
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! May ALLAH keep you, your family and all UBQARI readers prosperous. On last EID UL AZHA I lost my gold earrings. I was very worried; I tried to search them everywhere but could not found them. I asked many people regarding this; some said that guests took them and some said that a family member took them and sold them. Everybody had a new story to tell us. I tried many rituals (WAZAIF) but couldn’t found them. After 3 months I lost all hope and gave up. During this I got UBQARI magazine from somewhere because of which my lost hope again returned after reading your spiritual article. I left all WAZAIF and started reading this WAZIFA  used to blow this WAZIFA on everything and used to recite it all day.  Yesterday I found those gold earrings from my own room. I unintentionally screamed with joy and amazement and my family members were also very happy. I thank my Lord many times that he returned me my gold earrings. May ALLAH keep you people happy and prosperous? Amen


Respected HAKEEM SAHAB ASLAM U ALIKUM! I am very fond of reading UBQARI magazine and I keep on getting lots of benefits from it. I am sharing my recent experience with readers that I got from your spiritual article. My niece lost gold tops recently, I advised my sister to recite  

الرَّحِیْمِYou may also try it. Me and my sister also started reciting this WAZIFA, That day my sister cleaned house with great care but didn’t found anything. She threw all dirt in dustbin. Next day when I was about to throw dustbin suddenly my sister told me to show her dustbin. She said it is quite possible that we may find those tops in dustbin. We started looking into dustbin while reciting this WAZIFA, suddenly we found the tops. No doubt it was the result of this WAZIFA.


Respected HAKEEM SAHAB ASLAMU ALIKUM! I really like your monthly UBQARI magazine. It solved many problems especially your spiritual article “secret of getting back lost belonging, person or wealth” made my life easier. I had many problems, in order to get rid of them I started reciting  I recited it for few months regularly and all my problems got solved as if they were not there. Alhamdulilah


Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! I have been reading UBQARI magazine since 2008. My few relatives told me about UBQARI. I work in a big cloth shop. Once I went to deposit money in bank, when I came back to shop and checked my pocket for the deposit slip suddenly darkness came in front of my eyes, I started searching for slip but couldn’t find it. That slip was a proof that I deposited money in bank; I didn’t even noted its number. I thought that if I would be unable to find the slip then my boss will doubt my loyalty. In this tension I went to check the street twice but couldn’t find the slip. Then I remember the WAZIFA of your spiritual article  I started reciting it and started talking to ALLAH in my heart that O ALLAH! Please help me find that slip otherwise I will be insulted. While I was passing the way and reciting it I suddenly saw the slip on a path which I crossed 2 times before. I went straight to mosque and prayed 2 RAKAT NAFAL for thanking ALLAH. I had tears in my eyes and I prayed for HAKEEM SAHAB and entire team of UBQARI. My ALLAH give them long life. Ameen


Respected HAKEEM SAHAB ASLAM U ALIKUM! We read your magazine UBQARI regularly every month. WAZIFA of your spiritual article solved our big problem. Some person had to give our money so my husband recited  many times. He recited it for few days only and that person came to our home to return the money although he was not returning it before.

READERS! I am returning secrets of your hearts; if you got any benefit from this WAZIFA please write it to me, I will be waiting. EDITOR!

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