
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Open the Veins of heart by tasty juice of Pomegranate

Ubqari Magazine - December 2016

After getting the rapid and successful result about the painful condition of heart, I tried it on more patients of Angina, who are feeling difficulties in walking even a bit due to the dryness of the heart veins. The outcome was amazing. Patients felt peace which was uncommon. An experiment was done on a patient abroad, and the result was revealed through the angiography   reports.   Plaguc, the cause of shrinking of veins and blockage is totally dissolved in ¼ cup of pomegranate juice and the veins opened properly. 

Note that in this easy treatment neither used neither the pain killer nor the medicine to thin the blood. Patients of angina tell after using this medicine for a week that they are not feeling any pain or hurt. There is another use of this prescription, and that is, take one handful of pomegranate seeds and soak them in one and a half glass of water at night. In morning drink it after straining it and squeezing it, before eating anything, Or use the half glass of fresh pomegranate juice in its season or eat full pomegranate in morning while in empty stomach, in one or two days, and do not eat or drink anything for a an hour except water. This treatment of fresh pomegranate, pomegranate dry seeds and pomegranate juice has put the patients in amazement. After watching many heart patients I decided to publish this treatment in Ubqari.( Mohammad Azhar Azeem shamsi, Karachi)


Heart Attack! End with the honey of small bee and black pepper

My brother’s car was out order he went to the workshop get it in working form, he was a heat patient, it  was hot in workshop, he was feeling bad there, there was a driver in the workshop who belogs to sindh. He also came to mend his car there. After watching the bad condition of my brother he told a tip. That driver told his experience that his mother was a heart patient and she fell ill, her condition was so bad that her hands and feet turned blue and breathing stopped , family members was hopeless, after some time there came a voice at the door that give something in the name of Allah. So this driver went to the door and told the fakeer that may mother is seriously ill and we are going to take her to doctor, you sit here and I will say someone to give you something, he asked that what happened to mother why she is ill?  Driver told him the condition of mother and he said that there is no need to take her to doctor, do you have the honey of small honey bee? Driver replied positively. Faker (beggar) said to give the patient one teaspoon honey after mixing the 5 black peppers in it. After it give her another spoon of honey without black pepper, your mother will be fine. The driver did the same as told by the beggar, and she got up suddenly and she became fine. She only used twice this medicine and then she never was in need of this prescription. After mothers better condition when they went to see the faker he was vanished from that place where he was sitting. It was a small village of sindh, he was searched everywhere but could not found anywhere. It was the hidden help of Allah. Heart patients must use this prescription even if their heart valves are blocked. The time I got this tip I started to write it for ubqari. Readers of ubqari! Use it and remember me in your prayers.



Treatment of Ulcer and stomach problem:

I have a very dear relative who is suffering from the stomach problem from such a long time. She had, Stomach alsar, Gas, Tabkheer, berbs, and many more problems related to stomach. Once she came to me and said that do not cook precautionary food I am totally fine. I was shocked! What treatment you got? She said my husband went to the herbal medicine’s people they only  give treatment to stomach diseases, they said take two things, ispagol (psyllium)and turmeric, but it will benefit  only if they are pure. Buy Psyllium husk from any Pansar’s shop and take the whole turmeric and crush and make its powder.

Method to eat: Take one glass of water and mix in it, one tablespoon of Psyllium Husk and one pinch of turmeric powder and drink at once. Do not let the peeling swell drink in no time. Use it for three months minimum and see the amazing results (Zakia Iqtadar, Bahawalnagar)

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