The healing: 5 tola of reddish, 5 tola of onions, 2 tola of garlic, 5 tola of cumin oil, heat them on fire. When the water gets burned and only the oil remains then stain it. Frop few drops, slightly hot in ear. Insha’Allah, you will have immediate healing. The above mentioned tip is been performed many times, I have my clinic, get used time to time, this is a business secret that I am presenting to the readers of Ubqari so that all people would get benefit from it and it becomes a sadqa-e-jsriya. May be, Allah would like this service to creation. The one who gets benefit, I request to them that pray for me and Hakeem Sir Damat Barka Tehem. (Dr. Zafar Itameed Malik, Atuk city)