
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Recite Darood E Taj For Success In Job And For Curing Every Disease!

Ubqari Magazine - August 2019

Blessings of Darood E Taj in The Sight of Scholars.

Whoever wants to gain the great blessing of meeting Prophet PBUH, that person should do the recitation act done by the Saints of Islam and by the Ability of Allah, that person will meet Prophet ﷺ.

The Procedure of Recitation act: If someone wants to meet their lost one or their loved one who has passed way, then that person should sit in the state of ablution after Isha prayer and apply some fragrance too. Then he should recite Darood E Taj 11 times and then sleep in the state of ablution. After 11, 21 or maximum 41 days by the blessings of Allah that person will be able to meet their desired person in their dream. (Alim Kamil Maulana Abra Al Ghaffar Shab, Fazil Jamiya Hanfia Karachi Fazil Faaq Almadras Al Arabia.)

For Success in Job and For Abundance In Provision Of Food:

One person came to me and told me about his cloth shop by which he was hardly able to pay off the expenses of his home. It was very difficult for him to pay the rent of his home by what he earned. How could he complete the expenses of his children’s education and other homely spending in such a condition? A holy person told him to recite Darood E Taj seven times after Fajr prayer. He recited it with complete devotion. Gradually customers started increasing at his shop and his situation became so better that I also bought the shop next to mines. He also bought his own plot and shad started building a home of his own. (Abdullah, Faisalabad.)

The Procedure of Recitation Act: Whoever wants that his provision of food is increased, he gains success in his job and business, abundant blessing in home’s groceries, such blessings in pocket money that they are able to spend it easily and still able to save some of it, then that person should recite Darood E Taj 7 times after Fajr prayer with devotion.

For Meeting Prophet

 Whoever wants to gain the great blessing of meeting Prophet ﷺ, that person should do the recitation act done by the Saints of Islam and by the Ability of Allah, that person will meet Prophet PBUH. This recitation act is such that one has to recite Darood E Taj for 180 times every Thursday evening. Continue doing so for 40 Thursday evenings.

For Curing Every Disease

One woman told that a sore formed on her foot. She got it checked from a local clinic and took medicine but it didn’t cured it. After this she went to General Hospital and got it checked from a specialist. He said that the infection has greatly spread within. He prescribed to consume some antibiotics for certain days. She took those medicines as well but it wasn’t cured and the pain increased making her restless. At last the doctor said that he will have to cut off her foot. She became very depressed on the thought that she might become disabled for her entire life. I started reciting Darood E Taj 11 times, blew it on water and started drinking it. After some days my scar started to shrink and I started to do it with more attention. After some days, it proved to be very beneficial. Today by the Grace of Allah, my foot is completely alright and my foot was saved from getting cut. I am extremely thankful to Allah that He made Darood E Taj to be the source of health for me. (Gujarawala.) The Procedure of the Act: Anyone who is inflicted by any kind of disease, from flu to deadly diseases, that patient or anyone from the patient’s family should recite Darood E Taj 11 times, blow it over water and then make the patient drink it. Continue doing this act for eleven days, if Allah wills, that person will soon see such beneficial results of it that they won’t be understandable and the doctors will be shocked. Diseases which cause marks to be formed on the body such as chickenpox will also be gone.

Treatment for the Cure of Snake, Scorpion or Any Deadly Animal’s Bite

During the harvesting of crops, a scorpion bites my cousin. People were very worried and they took him to the mosque nearby. Some of the people were busying in doing Zikr (recitations) over there. An elderly person came to us and started reciting something in his village accent. I didn’t knew what he was reciting at that time but when people asked him, he told that he recited Darood E Taj a lot and he was reciting it at that time as well. (Muhammad Arshad, Dandha Shah Bilawal)

The Procedure of the Act: If someone has got bitten by  a snake, scorpion or any other deadly animal, then that inflicted [person or anyone near that person should start reciting Darood E Taj and run his hand over the bitten area continuously while reciting it. On reciting it entirely one time, the person should dust of his hands. He should do this for two to three times. By the Blessings of Allah that person will be surely cured in a while. (Maulana Haleel Ahmad Sahab, Fazil Jamia Imdaadia, Faisalabad)

The Permission To Recite Darood E Taj From Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Ali Lahori رحمہ اللہ علیہ

A scholar of Islam says that my mother used to recite Darood E Taj with great devotion. Someone mentioned to ask from Maulana Ahmad Ali Lahore رحمتہ اللہ علیہ. My mother went to him and asked that you had told me that it can be recited with love and devotion and there is no problem in that. It an be recited in the context that Prophet  ﷺ was the greatest source of being protected from ll sorts of problems and difficulties. It was the Supreme Being of Allah who made Prophet ﷺ a source of all the blessings. Upon advice, Maulana Ahmad Ali Lahori Rehmatullah Aleh mentioned a reference from “Dalail Al Khairaat Shareef) that its written about the attributes of Prophet ﷺ that He ﷺ is Kashf Ul Kurb and all of the past holy saint people have given the permission to recite Darood E Taj. If it was permitted by then, it is also permitted here. (Haft Roza Khadim Al Deen, Imam Auliya, Hazrat Lahori 324, Asha’at 1979)

Permission of Darood E Taj From Jamia Banooria Almia’s Dar Ul Fatah

Mufti Saif Allah Jameel Rais Dar Ul Fata Jamia Banooria, and Mufti Nadir Jaan Naeeb Raees Dar Ul Fatah Jania Banooria say about Darood E Taj, Darood Mahi, Darood Mustajaab, Darood Akbar, Darood Tanjaina, Darood Lakhi and Dua-e-Ganj Al Arsh, that these prayers and Darood are all rightful to be recited.

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