessing in disguise. Dear Hakeem Sb I want to tell te unique methods of using Meswak.

Modern Methods of using Meswak:

  1. Purchase 6 Peelu Fat Meswak and dry them in sun for 03 to 04 days.
  2. Take dry meswak and tear in small pieces.
  3. Dry these small prieces once again for 02 to 03 days.
  4. Grind these small pieces in form of powder.
  5. Stain the powder so that pieces and powder be separated.
  6. Take the powder in small plastic or glass bottle and put it in refrigerator.


This powder has no side effects. Take half Tea Spoon and put it in your mouth. Stay for 15 minutes as it is in your mouth. After 15 minutes spit it from your mouth. If you want to use water after it you can, otherwise there is no need of water after using this powder. owever the best time for use this powder is at night. After Tarveeh use this powder for 15 minutes before sleep. InsshAllah all type of Teeth problems will be finished forever and type of mouth diseases will also be finished.  You will admit when the pain removed it means the disease removed.


 Dear Hakeem Sahib Aslamu Alikum! Now a day’s weather is on changing pattern. Due to changing weather there is excess of mosquitoes. From Last Many years Dengue Mosquitoes have put great fear in the minde s of people. Many families are suffered from Dengue fever which Ubqari Magazine reader knew it very well.

In this Ramzan Ul Mubarak, I have a unique medicine for cure of Dengue fever i.e Joshanda . Use this Joshanda with tea and Dengue fever will be removed with in few days and person will feel healthy and fit. So if dengue mosquitoes bites the person and he suffered from High fever use this method to prepare Joshanda for his treatment.

Banshafa – 01 chattank, Gurmarbooti – 01 chattank. Attab – 01 chattank, Postokokonar – 01 chattank, Gariata – 01 chattank, Barg neem – 01 chattank. Collect all these ingredients and divide in 07 parts. Take 01 part and mix 02 liter water in it and boil it. When the quantity of water will remain approx 01 liter, took it, stain it, and put in in bottle. Also use following medicine with this Joshanda.

  1. 1.      Panadol – 01 tablet in morning with breakfast, 01 tablet after lucnch, and 01 tablet after dinner. Take all these tablet with Joshanda.
  2. 2.      Fancy dar tablets, 02 tablets at 10.00am, 02 tablets at 5.00pm and 02 tablets after sun set for the patient. All these tablets will be taken with Joshanda. And also recite the this dua for patient. “بسم اللہ الذی لا یضر مع اسمہ شیء فی الارض و لا فی السماء و ھو السمیع العلیم ”. Recite this dua three times in the morning and blown on the patient. Also blow it on the water and give this water to the patient. InshAllah the Patient will be recovered from the disease because Surah Fateh is also Surah Shifa. Holy Prophet (ﷺ) said that Surah Shifa is very effective against all poisons.

Ramzan Ul Mubarak and My 07 Proven experiments:

Dear Hakeem Sb! Aslam-u-Alikum. I am reader of Ubqari Magazine since last year.I am writing this letter first time for Ubqari Magazine. May Allah give you the reward for your noble cause for the benefit of whole Muslim Ummah.

First Experiment: - In year 2015, in Ramzan Ul Mulbarak holy month one of my colleague tell me that his beard hair started to fell and not recovered. He said his beared hair is not growing from that place. He said I am too much worried for this hair fall. Amzan I have listened the blessings of Salat –u-Tasbeeh in Ra mzan ul mubark in your lectures. So I told him do not worry and said that  in Ramzan Ul Mubarak recite Salat u Tasbeeh after traveeh prayer. InshaAllah Allah will be blessed on you. He  started this act and after traveeh prayers and Esha Prayers he recite Salat Ul Tasbeeh and blow in water and use this water with hand on his beared where hair started to fall. Believe me within 03 days hair started to come in from bered head. He became very happy and give you lot of prayers. If any impossible work started with the proper intention, the impossible work will be solved.

Second Experiment: - Once upon a time, I came from home and went to Ubqari for dars. When I sat in the van, I started to vomit and my health suddenly became unstable. I got worried. Then I remembered I have listened in Dars that when such situation occurs Recite Surah Alam Nashrah. So I started to recite Surah Alam Nashrah……… 

While reading this I reached Lahore with in no time for Tasbeeh Khana and I was quite well. Allah helped me through Alam Nashrah.

Third Experiment: - whenever I am rushed in traffic, I start reading Surah Alam Nashrah, then Allah open the way for me. Now I have confirmed belief on Suarha Alam Nashrah.

Forth Experiment: - Once in Gujranwala, Policeman caught me. Though I have some mistake I was too much worried, as I was alone. Police officer said we have to take this man to police station. By that time, I started to read Sarah Alam Nashrah. After some time their sub inspector called me and ordered to leave me. I thank to Allah, it was all the blessing of Surah Alam Nashrah.

Fifth Experiment: - Once I read in Ubqari if you lost something read Ya Rabi Musa Ya Rabi Kaleem, Bismillah Ur Rehman AlRahmeem, you will find the lost thing immediately. I have experienced this many times and I used to find my lost thing.

Sixth Experiment: - Once I was in Islamabad, the maid who worked there had a severe headache problem. She took many medicines but got no relief in pain. I read Azan and last 04 ayat of Surah Mominoon and blown on her. She got relief immediately by the grace of Allah.

Seventh Experiment: - One of my cousins suffered from paroxysm (from Giants). She became faint and her hands and foots become cold. I blew on her left and right ear after reading Azan and last 04 ayat of Surah Al-Mominoon. By the grace of Allah she becomes absolutely fine. This is the special blessing of Allah and effects of your prayer


Aslam u Alikum Hazrat Hakeem Sb. I came to know through Ubqari Magazine that there will be special edition on May 2019 Ramzan. More you advised to send our experiment and observations for the readers of Ubqari Magazine.  So I hereby share some my experiments for the ubqari readers. One of our relatihve sons is in 05th Class. He has height problem. His mother started to give him Zaitoon  Oil . His height become started to increase. His height become so increased that everyone is astonished to see him and became confused about his age.

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