
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Beauty and health and fitness experiences for Evergreen 8

Ubqari Magazine - January 2014

Home remedies for beautiful skin:

One reason for freckles can be working in the sun for long time. In that case avoid going out in the sun and eat fruit rich in Vitamin c. It is very important to treat all sorts of toxins in the body to get rid of any marks or pimples on the face. For this reason it is essential to eat just fruits for few days and avoid any oily or fried food. One should spend life in a healthy manner. To rejuvenate the skin, one should rub face with dry towel and wash it with cold water. Prevent constipation and drink more water. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Avoid spices, fish, eggs etc. Use Multi vitamins.

  1. Use rose water daily for freshness
  2. If kalonji is eaten with olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning then face becomes pink
  3. Consumer lemon juice prior to meal with slight grinded ginger
  4. Drink sugar-cane juice early morning with orange/lemon juice added.
  5. To make body beautiful and powerful, massage body with olive oil, at least once a week
  6. To detox your blood consume pomegranate juice or pomegranate.
  7. Adding lemon and honey to a glass of water cleanses the body and improves complexion
  8. If honey is applied to a fresh injury then the injury heals quickly. Mask of honey is very effective on burnt areas.
  9. To beautify your body, include milk, butter and honey in your diet.
  10. Drink carrot juice first thing in the morning. Drinking this will help the condition of blood.
  11. Problems in blood flow and allergy pimples can be cured by half a kilo of oranges (maltay) every day. Within at least one week, your body’s complexion will become clear and blood would be cleared of impurities
  12. All skin problems can be cured by 7 grains of unaab, which can be placed in water overnight. And this water can be used, in the morning, after squishing the seeds/grains.
  13. Honey and carrot juice can also prove to be very beneficial.
  14. For wrinkles on face, use tomato and cucumber juice in equal amounts and rub on the wrinkles
  15. 3 spoons honey and one spoon of cinnamon powder can be made into a paste and applied on pimples and marks to cure them. Wash the face in the morning and continue using this tip for 2 weeks
  16. Mashed form of banana and seeds of melon can be mixed and applied on face. Using this mixture for some days can help diminish marks and pimple
  17. Pimples, marks, whiteheads can be cured by using peelings of meethay after making a paste of them in water by grinding
  18. Peelings of maltay mixed in milk can also help in lessening marks on face.
  19. Lemon juice, Kashgari safaida and glycerine mixed in equal amounts also helps if applied on face
  20. Keep zard-kodi and vinegar for 3 days in a clay bowl, and then dry it out in shade. Use this mixture on whiteheads.
  21. Gal-mandi 6 gm boiled in half a glass of water, passed through sieve and with honey added, should be used.
  22.  Inner part of Aloe Vera leaves can be used on dry and flaky skin to moisturize it.
  23. For oily skin, use white of an egg along with yogurt (use yogurt without its creamy part), rose water, lemon juice, and JO (barley) flour. Use this mixture as a mask and wash with water after sometime. This mask would help get rid of oil on face and would make the skin appear fresh.
  24. Honey and lemon or juice of ginger can also be used for oily skin
  25. For discoloured patches on face, mash together the seed of mango and seeds of jaman and use this paste.

26. Cucumber helps to enhance the texture of your skin, so use its cuttings and apply it on the face for 15 minutes.

27.one tablespoon coconut oil ,one spoon almond oil, one capsule vitamin E. mix all these ingredients and use this to massage the discoloured patch on face at night and wash in the morning. This would help make your face glow and diminish discoloration.

28. Half a quarter of wheat flour, vinegar 1 tablespoon can be mixed together and applied on whiteheads or pimples to help cure them. Use this paste two times in one day for 5 minutes interval.

29. Take the mashed form of a ripe banana and add one teaspoon of honey in it; use this mixture on face and then wash after sometime with warm water to get softer facial skin.

30. Take one tablespoon tomato juice and one tablespoon lemon juice and mix them together to apply on face and get softer skin.

31. Take small leaf lings of Neem around 6 or 7 in number. For 7 days eat first thing in the morning with water. This would cure your blood from impurities.

32. Eat 6 or 7 seeds of pomegranate first thing in the morning. This would help strengthen your immune system.

33. Add split black lentil (maash dal) in a glass full of water and keep it overnight.in the morning mash the grains and apply on the face to get rid of scars, pimples, and any discoloration.

To turn a darker complexion into a fairer one:

Grapes are a very common fruit but in reference to face cleansing they enjoy a unique position. There is also a famous saying which goes as this that he who eats 21 grapes everyday would be safe from all those illnesses that he fears.to make your body healthier and good looking ,one must eat half a quarter of grapes every day.

A unique tip for incurable diseases:

Isphagol chilkah 50 gm, kalonji (Onion seeds) 50 gm, pure honey 100 gm

Mash the kalonji and add this along with isphagol to honey. Keep this preserved in a jar. Eat one spoon of this in the morning evening and afternoon. You could also use it first thing in the morning.

Tip for increased mental and eyesight health

Mental health for students is very vital and in this regard many face constant trouble in maintaining or even upgrading their memory and eyesight.

The method to cure the above mentioned problem is as follows

Huwasshafi (may Allah give you health):

Walnut 100 gm, desi almonds 100 gm, saunf 100 gm, green illaichi (Cardamom) 10 gm, black pepper 10 gm, misri one quarter.

