
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

State of the Heart

Ubqari Magazine - May 2019

Prescription for Becoming Wealthy: Who ever shall recite five tasbihs of the name الرحیم daily by reciting durood sharif before the beginning and after the end, he/she shall attain plenty of wealth and the creation of Allah shall be magnificent and affectionate with him/her.

From the Pen of the Editor

State of the Heart

What I saw heard and Thought

A fortunate person is the one who celebrates the arrival of Ramadhan. In words, in emotions, in thoughts, in ecstasy, and keeps Ramadhan ul mubarak every moment in front of himself. Consider that it is a Ramadhan in the summer. There is humidity, long day, short nights, severe thirst, anxiety of hunger, stress and all such things. However, the person who celebrates Ramadhan in his/her emotions and thoughts, the first thing that he achieves from the nature that is the calmness of heart. He gets the flight of the soul. The attainment of true emotions and states of spirituality are achieved. A Small Deed: Although it is a small deed but the effect of the intention is a lot in life. Upon all of our affairs, the intention has a profound effect. In doing, anything if our emotion is true then we are listed among the true people, and if the emotion is false then we are written among the untruthful people. Similarly, in our lives the true emotion of Ramadhan and its effects have a profound effect. A common person and the wisdom cannot even think that all the dignified personalities that lived before us, they renowned their names in the world of spirituality and friendship of Allah. In their lives where there were other paths of acceptance and popularity, there they had one more thing as well, that they always received Ramadhan with complete fervor. They have given a feeling of calmness in their life about Ramadhan and not of anxiety, perplexity or discomfort. 

Perpetual Bliss and Perpetual Happiness and Everlasting Respect

It is a story of old times that a friend of Allah Almighty was extremely happy in the month of Shaban. Through his face, accent, words and style happiness was evident. Someone asked that from every style of yours happiness is evident, what is the reason? So he said: In reality, the basic reason for this happiness is that Ramadhan is coming! And it is extremely hot, the fast is long, thirst is severe, nights are small, rest is small, effort is more, then he said happily. These are the few days of effort and sacrifice, then perpetual bliss, perpetual happiness, perpetual respect and grace, and the reception of the afterlife. He was saying these words in a state of ecstasy while swinging, the people had stuck their fingers in their mouth, and they were listening to him that what is he saying? In addition, they did not understand what he was saying. Then he said: In reality, Allah watches the heart of a person; Allah sees that what is the inner emotion of the person? If his emotion is to celebrate Ramadhan, because Allah Almighty has sent the month, the hardship has arrived from Him too, and he wants to attain sacrifice from the people too. So Allah Almighty becomes happy that the person showed happiness upon my choice. A person who fasts, goes through hardships, sacrifices but the heart is not satisfied from within, or the state of the heart is not such that which is liked by my Lord, so this is a state against the will of God. Then he said, “In every Ramadhan I wish that it is a Ramadhan of immense summer because I was that person who used to loot people on the way, I used to kill them. You Looted me But… ! Once I looted a person, he was some friend of Allah. He said: You looted me but I am returning one keep to you, there was so much sincerity and affection in his words that I stopped there, then he said: If somehow your heart becomes full of loot And you think about the friendship of Allah, then when Ramadhan comes so before its arrival celebrate its arrival in your heart and love it by becoming happy. You will always be successful. You will find the friendship of Allah in such a short time that perhaps no one has ever attained. That Ramadhan Was the First Ramadhan of my Life: He returned everything to me. Therefore, from that day I repented from theft. Then I started waiting for Ramadhan. Every moment of Ramadhan used to develop a new turn and a new motion of love in me. At last, when Ramadhan came so that was the first Ramadhan of my life in which I fasted. Severe heat, long day, short nights, but my happiness progressed me further so much that by the end of Ramadhan I saw a dream and someone said to me that from today onwards you are among the friends of Allah. So I asked due to which worship? Therefore, he said not due to any worship the way you sincerely and happily received Ramadhan, due to this Allah has made you his friend. Come! Let Us Decide From Today: Come let us decide from today that we shall accept every forthcoming Ramadhan with heart and life and we shall be with if wholeheartedly. In addition, there should be happiness within. There should be ecstasy and love. Please believe! This is a very small deed, but if you do it, you will get what we cannot achieve with huge efforts.


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