
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - July 2016

Innumerous secrets of the life after death:

Readers! Since I have started telling about the circumstances of the grave and have started telling you the various benefits and blessings of the act of “Kashf-ul-Qaboor” (revelations of graves). From this day, continuously, innumerous secrets of the life after death and life of the graves are being revealed upon me, I am surprised too and am going through the strange state of mind that we think of the grave just as a piece of land or pile of sand and worthless thing, I am an engrossed person of my world, I have never gone away from my mission due to the criticism of people, what am I giving to the humanity, fraud, lie or facts. A time will come that it will be decided. My living since a long time has been in the graveyard and I have always made the graveyard a companion of my life because very soon a time will come that I myself will become a part of the graveyard! May Allah SWT make me meet my end on faith (Aamin). On one night during summers, there were locusts, snakes and different insects taking out their sounds and after every little while there would be a slight sound from a grave or a bush, a mongoose would pass by, sometime a snake, a big lizard, this was happening at its own place and I was carrying on my act of Kash-ul-Qaboor and I was doing its recitation with full concentration and power and I was busy only in this, that suddenly, I started going towards a grave involuntarily.

Interview of resident of a ruined grave:

I could feel by the symptoms of the grave that it is a very old and ancient grave and its poor condition was expressing that there is nobody to look after it or the inheritors are few. I sat near the grave and I let myself in Allah’s protection and by seeking Allah’s attention I said, Creator return the spirit of the resident of this grave and reveal to me his circumstances, how did he lead the days and nights of his life? Let him give me some advice and warnings. So that he tells me the facts of this universe as I wish to hear about the facts of this universe, where has the world reached now and from where? A person earns his whole life but the end is only revealed in the grave and only the grave reveals the actual facts that actually what is the person like! My feet stopped at this place and I sat close to an old grave and then my same concentration and attention towards Allah SWT and again the revelations of the secrets of the universe.

Suddenly he came out of his grave:

I was going through these feelings and carrying on my act that suddenly the resident of the grave came and sat in front of me with his actual human body. I greeted him with salaam and then asked him that what did you use to do? He said that I did different labour jobs and businesses and was a blue color worker and a poor man. My father was a farmer and we brothers and sisters parted during the life time of our father and my father spent his life alone with my mother and died. Nobody could serve our father except for one brother of mine. I myself could also not do so, for which I regret a lot.

Flower shop in graveyard:

Once a person met me and told me that if you make a flower shop close to the graveyard and also keep some grain as feed for birds then people coming to the graveyard will buy these things from you and as there is no one else over here selling these things, therefore you will have good sale and you will easily meet your household expenses. I liked his idea and he told me about a lot of profit so, I started this business. Within few days my business started doing well and a feeling within me was getting stronger day by day that there should be a shop or a small set up over here, I had put a sheet on the ground in the graveyard at one place and kept some flowers and grain on it but this concern went on getting stronger day by day.

Illegitimate possession upon old graves:

Finally in a corner of the graveyard where there was a space equivalent to 2-3 graves and where the graves had become old and only signs of one grave were visible and the remaining graves were ruined. I kept a wooden cabin at night on this space and the graves were buried under it. In the morning, people saw it and some objected also, but, I kept on my wooden box over there, after a month or two people forgot about this instance and my shop became a permanent one. After few years, my business further grew and I felt that I should make a concrete shop, in place of this wooden box. I developed relationship with the people living around the graveyard and treated few, and finally I made a permanent shop at this place. To make this permanent concrete shop I had to finish signs of many graves and had to level many graves without any signs, I had a bad feeling in my heart but desire for wealth snatched this feeling from me, now my shop had become permanent and as there were some houses and a neighbourhood also close by, so, I kept some day to day edible things also, in this duration my kids grew up and I gave them good education and they got jobs in good sectors. I died at the age of 77 years and my sons sold this shop at an expensive rate and distributed the money amongst them, from the day I have come into this graveyard.

I snatched their homes from them and they snatched my peace:

Since that day till today, all the dead of the graveyard, the graves of whom I had demolished to make my shop, continuously shake me, they have snatched away peace of every moment from me, they include many such people who were in very good condition in the graveyard, I took away their homes and now their spirits do not let me be in peace, years and years have passed by that I continuously suffer in my grave, no day or night, no morning or evening comes by that I do not suffer. Each of my moment, every minute is extremely worrisome and totally hopeless, I don’t get peace at any time nor I get peace in any minute, I am totally restless.

I wish! I had not demolished graves:

I am too restless, I am tortured in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening too, I condemn the time and I wish that I had not met the person and would never have been disrespectful of the graves, would never have demolished these graves and would never have earned money with truth and lies sitting on these graves.

Story of a dead Eunuch:

(After meeting this person), the same night I met another person, this person was an eunuch, his story was a strange one, he said: I was the only son of my parents, my parents were quite rich and wealthy, they raised me with lot of affection and affectionately spend their wealth upon me. During this I got the companionship of such bad friends that I went on getting engrossed in their companionship, they were not good friends, they were bad friends, they led me towards a bad life, this was felt by my parents and they kept on trying to stop me but I did not took notice of their advises and went on getting involved in the day to day affairs, there came a time that I left my home and my days and night kept on passing by in bad things. 

