Honorable Hakeem Sahab, Assalam o Alaikum, I applied to a place for interview and once selected for the final interview, I was called to Multan. However, three days before the interview, someone envious of me performed black magic on me due to which I would feel that something had crawled up my back and was sitting on my head and I would also feel smoke like stuff coming out of mouth and chest. Along with that, I felt that something pressed me down and my face had turned blackish too.
After that I began to recite all letters from the Loh e Qurani and because of that I was able to attain much peace. The day the interview was scheduled, I began to feel distressed and confused once more but I kept reciting ‘Mauz Teen’ which helped me feel much better and I was able to give the interview with relative ease. On my way back and at night too, I kept reciting Mauz Teen and blowed on my chest. During that time, I noticed something leave my chest and there was a faint crack sound too. The second day, I once again blew on the heels of my feet after reciting Mauz Teen and then too, I could see the same smoke as before and the sound of something cracking. On the third day, I kept reciting Durud Sharif along with Istighfar. On my way the next day, I again saw something dark leave my head and fly away. And this happened once more too. During those days, I kept praying to Allah with much humility and asked Him to grant me success too. After some days, I got a call and found out that I had gotten the job. Alhumdulilah. (Muhammad Ajmal, Rajan Pur)