
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Now Reduce Your Weight without Exercises

Ubqari Magazine - July 2016

(Dr. Naseem Akhtar)

Low volume of iron in the body does not only effect on the process of metabolism. Therefore, use balanced foods contain iron e.g. meat without fat, fish, beans and spinach etc. However, it is strongly recommended to don’t take huge volume of iron as it may cause cardiovascular in the male.


In today’s busy life hudreds of people don’t find time to exercise, as a result they gradually become fatty having layers of fat on their bodies. Below are a few ways that help to burn the fat and improve the metabolism to help you reducing the weight.


Don’t Starve:

Starving affects negatively particularly on males as it make the metabolism lazy. This lazy system of metabolism work very slowly to not let it absolve completely. The males are therefore recommended to don’t go with starving rather eat meals that have sufficient nutrition. The meal must not only extend them required calories and on other hand restrict the unnecessary fat to generate.


Sleep Well:

Research has proved that men who sleep less are fat as compare to those who sleep well.


Use Protein:

Human body needs protein to control the organs. Until recent past, the medics believe that protein should be taken as less as possible as these cause obesity, whereas, now they recommend the human to take eighty to hundred grams of protein according to his weight in ponds. Three ounce fat free meet or two table spoon of nuts extend this volume to human body. Same can also obtained by having eighty grams fat-free yogurt.


Take Foods Obtained Using Natural Ways:

These days almost all kinds of crops are grown using artificial fertilizers and pesticides drugs. The research reveals that these drugs gather in the cells of fats and hinders the fats cells to dissolve making it almost impossible to reduce the weight. Some experts even claim that these pesticides drugs are among the main causes of weight gain.


Therefore, the medics recommend using organic foods i.e. those vegetables, fruits and crops which are grown not using the artificial fertilizers and pesticides drugs. Potato, cauliflower, spinach or greens, apple, peaches, pears, cherry and strawberry etc are strongly recommended to be avoided if have been grown using artificial fertilizer and pesticides drugs as the hazardous chemicals are gathered in their shells and leaves.




Perhaps you don’t know that standing and sitting also matters on our weight. The researchers have found that keep working for three or more hours while sitting effects on enzyme, which controls the volume of fats in our body and the metabolism of cholesterol. Therefore, it is recommended to stand up and walk a bit to keep this enzyme activated.


Drink Cold Water:

Germen experts have revealed that drinking six cups of cold water helps our metabolism to burn more fifty calories. Or in other words it helps to reduce five ponds in a year. Though it does not seem too much but it is important when it is matter of an obese man.


Use Green or Red Chilies:

The chilies have a specific substance known as capsaicin that causes irritation in the mouth. Interestingly, this irritation makes our metabolism faster as a result it burns calories rapidly. In fact, the use of chilies cause heat within the body and also activates the sympathetic system. This sympathetic system is connected with the muscles and prepares to face the fear and risks. These changes make our metabolism faster temporarily. Therefore, a balanced volume of chilies is recommended for males.


Take on Obesity through Fiber:

The fiber contains certain features that improves the process of absolve the fates up to thirty percent. It is therefore generally observed that those who use the foods containing fiber are generally not obese. The experts advise to use twenty five grams of fiber through vegetables and fruits etc.


Use Foods that Contain Iron:

The human body requires proper volume of iron as it helps oxygen to reach to the muscles and burn the fats. Low volume of iron in the body does not only effect on the process of metabolism. Therefore, use balanced foods contain iron e.g. meat without fat, fish, beans and spinach etc. However, it is strongly recommended to don’t take huge volume of iron as it may cause cardiovascular in the male.


Take Vitamin D:

The Vitamin D plays an important role to keep activate the metabolism system in the human body, but most people don’t get this valuable vitamin through food. Each adult must have minimum 400 iu (international units) of vitamin D. It is found in Salmon fish, toona fish, wheat and egg etc.


Drink Milk:

The research reveals that lake of calcium also cause laziness in metabolism system. Therefore one glass of milk must be drink in a day. The researchers have also found that fat-free milk and yogurt don’t let the fats from other foods in to the body.


Eat Watermelon:

Watermelon contains an amino acidic substance called arginine. This amino acid is useful to absolve the fats. Therefore, the obese males are recommended to eat watermelon moderately.


Keep Your Body Wet:

All internal interactions including the metabolism are performed with the support of water. Therefore, never let the water level short in your body. Moreover, we also burn less calories while we are thirsty.


Smile and Be Healthy:

You would have hear an old saying as “the smile is best cure”. Now the medical science also supports this stance at least when it is the matter of heart. And this is not mere; as today’s faster and busy life has impact most of the time on heart. The hazardous foods also effect on heart.  Now researchers rightly claim that smile make heart healthy.


Drink Green Tea or Coffee:

Drink moderately green tea or coffee and reduce your weight. These drinks extend sufficient substances to human body which burns the calories and reduce the weight.

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