
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Your dream and bright interpretation

Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

Extreme Fear,

Dream: I saw this dream at last moment of night. I saw that there is a dense jungle and I am passing by it. When I reach the center of jungle I got so much scared that I start returning. On the way two dogs surround me. I am trying to get rid of them but they are coming behind me constantly. I threw stone at them, one ran away but other kept following me. Then nearby I see bone of dead animal. I smashed that bone on dog’s head; he got unconscious and I ran away. On the way man asks me where you are going? I said I am going to college he replies that college is this way. I start walking towards that direction and then I woke up. (Abdul Majid. Sheikhupura)

Interpretation: according to your dream you will stuck in some problem. Do good deeds and get instructions from pious people to set course. INSHALLAH you will get out of every trouble.

Divine help

Dream: one day I was cleaning water channel of my colony. I was alone and I was cleaning from home till water channel. Suddenly my father came who has died. There was another man with him and both of them helped me a lot in my work. (Rashid, Peshawar)

Interpretation: according to your dream you will get Divine help and INSHALLAH you will repent on your sins. Read Astagfar at least 10 times after every prayer.

News of success

Dream: Nowadays after Fajar prayer I recite Sura Maryam. One day after recitation while asleep I saw that all of us are in hospital. I have my new born baby in my lap. Beside me there is a women standing of elderly age. (I consider her as my mother in law where as I am unmarried girl) that women took baby from me and place him in a glass box to give him warm water bath. Behind me there are some other family members also standing but I don’t know who they are. After bath that women wrap that baby in towel and I take baby in my lap and say he is a boy. From behind I hear voice of Thanks to ALLAH. (I thought that voice is of my husband) that baby opens his eyes and sees me and smile. I became very happy. Baby seems to be very naughty. I say that this baby will be very intelligent. After it may be my father take him in his lap. After few moment baby was with me. He says that he want to urinate, I get surprisingly happy and tell me sister that see this small baby can speak, after it I take him to washroom for his need and then I give to my younger sister. (Rabia, Ghotki)

Interpretation: according to your dream you will get extreme success in some matter for which you are waiting. After every prayer say YA BADEOO 21 times and make dua.

Mother flies airplane

Dream:  I see that I and my mother are in a journey. In the corridor of a building I am going down from stairs (two or four) and asking someone that which is the direction of Saudi Arabia or Makah? I have my personal airplane but I am forced to land on the way because I don’t know direction. Then I saw that person pointed towards West and said that way because sun is setting in that direction. Then I saw that my mother is flying airplane. We are flying 5-6 feet above ground infect we are flying over the heads of people, suddenly I saw a long man in our way and I ask my mother to move steering upwards. Then airplane moves upwards speedily. Then I wake up. (Majid, Khanewal)

Interpretation: according to your dream, you have been told that you are struck in matters of this world. If you spend some time for ALLAH then INSHALLAH you will gain success. Recite Astaghfar abundantly.

Two Holy Kabah

Dream:  I see that I am on Hajj with my family. With few people I am standing on the upper floor of Masjid Haram. Then we came down from there. Scene changes then I am in a garden and there is another Bait Ullah. Due to unknown reason Real Kabah is also in my sight. Then from above someone does something that Bait Ullah of garden disappears.  Here I want to mention that people were offering prayer beside both Holy Kabbahs. (Muhammad Waheed, Lahore)

Interpretation: according to your dream people who have made this world their center, at last this world will disappear but ALLAH’s home will be there. It is better that you link yourself with some spiritual saint for your correction till then keep on reading your books and books written by pious people.

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