
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - April 2017

I have brought this stone from the valley of Jinnat!: After the pray, a Jin sitting in this gathering took out some stones in front of me from a pouch of leather and said: Kindly choose anyone stone from these as I want to give you a stone as gift, I asked that why are you giving me this stone, he said: Actually I brought this stone from the valley of Jinnat and while mentioning about valley of Jinnat, he looked towards me attentively and said that this valley of Jinnat is actually at a far end of Himalayas and at such a place where a lot of Jinnat live and I can say this with faith and confidence, while saying this he put a glance at the gathering of Jinnat and repeated, that I can say this with surety that at the far end of Himalayas such people (Jinnat) live, who are very pious and God fearing and they have a special knowledge about the words of Allah جل جلالہ, power and blessings of the Ayah of Holy Quran, is much revealed upon them and they have given such effect to the every nook and corner of the valley with word of Allah and its Ayahs that even if a stone is picked up from any part of this area, and in whichever dark room you keep this stone, the room will be illuminated in such a way that even a lamp cannot do.


The Room started shining with a small stone: While saying this, he took me to an adjacent room and he shut closed the windows and doors of this room, it became dark, he took out the leather pouch and asked me that you take out any stone yourself, I put my hand inside the pouch and deliberately took out the smallest stone which was more small than the rest of the stones, the moment I took out my hand from the pouch, holding the stones, all the room started shining with light. I was amazed! I realized that if Allah’s Noor (light) gets into the stones, they become so bright and shiny, and if the same Noor gets inside a human being then why would the evil Jinnat not become helpless because of Noor of such person and due to this, the spiritual wall and the system of protection with angels was there.

You must take a stone: He said to me, you must take a stone. I kept the same small stone with me, he insisted that you take the big stone as its light would be more, but I thought otherwise and kept the small stone with me, it is with me till today. Strange light, strange Noor and what I have done is that whatever Zikar, recitations and pious acts I do, I blow towards this stone and its light is much more the day I do it.


Know, how do Jinnat misguide our generations: It was my desire of many times, that the Jinnat of cave tell the observations and the way of living of their life and the way Jinnat effect the lives of human beings, it will be beneficial for me, and readers of Ubqari will also get a lot of benefits from it, as now there was some acquaintance with the caravan and these Jinnat were introduced to me and then there was a Jin amongst them who not only knew me before hand but, with the grace of Allah جل جلالہ and his mercy many of his desires were also fulfilled with the blessings of my prays, so, I again took up the subject and made the Jinnat attentive that why should we not start the topic again as this will be very informative of the affairs of the creations of Allah جل جلالہ. Again, I asked a question and in this question, many Jinnat of the caravan were also attentive rather all of them were attentive. I asked a question that please tell that Jinnat steal our treasures, our food mislead our young women and tease them too and keep a bad intention towards them rather do bad things to them too, how do they mislead and tease our generations, how do they bring various illnesses and troubles from one area to another?


If Jinnat get attentive towards evil and troublemaking, then! Before cave Jinnat would say anything, one old Jin of the caravan who was not that old, immediately said: That actually, the thing is that if any Jin from us gets naughty and evil then all of this, becomes the part of his duty, our job is to be of benefit for the creation of Allah SWT, day and night to spread goodness as just now you were telling with reference to the cave Jinnat that they were going in a wedding ceremony and over there, there were spiritual walls and protection through angels, parameter of angels everywhere and upon investigation, it was revealed that a pious saint was present there and due to his pious acts and good deeds, Allah SWT had blessed him and all the gathering with such big blessings, such Barakat, similarly, when our Jinnat who mostly are evil and naughty get attentive towards evil doings and troublemaking, then one thing is there in their life, which they want to spread themselves, whether it is in the shape of sorrow or pain, and we also try that they do not do so but at times we become helpless.


This is the power and effect of earning through legitimate means: Stating an example a caravan Jin said: Often a lot of thousands of years and centuries old treasures are buried and if there is no owner of these treasures then there is a divine system of protection for them and Jinnat try that they can steal these treasures, but as there is a parameter of angels and protection of angels and if these treasures are of earnings by legitimate means, then their divine protection is such that if some very powerful Jin Afreet etc. even if looks deeply towards it, what to say of reaching it, then his eyes go blind, this is the power and effect of earnings by legitimate means. Now, Jinnat try to take out these treasures and loot them.

Desert Jinnat and search of treasures: Once upon a time, there was a treasure inside the fort in the City of Hyderabad and people did not know of this treasure, the desert Jinnat in the adjacent Thar area were in search of this treasure since a long time and then they found it, now they wanted to take it out somehow, I was listening to the conversation of cave Jin. The cave Jinnat were also attentive and were nodding their heads, truthfulness, reality and sincerity could be clearly felt in the conversation of cave Jin. He said: Once they made a definite programme to go the Hyderabad fort to get the treasure, beneath the fort there was a very big treasure, in which there were hundreds and thousands of diamonds, jewels, pearls and hundreds of kilos of gold, silver and precious stones, the worth of which in the world would be perhaps billions and trillions and more, in all they were 37 Jinnat and when they reached over there to take out the treasure 

They did not realize that there is a divine system of protection by angels, they did not feel this parameter and did not care, they just wanted to take away the treasure and went forward like storm and fast wind and suddenly there was a horrifying blast and a jerk, with which in a moment 8 Jinnat were burnt, they started screaming and shouting and got back, then they realized that there is something over here, when their realization increased, one of Jin amongst them who was a wise and knowledgeable Jin, started to assess the situation as per his understanding and while doing so, due to his knowledge, he reached the conclusion and said that, get away, even if we move forward, the angels will burn us, we have power as we are Jinnat but we Jinnat are not more powerful than angels.


