
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Effective Treatment Of Physical Diseases

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015

Physical Advice

For attention seeking issues, send reply back envelop with written address and the address should be prominent. If there is no reply back envelop than the query will not be answered. While writing, do not add extra glue or tape and do not use staples, privacy will be ensured, write your name on one side of the page. Do mention name, city’s name and complete address in end of the writing.


Ear’s Balance Out:I had flu, sneezing and running nose and there was thick yellow mater coming out of nose, i went for treatment and everything got fine but there was severe giddiness even I can’t stand straight now. I get treatment and get fine for some times but then again suffer from this situation. People say that my ear’s balance is out. (Sadaf, Gujranwala)

Advice:Use Arq Amba Asil in morning and evening. And use Arq Ma allaham sa Atisha after food. Use this prescription for some time with consistency.


Black Skin:Around ten years ago, I got my foot burnt with warm water and due to insufficient treatment, the skin of my foot become black. Can it become normal. Suggest me any medicine. (Afshaan, Multan)

Advice:Use pure cow’s butter daily on affected part in very small quantity. The treatment is long and will not get result very soon.


Indigestion problem:My son’s age is 16 years and he is suffering from indigestion and acidity. He mouth also gets affected with this. He has heat in ureter, constipation and there are pimples on his face. He stays in anger. Kindly, suggest any treatment for him. (Abu Abdullah, Khanewal)

Answer:respected! Give this following prescription to your son for some time. Before food in morning and evening take half tea spoon of Khameera Gao zaban ambri jawahirdar and one tea spoon of khameera badaam with water.use 3 table spoons of sharbat Annab two times mixed in a glass of water. While sleeping at night, give your child a warm glass of milk. InshAllah he will get relief. Try to avoid market made food and maintain the habit of exercise. Immediately after food, avoid taking much water or tea.


Dark Complexion:I am 26 years of age and I am having frickles on my face. There are somewhere dark or somewhere light marks and the complexion is turning dark, I am worried about it. Kindly! Advice me some effective prescription. (Sobia)

Answer:blood infections of lack of blood, disturbed periods or closure, exposure to sunlight and lack of skin care, indigestion, liver issues and any reason before and after pregnancy result in this situation. Use the following prescription. InshAllah your problem will go away, before food in morning and evening, use one tea spoon of Maajoon Ashba with half cup of Arq Murakkab Masfa Khoon and after food in morning and afternoon take two tablets of Akseer Jigar with water. While sleeping at night, take one table spoon of Atreefal Shahtra.


Sleeplessness: I am 31 years old and I do a private job in shifts. For some time, i feel laziness and weakness during work and I am suffering from sleeplessness. My mind remains numb, kindly suggest me some prescription due to which i can sleep and get rid of this situation. (Muhammad Asif)

Answer:Usually the reason for sleeplessness is dryness in brain, worries, use of tea or coffee in abundance or taking tea or coffee before sleep, working in shifts or any other trauma. You should use the following prescription InshAllah your sleep will be fine. Huwalshafi: take one teaspoon of khameera badaam in morning and evening and khameera gao zaban sada one spoon with water. After meals in morning, afternoon and evening, take one tea spoon of Jawarish Shahi with water and while sleeping use Ubqari’s medicine Satar Shifayain with water. Massage head and headsides with poppy seed oil with soft hands. Use digestive and soft things in food, liquids, vegetable and fruits.


Liver Problem:I am suffering from severe Liver problem for last few years. I am tired of getting different treatments. Please suggest me some prescription. (Shafqat Hussain, Karachi)

Advice: Use following prescription for liver. Huwalshafi: anise seed 6 grams, gul surkh 6 grams, mint 6 grams, take 250 ml water and boil it with these ingredients and drink in morning and evening. Use Hepatitis Nijaat Syrup of Ubqari after food in morning and evening and use according to the given prescription on the medicine bottle. Do not take cold water empty stomach in morning.


Wounds on fingers:I have wounds on fingers of my feet and due to doing ablution again and again, fingers are getting infected from inside and due to which I am in pain. Please suggest me any prescription. (Mrs Rizwan)

Advice: use the following prescription; take two tablets of Khoon Safa half hour before meal in morning and evening, Maajoon Ashba half tea spoon with Arq Ashba. Before sleeping at night take Atrafeel Shahtra one tea spoon with water.

Whenever you perform ablution, dry your fingers with a fabric. Do not wear close shoe in wet feet and try to avoid standing on a wet place. Try to keep your feet dried.

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