Anyone who falls in 'love' and cannot fall out of it and has lost the peace in his or her life should apply this method given by a religious person. If you cannot stop thinking about a certain person and have lost focus in your studies or anywhere else then use this method. The permission to do so has been given by the religious person. Nowadays the world has become quite different and this method is a must to use. Recite the following verses 100 times in the morning daily:
Recite the four verses on one bead of tashbeeh then on the next bead again recite the four verses and in this way complete the entire tashbeeh. The religious person guarantees its success as he has seen more than just several people apply this method and live their lives peacefully. Whoever said that they would die without this woman or man used this method amd got rid of their lovesick behaviours hence protecting the faith and religion of their Lord. If by chance you experience such a feeling then use this method to erase it immediately. In one of the universities of America the students have named this method the 'heart cleanser'.