Tired, losers, wounded Jinnat: These tired and loser and wounded Jinnat went back and the ones who were not hurt, went far away with concern and regret. A caravan Jin was still talking that the cave Jin said, I have innumerous stories about treasures. The way, human beings are in search of treasures, similarly Jinnat are in search of treasures too, but Jinnat can see the treasures whereas humans cannot but, can take them out, if Jinnat can take them out then such instances could not have occurred from time to time in the world of human beings that a treasure was found from this place and that place, no treasure had ever been discovered, rather Jinnat would have looted all the treasures. I realized that today’s gathering was an important one, it was my desire to take more information from them and especially regarding treasures.


Did any Jin get any information regarding treasures? During this, I myself asked a question that if any Jin amongst you has any information about any treasure then please do tell me, many Jinnat wanted to talk about the information they had regarding treasures but the cave Jin talked about one treasure, desire was to listen to only one at a time. He said that I use to do some service and job in appearance of a human being and at a place, some construction was going on.

Do not try to take this treasure, innumerous Jinnat have been killed: I realized that there is some treasure over here and then as we are Jinnat and we had assessed it for sure that it is so, and were satisfied as we had seen them, now I was in that search of a suitable time that somehow I get this treasure and once I tried it too, somehow I get this treasure, but someone told me that do not try to get the treasure, innumerous Jinnat have been killed, there was an old person amongst us who was an expert in the world of “Amliyaat” (spiritual acts), he was very famous, the effect of his “taveez” was tried out, had checked his wazaif (acts) many times and many times it so happened that no matter how strange and impossible tasks that were given to him and he would not have done them within few days. Happily I went to him so that he can guide me how to get this treasure.

What to talk of getting treasures I started feeling drained out: Treasure was a big one and it was in my heart that I will tell him clearly that whatever share he wants to take from the treasure, he could take it and I will give it to him but somehow I should get this treasure, while talking to him, when I mentioned my desire to get the treasure, he said forget about your desire, you can lose your life too then he looked at me with sharp eyes and said: You know that I am an expert Aamil and if I say it myself that I am a complete master of a big Mantar and hidden subjects then I will not be wrong but remember one thing that at times, treasures are amanat of some people, at times of some generations, and at times Allah جل جلالہ alone keeps them hidden and why, the secret is known to Allah جل جلالہ. In the beginning days, I also tried that I can take out the treasures but what to say of getting treasures I felt my life draining out of me and I saved my life and went away.

Be Warn, Leave the thought of treasure: Once it so happened that in order to find a treasure, I started a 41 days Chilla (communion) and while doing so, 37 days had passed and I was full of hope and expectations that now I will achieve my objective but I was extremely disillusioned when after 39 days a very powerful species who were unknown to me? Nor angels, nor humans, came and stood in front of me and said: If you did not have powerful acts for protection and a parameter of protection around you, we would have torn you apart in bits and pieces, so much so, that we would have destroyed your generations and would have finished your generations, but tomorrow is the last day and tomorrow it will be decided, meaning it will be 40th day and we had planned to kill you on the 40th day but there are few things which protected you, be warn, leave the thought of treasure.

This system is safer than that of Jinnat: Readers! Whether Jinnat or humans, a divine system of protection is around them, it is such an invisible system which only Lord of the heavens knows, ordinary person cannot understand it nor can comprehend it and neither can he change it so much so that sustainer (Allah SWT) has kept this system even safe from Jinnat, you would be astonished that Jinnat can see this system, can judge it but cannot take out the treasure, same happened to this Jin, he did a Chilla (communion) of 40 days but again the same invisible force which was appointed for the protection of the treasure! A certain time is awaited that when and at which placed these treasures will come out, and who is the inheritor? From which places people will come, how will it be sold? And where it will be used?


Innumerous stories about taking out treasures: There are many evidences with me about the people who tried to take out the treasures on the basis of their knowledge, as the all knowing is only the Sustainer (Allah جل جلالہ) and the instance of Haroot and Maroot also tells us this, meaning it is in the Holy Quran that Allah SWT gives a chance and knowledge with it, as goodness is also present and evil is also there, so now whoever wants he can do good, and whoever desires, can do evil, now even if they tried and even if they succeeded in their attempt and the treasure came out also but in this treasure there is bloodshed, killing, quarrels, illnesses, pains, problems, difficulties, cases, irritants, ruining of generations, dearth of sons and problems one after another and leads to continuous difficulties and irritants. A person came to me as I had told him about a spiritual act due to which on the 40th day one gets a clear sign that whether this treasure is for goodness and Barakats for you or not (continued)

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