Sobbing, crying parents went away from this world:

My parents wanted to get me married, they were looking for an heir for the property but I hated the idea and could not marry, finally my parents left this world sobbing and crying. I still had no realization of this and spent the wealth, enjoyed a lot, but till when? All the money and wealth was spent and I started begging. In these circumstances, finally I died. At times a thought would cross my mind about the life after death but this colorful life kept me away from the concern of the hereafter.


The horrible circumstances of the grave of the eunuch:

The day I was lowered into the grave was Tuesday and it was afternoon, when I was buried in my grave and everybody went away, the horrible happenings of the grave started upon me, fire, sparks, cinders, smoke, all these things were such which were waiting for me, I suffered a lot and with this horrible happening each and every part of my body was crushed. There was too much restlessness and worry and I had a feeling that nobody can save me over here and this fire will 100% keep on burning me and nothing of mine will be safe.

Father’s pray saved from the torture of the grave:

I was in this struggle and too much worried that a small fireflies came close to me and the light which was like that of a fireflies started spreading and then spread a lot and so much so that I was drenched in this light and I was surprised that what is this light? For quite some time I was drowned in this light, I felt a lot of peace and all the fear and restlessness in my heart went away. When I came out of this light, I found peace all around me, fire, all the pain, all the worries went away from me. I heard a voice that today your father’s pray saved you, otherwise you deserved that you should have burnt in fire all of your spiritual life and then I was made to hear my father’s pray which he used to do all his life for me that Oh Allah, his worldly life has been ruined, Sustainer save his eternal life from getting ruined, Oh Allah, his bodily life is destroyed, Oh Allah do not destroy his eternal life, Oh Allah, he was shameful person in bodily life but Oh merciful he should not be ashamed in the eternal life. These words were continuously made me hear and I sort of drowned in these words.

Prays of father are answered more than the prays of mother:

Then again I was made to hear some words that remember my servant that the pray and the curse of the father is more effective than that of mother and the person who suffers from the curse of the father is a total failure in this world and the person who had the effect of his father’s pray is the most successful person of this world. Thus my father’s pray gave me peace in the grave and harmony. I asked this eunuch that is the father’s pray effective? He looked at me with surprise and said that the effect the pray of father has probably is not in any other pray and the one who disturbs his father and takes his curses, I have seen very few such people in this graveyard taking even a breath with peace and harmony. I felt it in my spiritual world that such people have suffered a lot who did not take their father’s blessings with them and took the prays of their father.

The dead eunuch revealed a secret:

This person told me a strange thing as I had a detailed conversation with him and for quite a long time. This person revealed a secret to me and gave a secret advice, said that the grave which is prepared in the graveyard before hand is not visible to human eye as the person has to come to the place, which is in his destiny and he will come and live his spiritual life over here. Then he clarified that a person who was born at some place, he will go in the sand of the same place even if he is in any corner of the world and the secret which this person revealed before me was, that angels prepare the graves before hand, there is one grave which we dig and there is a grave which angels have prepared before hand, the grave of the person is heavy, easy or difficult, with light or fire, grave is a bed of flowers or sparks of fire, these graves are prepared before hand as per faith and doings of the person, the way two sheets of cloth are put on the body of a dead pious person of Allah, similarly there is another pall which angels make him wear and this is not visible to human beings. Similarly, there is the grave which angels prepare before hand and a person is only put into the grave which angels have prepared already, it is not in the power of human being that he selects himself some good place or some good grave, he has to get a grave as per his good deeds and doings. Another secret he revealed that the moment people go back after burial, the spirit is returned back into the dead body and it becomes like a normal person and the boundaries of the grave end for him, meaning that actually grave is a small pit of sand. But at this time, it is not a pit rather it seems to the person like sky or a huge ground and similarly till he can see there are flowers, birds, greenery and scent or thrones and fire.

Enlightened grave with Kalma and patience:

The next thing which he said was, that I experienced after coming to the grave that the benefit which people get in the grave due to recitation of Kalma during their life time and the benefit the people get in the grave who were tolerant and patient during their life time is not obtained by anyone else. I have seen many mother in laws very peaceful in their graves because of their patience, many daughter in laws because of patience, many subordinates because of being patient and getting higher and higher levels due to patience, have seen many people being rewarded with the best of life because of being patient on the mistakes and disobedience of their subordinates. My experience is only this that Kalma and patience in worldly life time are two such virtues which give a highly honourable and eternal life to a person after death. Recently a dead body came very close to us and this person had recited many sets (one set of recitation of Kalma Tayyaba is of 70,000 times) of Kalma and his descendants had also not forgotten him after his death and they kept on reciting the sets of Kalma permanently and giving its reward to him as a gift, thus this set of Kalma became of such use to him that he got peace and harmony in his life meaning in his grave and life after death and everybody in the graveyard looked up to him. We have a tradition in our graveyard that whoever heavenly person comes over here and brings a lot of good deeds, generosity, patience, recitations, Kalma, obligatory prayers (Namaz) and service of humanity and merciful attitude with people and patience in his dealings with others then we all of this graveyard develop friendship with him and meet him and welcome him and if such a person comes who does not have such good deeds with him then all of the graveyard avoids such person and stays away from him (Continued)

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