
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Ordinary sacrifice can make your home heaven

Ubqari Magazine - October 2016

I read one box in Ubqari that tell some act for love in husband wife and the girls who are sitting at their homes, whether before marriage or after. Tell some act for them. First of all, I will request to the mothers of all these girls that before doing brain wash of their daughters, put your brain on correct direction because in coming back of girls to home, is the prominent act of their mothers. As mothers are very sensitive in matter of her offspring, thats why they couldnt tolerate their little pain also and quickly they command that Come back to home. May Allah keep your father and brother safe. May there be beatitude in their earning. We will take care of you. The fire is equal on both sides and the people to put oil are present around. Some those relatives also used to be present, who think this as their responsibility to put petrol. And there Satan is sitting in search that when he will get opportunity and he will do his most favorite work meaning fight in husband and wife. Put in both of their hearts and at last there would be done the act of divorce, un-liked and undesired act to Allah جل جلالہ Not only 2 families get affected by divorce but the whole society and most of all, their innocent children becomes shabby. Thats why before taking any step, do think about this all. If the boys and girls are young, so their parents should explain them for sure. If there is elder sister, so she should explain. Till where its possible, keep positive attitude. Give your beloved daughters, the lesson of tolerance from day one. When she goes after marriage, so dont call again and again to take reconnoitre. Prevent them from complaining and back biting from childhood. This is the bad habit which burns the homes in future. Some girls work a lot at their parents home but after marriage some mothers explain and say them that after going to in laws dont work so much. My one known person, whose marriage has been done before a huge time of 12 years, she dont know how to make roti. According to her, if I will learn it so I would have to make it for all. Up till now the roti use to come from maid or market. If someday maid doesnt come and hotel is also closed so we make our work done by bread. Few girls dont do work only with this reason that their nails might break. Even though science up till now says that the most dangerous germs live in nails, which go in our intestines and produce diseases of stomach. First of all give sacrifice of your nails. This sacrifice will build your home. In sha Allah, second sacrifice, give of your phone. One very big of todays era can also be mobile. Few people might not agree with me but this thing is correct that we use mobile phone less for important work and very much for unnecessary thing. When one black smith makes a knife, he doesnt make it with the intention of killing people. Instead he makes for sacrificing animals and cutting fruits and vegetables. Similarly mobile is not wrong but its every time usage is wrong. Dont use mobile phone for complaining about mother-in-law, sister-in-law and husband about small matters. If you are getting bored so dont do hour package on mobile due to attractive package. Otherwise you will surely say the condition of your heart to your mother or your sisters because where there are 2 utensils; they surely give noise and give third sacrifice of your tongue. How much you will keep it in control, that much your life will be easy. Dont give the answer of brick with brick but with silence. If the person in front is elder, worth respecting and you think its important to give answer so answer this thing with sweet tongue so that they wont mind it. Prophet ﷺ said: Give me guarantee of your tongue. I will give you guarantee of heaven. If you get heaven in return of controlling tongue so cant your house be build? You can also get the heaven of your dreams. Just add little bit of honey in your talk, bring little bit of softness in your words, produce some warmness in your emotions in sha Allah your house will surely be build and Satan will surely get defeat. Whose daughters are sad at homes or are again sitting at their parents homes, their parents get old before time. Different diseases attack on them and the society separately blames them. (Fauzia Mughal, Bahawalpur)

For the exemplary love in husband and wife:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sir Assamal-o-Alikum! Alhamdulillah it has been 22 years in my marriage approximately. Never had we got a big fight or resentment. Do trust each other completely. Whoever says whatever? Instead of getting angry and having mistrust on another, finish the matter by discussing it together. Sometimes think that how much I am sinful of my lord. Then also my lord grants me with blessings. So (Husband or wife) did harsh attitude with me so what happened? may be, my lord would forgive me in return of this on one side wife is the guard of respect and house, guardian of children, cook, washer also and most of all, a source to stop you from great sin, so why it is so difficult to tolerate her. On the other side your husband, your crown of head, your guardian, the responsible of your expenditure, the one to stop you from bad desire, after thinking this all, if fight happens so its reason is not understandable. Before 5 or 6 years from today, someone put blame of adultery on my wife. When I got to know so I didnt say anything to anyone. Just I asked my wife that why this thing happened, or is this truth or lie. She told me that I had some rivalry with my one cousin, she did this all and took oath that this all is a lie. I accepted my wifes saying and trusted on her. After sometime, that cousin accepted herself that all was lie. If I would have done mistrust at that time so maybe my house would have been scattered. My experience says that do complete trust on each other and tolerance is very important for peaceful married life. Please keep my name and address secret. (J, R; D. I Khan)



Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sir Assamal-o-Alikum! Alhamdulillah it has been 22 years in my marriage approximately. Never had we got a big fight or resentment. Do trust each other completely. Whoever says whatever? Instead of getting angry and having mistrust on another, finish the matter by discussing it together. Sometimes think that how much I am sinful of my lord. Then also my lord grants me with blessings. So (Husband or wife) did harsh attitude with me so what happened? may be, my lord would forgive me in return of this on one side wife is the guard of respect and house, guardian of children, cook, washer also and most of all, a source to stop you from great sin, so why it is so difficult to tolerate her. On the other side your husband, your crown of head, your guardian, the responsible of your expenditure, the one to stop you from bad desire, after thinking this all, if fight happens so its reason is not understandable. Before 5 or 6 years from today, someone put blame of adultery on my wife. When I got to know so I didnt say anything to anyone. Just I asked my wife that why this thing happened, or is this truth or lie. She told me that I had some rivalry with my one cousin, she did this all and took oath that this all is a lie. I accepted my wifes saying and trusted on her. After sometime, that cousin accepted herself that all was lie. If I would have done mistrust at that time so maybe my house would have been scattered. My experience says that do complete trust on each other and tolerance is very important for peaceful married life. Please keep my name and address secret. (J, R; D. I Khan)

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