
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

These uneasiness, deaths, suicides and fights

Ubqari Magazine - February 2017

Divorce without any reason:

This universe is working under one system. Allah has made rule for everyone. Whoever will go against these rules, he would have to bear the intense results. Whoever will do cruelty with anyone, without any reason, he could have to give its accountability. These all incidents are spread around us. But the strip of being busy is on our eyes and we can neither see the sky system of Allah and nor we try to understand it. One incident of such kind, took place in our area that the father had job on very good level. Due to the job, the father had to remain outside the house mostly. Father was himself pious and used to offer prayer but due to busy schedule, won’t able to give time to children and couldn’t do their proper training. He couldn’t see the routine of children, couldn’t judge the society. There was abundance of wealth at home. But there was no control of father, due to which the children became stubborn and disobedient. Strange kind of superiority feeling produced in son. When father came home after retirement, he saw the environment of house and put limitations that come back home on time, go after telling, who are the friends? But now it was late. This thing stuck in the mind of son that father is against him, he don’t let me go anywhere and father has snatched his independence. The son was now 25 years old. He used to remain silent due to this strictness. The father discussed with his mother that he shall be married. Without the will of son, he was married to the Hafiz-e-Quran girl of religious family. Son was habitual of independent environment; wife was habitual of prayer and fast. Due to this, the mental adjustment couldn’t produce, due to which the son started spending most of the time outside. As this thing was against the nature of father, that’s why at first he tried to explain his son with love but the son didn’t avoid it. Then the father did strictness so the son also came on stubbornness. Father had consolation with daughter-in-law. Whenever there was something, so the father would take side of daughter-in-law. With this thing the son used to get more irritated and the fights started every day. One day, the son came home late, father was sitting in wait. Father said much slowly so the son also come in anger and started misbehaving in front of father. Daughter-in-law came, all got crowded. Father said in anger that get out of my house. The son also said in anger that if you are making me leave the house so the daughter-in-law is beloved to you. That’s why I give divorce, divorce, and divorce to my wife and your daughter-in-law and he went from house being resented. Now the father felt that this is a big loss done. Son is also gone and daughter-in-law also. When the parents of daughter-in-law got to know, so they came and took their daughter that now divorce is done, that’s why we won’t keep her at your home. The father of daughter-in-law said that your son given divorce without any reason, he has welcomed Allah’s wrath and now get ready for the result. He brought the son back to home. After few days, strange incidents started happening at home. Strange kind of horror is felt at home and few minutes to spend in that house were difficult. One time all the family members were watching TV that suddenly fire got in. the roof of servant quarter fell suddenly and the servant got passed beneath it. She was taken out in very injured condition. When she got better so didn’t come in this house again. No one can sleep peacefully at night because continuous sounds of someone crying use to come. It’s true that whoever didn’t pay attention towards his children and did against Allah’s command, he challenged Allah’s wrath and he would have to bear it and to give someone divorce, without any reason, is to get Allah’s resentment. (Syed Wajid Husain Bukhari Advocate, Ahmed Poor Sharqia)

Take all wealth, give one moment of peace:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sir Assalam-o-Alikum! Today I want to tell the readers of Ubqari that wealth, property, cars, houses are nothing, real thing is peace. I want that someone may take my all wealth but give me few moments of peace. But I couldn’t find any one like this. I may tell briefly that my father is having much wealth and property, he had his own business. In his life he collected wealth from permissible and non-permissible ways that his name is in most effective personalities of city. He also does the business of loan and now when he had become old, he is earning much wealth. The real thing which I want to tell that, we have so much wealth, that we our self don’t know, how much wealth we have and its coming from where but there is nothing of peace at home, every time there are fights, uncomfortable. My one younger brother did suicide by getting fed-up of problems. Before my marriage, wife of my brother also did suicide by getting fed up of problems. Then my 2 cousins died in accident. My husband died by sudden heart attack. The adult son of my one cousin did suicide by hitting fire on his forehead. Right now, only 6 months passed in his death that his mother died. The reason of saying is that before every happiness, there is one morning at our home. Life and death are in Allah’s hand but this uneasiness, deaths, suicides, and fights every time is result of only haraam income and nothing else. We have explained our father very much that its time right now also, leave all bad things, burn all the haraam income but he is of understanding now also will peace every come in my life. Will we ever celebrate happiness? I feel like never, because the one who do war with Allah and his Prophet ﷺ always gets destroyed! (Hidden) There was one famous thief of one area. He knew many ways of stealing. He was called as grand-mother of thieves or if we say master then also right. But whenever he did stealing, he neither is, something from it, nor made someone eats. Actually at back of him was the curse of his mother. She used to say that Allah would do that you won’t get stealing thing in your hand. After stealing you would reach home so the owners of things will also reach at your home. People say that it happened like that every time the robbery was caught. At last, he got punishment every time and after getting fed-up him strted doing labor. (Hidden)

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