
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Authentic sprirtual wazaifs of Hazrat Khawja Dost Muhammad Qandhari رحمتہ اللہ علیہ

Ubqari Magazine - November 2018

Perform 02 rakat Prayer of “Salat ul Hajat”. In first rakat pray “Aiyat ul Kursi” after Surah Fateh and in second rakat pray “Surah Ikhlas” after Surah Fateh. After Salam recite “یا ھادی” as much as you can and then lay yourself in prostrate position and ask Allah almighty to fulfil all your legal desires. InshAllah All legal desired will be fulfilled by Allah Almighty.   

To overcome your enemies: -   if any person is engulfed with enemies and his enemies are strong and powerful. So in order to overcome his enemies he should recite following verse every time. Or recite 100 times after every prayers with Darood shareef before and after three times. By the grace of Allah Almighty he will overcome his enemies. The verse is as under

اللھم منزل الکتاب مجری السحاب سریع الحساب ھازم الاحزاب اھزمھم

To avoid evil eye: - if any child is effected from evil eye and due to this evil eye he could not take milk or children always kept weeping. For this purpose write this taweez after performing ablution and put it in the neck of child. The naqash is as under:























For Urine and waste:-   if any person has problem in urine and waste disbursement so to overcome his disbursement problem he should writ this taweez and put plastic cover on it and gave to affected person. By the grace of Allah, his urine and waste disbursement problem will be solved. The verse is as under:-

 “﷽ و بست الجبال بسا- فکانت ھباء منبثا (الواقعہ 5-6) و حملت الارض و الجبال فد کتا دکتہ وحدۃ فیؤمئذ و قعت الواقعہ- و انشقت السماء فھی یؤمئذ واھیتہ (الحاقتہ 14-16)

For Lending/Paying the Debt: - if a person is tightened in debt and is unable to pay the loan. For that after performing first 02 rakat Sunnah of Fajar prayers, read Darood Pak 11 times and then recite Surah Fateh 41 times. Then read Darood Pak 11 times and pray to Allah. After this at the time of sleep, after Eisha with ablution sit on a clean bed and read three time Darood pak after and before their prayer.

 “اعوذ باللہ العظیم الذی لیس شیء اعظم منہ و بکلمات اللہ التامات التی لا یجاوزھن بر ولا فاجر و باسماء اللہ الحسنی کلھا ما عملت منھا وما لم اعلم من شر ما خلق و ذرا وبرا


For Heart Pain:- If someone heart is in pain he should write this ayat on a paper along with his treatment then put it in the patient neck after getting It laminated in the form a tweeze. That recite this.     

 “الہی بحرمت دوست محمد قندھاری رحمتہ اللہ علیہ و الہی بحرمت شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ

Dislocation of Naval:  If someone naval leave the place and does not stay in one place then mostly it causes a waist pain, backbone and sometime Stomach pain and motions. For that write the following ayat on a paper with ablution and get the paper laminated in form of tweeze and tighup the tweeze on the exact place in way that it should not move otherwise the naval will also move to the directions the Tweeze move those ayat are mentioned here.

Children, Wife, Parents and Husband will treat with Love: - if a person wife or children are disobedient or some ones husbands’ treatment with wife is cruel for that write the following tweeze 03 times with ablution and mix it in water and give to patient for drink 03 days. One tweeze will be used continuously for 03 days after 03 days the next will be dissolved in the water and that water will be used for next three days likewise. The 03rd one tweeze that tweeze is here.

If a Jealous is not turning away from: - if an enemy is such who does not turn away for operation and wrongfully behaved. To let him down after Magrib prayer read these verse 322 times , read Darood Pak before and after 03 times. Read the words daily continuously

For Protection of safe of your children. (Safety from Evil eyes).  If a child is usually get victim of evil eyes or if he keeps crying frequently or keep crying while at sleep. For this write the following words on paper with ablution and make a Tweeze of it and put in the neck of the patient. Those words are mentioned here.

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