
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - November 2018

Khalid Mahmood, Bhai Pheru 

“When I was a child the murderer loved me very much and also used to bring sweets etc. By profession, he was a truck driver and whenever he used to come into the village he used to give me a ride with other children on his truck.”

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalamualikum! After reading your monthly “Ubqari Magazine” and listening to your sermons, I developed a feeling of welfare for others by all means. I was bestowed a life of faith and good deeds, professionally I am a teacher in a Government school. I have performed many different extra – curricular duties for my department, due to which I had to interact with the different classes of the society. After reciting your prescribed invocation (Dua’a)  “اللھم اغفرلی ولوالدی وللمؤمنین والمؤمنات و المسلمین والمسلمات    I send the invocation to all unknown people. In the recent census I had my duties during which I interacted with the backward people who had very less basic facilities, some of them had very small houses, during the census we had to ask questions about the number of rooms, the material of the ceiling, the availability of toilet system and the availability of clean drinking water etc. My heart ached while seeing the poverty and the condition of the sick people, some heads of the families were sick, there was no one to earn in the house, and several members of families were admitted in the hospital. After completing my daily duty at night I used to recite the invocation and send it upon them and pray to Allah to solve their problems, cure their sickness and provide them with the best livelihood and prayed for their happiness, my heart feels peaceful. Also during the census duty I had the chance to interact with people working on the brickyard, seeing them working in the scorching sun and the heat of fire to earn 2 times bread for their families filled my eyes with tears. Alas, after seeing them it induced feelings of Thankfulness in my heart and I also prayed for their wellbeing and welfare at night.

Then just recently, I have performed the duty of polio vaccination, my duty areas included 10 brickyards where I went and administered polio drops to young children of the brickyard labors. These were facing many problems such as lack of basic facilities, ignorance, less knowledge about religion and poverty etc. After performing my duties the whole day, at night I used to send this invocation to those children and their parents and especially prayed for those children. O Allah! To all those children I have administered polio drops bless them with health and faith and bless them a life away from the claws of the brickyards. Alas! Since I have joined with Ubqari, whenever I see someone in trouble and misery I recite & send this invocation to them, I also do the same for the fruit and vegetable vendors and pray for the increment of their livelihood and pray for their blessings. Thirteen years ago in my village in a family a fight took place due to some skirmishes and the dividing of wealth. The elder two brothers brutally killed their mother and their younger brother. After being held in the prison for few months they were released because their father had died and there was no one to follow up on their case. The eldest one between the murderers was the friend of one of my relative, when I was a child the murderer loved me very much and also used to bring sweets etc. for me.  By profession, he was a truck driver and whenever he used to come into the village he used to give me a ride with other children on his truck, which made me feel very happy. A time came when this murderer developed blood cancer and died a very terrible death. One night I recited the same invocation for the deceased. I saw in my dream a scene consisting of a truck hotel, it was winter, many people (in good moods) were sitting on tables and having tea, between those people that murderer of the mother was also sitting, and he saying to people (while looking at me) “Come on, lets pray for this person that his census duties go well and he prays for me”. When I woke up from my sleep, this invocation was on my tongue, maybe because of the blessings of this invocation Allah may have forgiven him. (And Allah Knows Best).

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