
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Eat Cantaloupe in Ramadhan and Get Rid of Diseases

Ubqari Magazine - July 2013

Should the patients of stomach ulcer use cantaloupe, it would be beneficial for them. This is evident from experience that cantaloupe removes all the useless chemicals from the stomach. In the current era of chemical fertilizers, if cantaloupe is used a person can remain safe from many illnesses.

(Editor Hakeem Tariq Mehmood Chughtai, Ubqari)

Cantaloupe is a well known fruit. This beneficial fruit is useful for the renewal of bile. Meaning that those illnesses that are linked to heat and dryness vanish due to its use. Similarly for ailments of the heart it is a useful medicine and diet. Please eat cantaloupe in the case of high blood pressure without any hesitation. A person suffered from anxiety. At night at some time the heart would beat with such an intensity that the bed would start moving. He went abroad for treatment but to no avail. His heart would become out of control on minor things. He was asked to apply sange yashp on heart and to use it by blending it in rose extract and kewra extract and was given cantaloupe to eat. After a month he was unhappy about his expenditures for going abroad because he had recovered. Just as the sherbet of honey is beneficial for kidneys, similarly cantaloupe washes the kidneys, rather strengthens it also. Other than this it is beneficial for the injuries of kidneys, sores, scratches and stones too. If it is used constantly for the removal of stones of kidneys, they are removed and their further formation is inhibited.

Cure of the illnesses of urine: If there is a stoppage or burning of urine, or if it comes drop by drop. In such a situation cantaloupe is very beneficial and effective. Some people used to have oil-like urine. And they used to have a lot of burns. They benefited from cantaloupe. A person had a problem that his urine drops would fall when he would urinate, when he used cantaloupe he recovered. Similarly severe burns in sozaak leaves a person in a bad state. A person used to urinate by using a pipe. He improved by the use of cantaloupe. He met me after a month and told me that he had left all the medicines and was eating cantaloupe and he was happy. Cantaloupe removes all the symptoms related to urine.

Cantaloupe an Effective Medicine and Diet: Cantaloupe is effective for lack of sleep, dreamlessness, and compulsion to use medicine for sleeping. The people who are deprived of natural sleep should use cantaloupe on a regular basis. Black circles around the eyes lessen the natural beauty of the face. In such a problem cantaloupe is very effective as a diet and medicine. Such as a patient of jaundice feels more benefit due to the sherbet of honey, similarly cantaloupe is effective for jaundice and its aftermath. If the taste of the mouth worsens after jaundice, should one feel thirsty all the time, cantaloupe is very effective in such a case. Other than this cantaloupe is a well known cure for liver sores, weakness, and injuries. Its continuous usage is a cause of their permanent removal. Headache of the half head also ameliorates due to cantaloupe.

Eat Cantaloupe and Get Rid of Allergy: Cantaloupe is beneficial in such an allergy in which the skin becomes red. In which red spots develop on the whole body. Or on little rubbing the skin becomes red. In such states if abstinence from eggs, meat and spices is observed and one keeps on using cantaloupe, it gives a lot of peace of mind.

Culmination of Stomach Ulcer With Cantaloupe: Cantaloupe is very beneficial for the patients of stomach ulcer. This is proven with observation that cantaloupe removes all the unnecessary chemicals from the body. In the present era of chemical fertilizers if cantaloupe is used, then a person can be saved from a lot of illnesses. Some people complain that they are very lean and lank. If such people start eating mangoes and cantaloupe they can become more healthy. Because cantaloupe increases secretions in the body and removes heat and dryness from the body. One thing should be borne along with medicine, prevention is much better. If preventive diet is not taken, then the disease cannot improve. The example of this is such that if a patient of ulcer drinks a lemon squash and then complain about increased illness.

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