
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Joint pain, muscle pain and neck pain, find out their solutions!

Ubqari Magazine - April 2016

Zunair Ahsan, Lahore

Laidback lifestyle has given birth to various new things. There is a need to create awareness amongst people about health. Keeping a pillow too high during sleep also changes the normal anatomy of the spine. Those who have a neck pain problem should sleep without a pillow.

Our society is changing at a very fast pace. The concept of global village and corporate culture has also changed the standards of living and now whether it is a village or a city, lifestyles have definitely changed. The only difference is that in cities there is excess of technologies so people are caught up with machines the whole day. For homes, offices or other various works taking the help of machines has become more important than just a habit. Sitting continuously in offices, eat while sitting, then sitting after eating, working even when the body is exhausted, unhealthy foods, snacks, tea coffee and computer are all dangerous to health. In this way, lack of sleep can also create many problems. An assistant professor from a well-known and famous university of the country said “many daily routine activities in our lifestyles can lead to neck pains e.g. spending hours bending over the table either reading or writing, sitting or lying in such awkward postures while watching television or other things that the neck angles are wrong, looking at the t.v. or computer screen from a far above or far below angle, sleeping and waking up in a very uncomfortable posture, being careless while exercising the wrong way etc. because of all the aforementioned ways, the number of neck problems are increasing, and in this case the first thing affected with pain is the neck muscles. In a sitting posture where the head is continuously kept in one direction stiffens the neck muscles and makes them swollen and sore. Such a neck pain gets relieved by massaging Vicks, mustard oil or any balm. Keeping an ice pack also relieves it. Going stepwise by first placing an ice pack and then heating a cloth with iron and placing that cloth for 15-20 minutes continuously almost completely cures the pain. There should be a gap of at least one hour between both treatments. Physicians suggest that different angles of the neck e.g. turning it into different directions or keeping it still in one particular angle or sleeping in an awkward posture can cause its neck muscles to go into spasms. Apparently it’s just a pain but it’s closely associated with the modern lifestyle these days. Some severe illness, an old wound on the spine, or dislocation of the discs can also cause neck pain too. Old age can also lead to weakening of different body muscles. Increase in bone and joints diseases is also attributed to our unhealthy lifestyles. Such a pain which is caused only in the muscles continuously can be relieved by pain killers. In cases of severe pain and critical condition, soft collars can be advised for a particular amount of time to support the neck, and to bring it back to the right position. Getting your neck muscles pulled is a common phenomenon and happens every now and then. Exercises and pain killers is the best treatment for these. In case of a fracture, the doctor will recognize the fault with the help of an X ray and then selects the treatment plan according to the gravity of the situation. The race of competition and unhealthy lifestyles not only effect the neck but also various other body organs. Any internal or external injury or trauma to the anatomy of the spine can also spread the pain all up to the neck. Other body weaknesses like pain in the arms, can also lead to pain in neck.

Laidback lifestyle has given birth to various new things. There is a need to create awareness amongst people about health. Keeping a pillow too high during sleep also changes the normal anatomy of the spine. Those who have a neck pain problem should sleep without a pillow and consult an orthopedic surgeon to allot various exercises. Usually people ignore this kind of a pain and find their cure in changing the pillow or applying Vicks. This is totally wrong because in case of any ache, stiffness, or soreness, consultation with a doctor is must. Completing tasks with pressure on the body, keeping your body busy constantly in one posture, and ignoring an old persisting pain can also cause constant pain then.

To save oneself from this pain, some precautions can be taken. Use a chair during your office hours that has a comfortable back support, the computer screen should be angled according to the appropriate angle with the eyesight. If the work requires a lot of neck bending then in between you should take breaks and move the neck up again to give it a rest. Apart from the pillow, the mattress of the bed should be very soft as well. Always remember! Any sort of pressure or tiredness can cause neck pain. Hence, regular light neck exercises and precautionary measures should be a part of your lifestyle and is the intelligent thing to do. 

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