
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Readers Brought Wonderful and Tested Prescriptions

Ubqari Magazine - October 2016

Readers tested many times and then opened the secrets of their hearts for the readers of Ubqari. These are presented to you for the service of millions.

A Successful Spiritual Tip for Every Kind of Pain and Problem

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum!I have a colleague; she used to have a very severe pain in her arm that she could not sleep at night. I ordered the booklet of two priceless treasures from Ubqari magazine and asked her to read. I asked her to recite the first priceless treasure after every prayer and the second priceless treasure all the time. She recited it for only a few days and told me that her pain vanished as if I had made an excuse for leave. As soon as I got leave, my pain vanished. I have a colleague who has the problem of thyroid for many years. Doctors had advised medicine for the whole year, that you do not have to leave it. And that if she quit it, the problem will get much worse. I gave her two priceless treasures to recite according to the aforementioned way. She started doing that and the severity of her problem reduced by more than half. She is herself stunned as she did not hope that her problem would ever reduce. May Allah give you a long life. May He keep your generations happy and prosperous. May he make your time blissful. May He give you the blessings of the whole world. Me and all of our family shall always remember you. In our every prayer, zikr, tasbeeh, nafal, wazifa and charity we shall keep a share for you, inshaAllah. May Allah always keep us associated with Ubqari. And may your respect and love increase in our hearts. Aameen, sum Aameen. (Iram Aziz binte Abdul Aziz)

My Two Medical Experiences

Respected hakeem sahib Assalam-o-alaikum! May Allah keep you and Ubqari safe till the day of judgement. Aameen! I have two medical experiences that have been tested in my home.

For Pain in the Knees: ھو الشافی: 250 grams of gond kikker, 60 grams gond kateera. Grind them fine and brown them slightly in ghee. Use one teaspoon in the morning and in the evening with lukewarm milk. Note: I made this medicine for the pain of my father’s arms. I found it wonderful. I used it on my family.


Gain Health from Itch, Eczema and Psoriasis 

ھو الشافی: Zinc oxide, 20 grams, Boric acid, 20 grams, gandhak aamla, 10 grams, Salicylic acid 20 grams. Carbolic acid, 5 grams. Plain Vaseline, 200 grams. Put all of these things apart from Vaseline in a deep steel utensil. After 2 hours mix 200 grams of Vaseline. Blend the contents well with a spoon. Please keep in mind to use white gloves. Never use your hand. Otherwise there is a chance of hands being affected. After this secure these medicines in a plastic jar. In fact, I used this ointment for the itch in the thumbs of both of my feet. I got health due to its use. After this my family had another female relative use it. She had been to various lady doctors. However, her problem did not resolve. After this many people used this prescription, all praise be to Allah! Everyone gained health. Recently I used it for a small child. She is absolutely fine now. My aunt has a son, his elder daughter had skin infection. We had her treated by the most competent dermatologist of Bannu, but the illness was not coming to an end. I gave her this medicine in a small quantity. She became absolutely fine by the grace of Almighty Allah. Thankyou Ubqari! (Shahniaz Khan, Bannu)

A Frequently Tested Wazifa for Achieving Employment

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! Many years ago I read somewhere about this deed that if an unemployed person recited Ya-Aleem-o after Isha prayers for 40 days, he finds employment. When I was unemployed, I started reciting it and I found a very nice job after a few days. I did not complete 40 days and after a few months I lost my job. I started reciting it again and I found a job. I became lazy again and stopped reciting it and I could not complete 40 days and I lost my job again. Then I started this wazifa again and I found a job after a few days. This happened 3 times. Then I recited for 40 days completely and I did not loose my job. Once I made a mistake while doing my office work. If my boss came to know about that mistake, I would have been embarrassed a lot. And I would have lost my job. So I made an intention to fast for three days so that my boss may not become privy of my mistake.  And that I shall fast for 3 days. So Allah Almighty solved my problem. (J, R)

Bring Acacia and Test it, A Few Priceless Tips

Problems of Teeth and Acacia:

Take soft branches of Acacia. By doing their miswaak, gums become strong, filthy fluids finish from the mouth, gums stop bleeding. Burn the wood of Acacia and make coal of it. Grind this. Mix some salt in it and rub it on the teeth and this would strengthen the teeth and pus stops coming out of the teeth. If you mix a small amount of black pepper and soonth in it by grinding, it becomes a very good and healthy tooth powder.

For Healing Flue: By putting the gum of Acacia in the mouth and suckling its fluid soothes flue.

Pus of the Ear Vanished: Take flowers of acacia, 12 grams. Oil of tils, 24 grams, Mix them and put them on fire and boil them. When the flowers become black, sieve the oil. This is priceless for drying the pus of the ears. Put lukewarm, tolerable few drops in the ears. It will soothe.

Bumps inside the Mouth of Children: By grinding the flowers of Acacia fine, mixing them in honey and applying inside the mouth of the children is very soothing.

Hepatitis: Swallow one tablespoon of the powder of the flowers of Acacia early in the morning with cold water. Hepatitis will cure in 5 days.

Diabetes: Put the gum of Acacia in the mouth daily, within one month diabetes will come under control.

Excess of Urination Stopped: Take a few beans of Acacia, dry them in a shadow and grind them well, use 36 grams of them with water. Excess of urination will stop and you will feel better.