Mash all these ingredients separately and then mix them together in the end. Eat one spoon of this three times a day with milk or water.

Continuous use of this tip would give u increased mental health within weeks.

Avoid the following:

Very Spicy foods, Sour and uncooked foods.

One who suffers from the above mentioned problem should take measures to avoid constipation by eating vegetables, nuts, and fruits. Before going to bed massage mustard oil onto scalp.

This tip helps to cure all mental diseases such as depression tension anxiety along with flu.

Spiritual tip for pain in joints

To cure any ache of the body muscles or joints, massage olive oil. But prior to this; recite 125 times surah fatihah over this oil. And then use this oil and massage it on the aching muscle or joint before going to bed. Inshah Allah the ache will be cured. While doing this tip, avoid using this oil when the body is impure or when you wish to have intercourse with the spouse.

Also you could recite surah fatihah 125 times over water in a bottle and drink a few sips before going to bed at night. Read surah fatihah in a single sitting.

Centuries old secrets for health and beauty

[Muzaffar khan; Mianwali]

Honourable Hakeem sahib; Assalam-0-alaikum,

Ubqari magazine is one such magazine which stands as a source of great knowledge with reference to field of science, medicine and nutrition. It brings to limelight spiritual cures and Islamic medicinal tips which help a great deal to revive the age old tested cures for people of the present generation.

In the issue of January 2014, I am sending my article titled ‘beauty and health, secrets to fitness, and tested cures.’

Beauty and health: Experts related to health and medicine agree on the fact that a human’s creation is most suited to the activities it is supposed to carry out, meaning that its body is fully adapted for maximum efficiency. This is explained explicitly in the following Quranic verse of Surah Teen; 4:

لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْاِنْسَانَ فِی اَحْسَنِ تَقْوِیْمٍ

For maintenance of these very features which make a human being unique, hakeems and medicinal experts have collected helpful material which is most suited and most appreciated by people of the subcontinent. Principle Hakeem Muhammad Kabeer-ud-din TIBIA College writes in Mezan -tibb that to preserve body health one must eat those things which are beneficial to the stomach such as fruits, vegetables as well as massage using different oils.

According to Doctor Hakeem Mirza Munawar Baig (M.A) Professor Tibia College, history of human medicine tells us that in Greek and Roman empires, oils were massaged on chest and back to maintain good health. During the Mughal era in the subcontinent, such observations were also made. Women used milk and oils to massage the chest to preserve their beauty and health. Egyptian women also used palm oil, almond oil and olive oil in their diet as well as on their body. The most beautiful women when questioned about the secrets to their beauty always told the usage of rosewater and almond oil to be very beneficial.

Shastroon of Arweed have written that those people who lack a nutritional diet and stay hungry for longer periods of time lose their youth and freshness. Using more of sour and tangy foods as well as sodas can lead to stomach problems which ultimately results in loss of beauty. Tension, anxiety, and stress too can be the cause of many skin related problems. Renowned expert of medicine Hakeem Dewaan Kahan Chand sahib writes about human health that a human can preserve his beauty only when he does not suffer from stomach problems. Other diseases which lead to dampening of natural beauty include winter dryness of body and, stomach problems such as severe constipation, gas, and lesser red blood cells. To cure the above mentioned problems, medical experts have recommended the use of seasonal fruits and vegetables. For example apples, grapes, pomegranate, figs, which help to cure stomach problem. Also the use of various oils helps revive body freshness and glow. One of the famous Shastroon of Arweed, Shermani Koka Kashmiri writes that the use of low quality spices, metal, powders, as well as unauthorized medicines and capsules can undoubtedly lead to many medical problems instead of providing cure.

Experts in the field of health and medicine have always agreed on one basic fact and that is that the intake of fruits, vegetables, dry fruits, non-artificial drinks and various oils results in increased immunity as well as better outer appearance of body.

Doctor Hakeem Mirza Munawar Baig (M.A) professor Tibbia college notifies us that for decreased strength of body, eyesight, memory, heart and stomach, a very unique powder exists which is a cure for all these problems. The method to prepare this special powder is in the following:

Huwasshafi: almonds with their skin peeled off, Fennel / Aniseed, chickpeas slightly cooked, pure misri

Mix all these ingredients in equal quantity and eat a spoon of this powder with milk or water.

Medical experts from India also wrote that fruit juice especially of mango, carrots, pomegranate, grapes and apple proves to be very effective in giving a natural glow, curing stomach problems of constipation and blood impurities. Skin related problems like itching and lack of blood are also catered to by fresh fruit juices. Hakeem jal-yunus Hakeem aazam khan mentioned the use of figs and bargad in all his prescriptions.

For all those who suffer from constipation, lack of red blood cells as well as dampened skin colour, along with laziness, tiredness and lack of hunger, should use the following powder.

Ingredients for this strength powder (kushta faulaad) are as follows:

Baraada faulad 1 tola, lemon juice 10 tolas, grape juice 20 tola


Barada faulad ko tharpala.

Dip it in juice of grapes or oranges (sangtaray) and then for the next 24 hours keep it in lemon juice. After that wash it and then keep this in grape or pomegranate juice in a clay pot for 21 days, if the juice dries out then add more. Then mix it with your hands. After taking the barada and drying it add more and grind it.

Method of use: take the above mentioned mixture in quantity equal to two rice grains; add juice of pomegranate and butter. This tip would help increase body fitness.

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