
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Jinn Enabled Me To Kiss Hajr E Aswad

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015

(Sheikh Ayub, Tank)

The old man asked Bhai whats the matter? Why are you crying? He told the old man that I’m here for Hajj, I have completed Hajj by the Grace of Allah but haven’t been given the opportunity to kiss Hajr e Aswad as yet. To tell you the truth, I have tried a lot but don’t get the courage after seeing the rush there.


This is the incident of the year 2000, when Allah gave me the honor to perform Hajj. Before Hajj we went to Madina, meaning, we performed the obligation of Umrah at Makkah when we reached, then left for Madina and then came back to Makkah later because we were only the second flight to leave for Hajj. There was no rush in Makkah at that time and we kissed Hajr e Aswad as much as we could and as the days of Hajj neared, the rush started to increase. Even after Hajj we had a stay of 15 days in Makkah Mukaramma. After Hajj one day I was busy doing Zikr after offering the Asr Salaat and was soothing my eyes by looking at the House Of Allah (Kaaba). A young and an old man were sitting on my right. On my left was a man of the age 40-45. Then suddenly the man on the left stood up and came to the old man on my right. He said Salaam to him first, then shook hands with him, and sat next to me and the old man and started crying badly. The old man asked Bhai whats the matter? Why are you crying? He told the old man that I’m here for Hajj, I have completed Hajj by the Grace of Allah but haven’t been given the opportunity to kiss Hajr e Aswad as yet. To tell you the truth, I have tried a lot but don’t get the courage after seeing the rush there. The old man said keep doing Istalaam, even that is right. He said I perform Istalaam in every circleambulation of Tawaaf, but I wish to kiss Hajr e Aswad. If I go back home after Hajj and meet other Hajjis of the city and they tell me they kissed Hajr e Aswad then I will be very ashamed that people who are weaker than me were able to do it. I will have regret of a lifetime that whether Im able to go again or not to the Harmain Shareef. He started crying again. The old man said keep sitting with me, after offering Maghrib Salaat InshaAllah will help you kiss Hajr e Aswad. I said to him Hazrat I have kissed Hajr e Aswad thrice, but there is still a wish to do that once more! The old man smiled and said okay, you can come along too. As soon as we have finished maghrib congregation prayer baba said rest prayer we will do later meaning Sunat and Nafl of Maghrib. He grabbed me with one and grabbed the other man from the other and moved forward so fast that I could feel that I’m moving in air. Then I heard him say ‘kiss it’, I swear by Allah we kissed it very properly as much as we wanted. Then he pulled us back and said lets go. I didn’t see the other man whether he gave the kiss or not. On our way back, the old man said do you see that man coming from front do you see the shine in his eyes? I looked at him and actually saw his eyes gleaming and shining, I asked old man who was that man? He said I will tell you once we reach our spot. We sat and rested for some time at our spot and offered Sunat and Awaabeen prayer. I asked old man where he was from. He said he was from India and comes for Hajj every year. I reminded him that he showed me a man with shining eyes while on our way back from Hajr e Aswad and asked him who he was? But he started talking about something else. A few moments later I inquired again. Old man said he was a jinn who was performing Tawaaf. I asked him if he sits at the same spot everday so that we can meet daily. He said in Haram Pak wherever there is space just sit there, don’t be a source of discomfort for the people and don’t allot any specific place. Believe me! For the rest of the 8 days that I was there in Makkah Mukaramma, I searched for that old man everywhere and after every Salaat, but didn’t see him again!

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