Old Hepatits: Take leaves of Acacia, flowers, beans, peel, and gum. Grind all of these 5 things well. Eat 72 grams of this daily with sweet milk. Eat continuously till complete recovery. (Sincerely, Mrs. Syed Ijaz Shabbir Bukhari Advocate, Talla Gang)

My Tested Spiritual and Medical Tips

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum!I am buying Ubqari magazine for a long time. I buy this magazine and gift it to people as well. Ubqari is being introduced in my area quite fast. The results of the medicines are quite good as well. Especially, the creation of Allah is benefiting too much from Shifaa-e-hairat. I was going to the tasbeeh khana last month. So initially a lot problems came in the way. It sounded as if it would become difficult to reach tasbig khana. I started reciting Surah Quraish. I had very less time but by the blessings of Surah Quraish, I reached the Tasbih khana in the right time. After reaching Lahore I took a rickshaw, and I kept on reciting Surah Quraish. Rickshaw came out of heavy crowd easily and I reached tasbih khana on time.





Wonder of the Almond Extract: I told a friend of mine that he should give almond extract to my pregnant wife and the child will be born easily. He did not use it himself but he told about it to his mother-in-law. She had pain in her knees. By mixing almond extract in milk her knee pain vanished.

Strange Benefit of a Strange Tip: I was listening to the spiritual gathering of 2014 on the website of Ubqari. In this hazrat hakeem sahib told that the spot that has pain, imagine that and spit on the spot of urination. By doing this several times, the pain would reduce. I tested it myself. Whenever I have headache I imagine it and spit in the toilet and I get better.

Wonder of Zamzam: Last night I was at the house of my daughter. My grandson was crying a lot due to pain. I recited zamzam and the grandson became quiet. And he kept on sleeping peacefully for the whole night. I have another experience as well that ever since I have started reciting the prayer for going to the washroom, bad thoughts do not come to my mind. And it has become very easy to control the nafs. (Zafar Iqbal, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir)

Whether a Bone Has Broken or the Eye is Bad, Astonishing Tips

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! My daughter is 2.25 years old. When she was born, we have been affiliated with Ubqari. Ubqari came to our house from Hyderabad. My daughter’s eyes were not well. The doctors said that when she becomes one year old, then she shall be operated. Eyes were really bad. Women would say that the eyes would finish. I would get very scared upon hearing this. When she became one year old, we went to the doctors twice, but she was not operated. She would get admitted, get medicines from the store, all the arrangements would be made but the operation would not happen. Doctors would look at her helplessly. Perhaps Allah had not ordered it yet. We came back after fighting. And after coming back we just started pouring zamzam in the eyes of our daughter. By the grace of Allah, the eyes healed completely. Now I have her recite Bismillah, kalimah and the prayer to sleep at night. Now she tells me herself at night that mama lets go I shall have you recite La Ilaaha and then we shall sleep.

Magical Tip for the Broken Bone: Another thing that is called Chandras is like potassalum (phatkarri). It can be found very cheap from a pinsaar store. Make a powder of it. It is bitter in taste. Make halwa of flour and put it inside it. Then fill capsules and use it. If any bone is broken, there is pain, the inner skin is torn, the bone will mend as if it was never broken. The pain vanishes. The leg of my mother had broken. And the sister had brought a lot of it. We gave it to many people. A woman’s arm broke after coming under a bull cart. The bone had cracked very badly. We tried to get it treated by many doctors and hakeems. But it would not heal. She would walk by lifting her arm with the other hand. I gave it to her; she said that the joint of my arm has healed. The pain has also vanished. Now I do everything.

Second Incident: A woman was a Hindu. She would work in grass and fields as labor for all the day. Both of her hands were hanging down. She said that her hands broke, I cannot even eat bread. I gave it to her. After using it for some time she started working again.

Wonder of Durood Sharif: Other than that a woman of Allah lives in our area. Often the women of village go to her. Once or twice she has come to our house as well. One woman asked her that my son does not get married, give me a wazifa so that I find a good bride for him. I was younger and I was listening to her. Mother said, recite durood Tanjeena 1100 times. The count has to be completed in 3 days. Or recite it in one sitting. I don’t know if that woman did that or not, but I recited durood tanjeena for 3 of my such issues that were impossible. All praise be to Allah, by the blessings of reciting the durood if I say that those issues were resolved in minutes, then it would not be wrong. Respected hakeem sahib! I have many observations, but due to shortage of time I shall write about them next time. (F Kausar Araain)

Got Everything by Getting the Deed

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum!I met you by taking an appointment on the phone. I told you about my problems. You asked me to recite the deed   [یَاحَیُّ یَاقَیُّومُ اِیَّاکَ نَعْبُدُ وَ اِیَّاکَ نَسْتَعِیْنُ بِرَحْمَتِکَ اَسْتَغِیْثُ] . I had to recite this for 90 days. By doing this deed many of our problems were resolved. The most benefit I had was in my business. Initially I used to have fewer customers. But due to this deed no by the grace of Allah I have a lot of customers on my shop. And the shop is working very fine. Before I used to pray for anything and my prayer would not be accepted quickly. But since I have found this deed, if that thing is better for me, I get it at once. I have a lot of blessings in my money. (Muhammad Naeem Iqbal, Multan)

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