
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Ongoing Wedding Function and the Sudden Silence Of Death

Ubqari Magazine - November 2018

(Zakia Iqtidar, Bhalawnagar) 

Respected readers, if we utilize our time correctly then eventually we are doing it right. I am stuck in somewhat same condition. A lot of people me on various happy and sad occasions and usually a lot of them invite me over their homes. Whenever I am invited to someone’s house, I always say that In Shaa Allah I will try to come if possible but I cannot make any promises. However one day, Allah made my friend’s promise come to reality. I asked my husband to drop me at my friend’s place and pick me up on his way back. Ma Sha Allah, I admired their lifestyle since they practiced Pardah. I reached at her place at 8 p.m and saw that my friend was getting ready to go somewhere. She was very happy when she saw me. We sat together and talked for a while. I noticed that my friend was quite restless and there was something that she wanted to say to me but couldn’t. When we asked her, she finally spoke her heart out: It is my neighbor’s daughter’s wedding today. Mehndi’s function is going on right now. These functions are once in a lifetime. Why don’t you come along me? We just have to go a little far. Our hearts are joined together just like the walls of our houses. Please come along. I advised her not to go to that function either as I believed it was only about music and dance which only added on to our sins, nothing else. We will only return with a lot of sins on our shoulders. I tried to convince my friend about leaving the idea of attending that function but she still insisted on going there as she wanted to sing a few songs and play dholak. I tried to make her understand how she should only focus on building her relationship stronger with The Creator and how this was the only way to lead a happy life. Although she heard everything I said very respectfully, she did what is wanted to do. She and her elder sister went to attend the function and they left their two children with me. I asked them to give me the prayer mat and Quran, The ultimate treasures. When i had these two with me, I never felt the need of having anything else. As soon as they went away, I sat on my prayer mat and started building strong connections with Allah. They also gave me their phone number before leaving so I called them since it was getting very late and I knew my husband might be on his way to pick me up. When I called her she told me that she was enjoying a lot and intended to stay for some more time. I felt sad and started reciting Kalma sitting at my prayer mat. After about half an hour I started to hear stranger voices from the neighborhood as if something very unfortunate had took place. I heard a girl scream “My mother”. I wore my gown quickly and went to that house. When I reached there, I saw the most heart wrenching situation. My friend’s hands were on the Dholak, songs on her tongue and her neck that fallen to one side. Hazrat Izraeel (علیہ السلام) had come to take away her soul. A house full of happiness was changed to a house full of sadness. I kept on thinking that maybe she had agreed to what I said to her and that maybe she would have died on the prayer mat. 

Noone was conscious enough to make a dead woman lie on some place and fulfill the duties and Sunnah. After some minutes, one woman took charge of it and asked someone to bring a pure sheet to spread and made my friend lie down. This was a very difficult stage but we still had to do it anyway. After this, another painful moment took over us when we heard what other women were talking about: Why did this jinxed woman came in our function? To ruin it? Didn't she had another place to die? She made my daughter’s happiness fade away. She played Dholak with such hands of hers that it stopped. This was said by the woman whom my friend proudly talked about earlier that day. Some of the women held the dead body of my friend and brought it to her house. As soon as we left that place, everyone got busy in eating food as if nothing happened. However, the next day everyone came to see her for the last time. My friend’s daughter was unconscious with the pain and funeral had ended when the neighbors started to speak ill about my friend and her daughter: Who will carry the daughter of such a woman who ate the happiness of others? I have written few sentences for our reader just to make them realize that they need to stop backbiting, talking ill of people or saying lies. Ask Allah for His protection against all of these habits. Implementing such habits can only invite quarrels, unhappiness and disturbance in the family. I wish my friend had died on the prayer mat instead of that event. I request my readers to start living their lives by the way of Sunnah. This is the only way to have a happy and prospering household which is pure from black magic, diseases and quarrels. Seek protection from the traditions of Hindus and protect others from it too. 

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