
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Domestic psychological problems and their ensuring and proven remedies

Ubqari Magazine - July 2016

The letters of distorted families and their comprehensive answers

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Distorted speech:

I am here for a problem I hope that you will surely help me with the suggestion. I cannot speak the words like “F” due to the problem in my tongue. Kindly tell me the solution. (Abdul Rehman Ahad. Sialkot)

Suggestion: go to any specialist doctor for this problem. Psychologically I suggest that the thought which breads the pessimism through it out of your brain. Think you only have the problem of a word but there are people who cannot even speak. Allah Almighty has given them the tongue but did not give the ability to speak. Allah has given you the tongue and ability to speak and the very good health then why there is a lot of tension due to for a single word. Be confidant your success will press this miner depravity in such a way that you yourself will forget.

Marriage problem:

 Respected, I am facing a problem from long duration. The problem is that I want to marry but it’s not happening.  My do not feel well do to this problem now. The proposals come and go but they did not reply. All brothers and sisters got married but I am single yet do I will be single always? (Abid)

 Suggestion:  anyhow the mental stress and health problem will make you weak so be patient. Be ready to marry without any demand there is a big problem of girls marriage in Pakistan, when you be ready to marry without dowry insha’Allah there is a hope that you will be married soon. When you will be married you will be fine.

Curse of travelling:

Whenever I travel especially on the back seats of Coach I feel my heart weak and restless and agitation. Psychologically I feel it earlier that now it is difficult to travel. I cannot travel without AC coaches and bus. Kindly show the any way to travel in every type of vehicle. (MS, Mian Wali)

Suggestion:Your biggest issue is to suppose things, the assumption that if you travel without the AC vehicle and on the back seat then your health will be disturbed. That is why it is happening. Let me suggest you one medical tip as well, whenever you travel keep the “sattar Shifain” of Ubqari Dhwakhana with you and prepare yourself earlier that its only my assumption I will not feel bad either I sit on any seat in any vehicle. Insha’Allah after sometimes you will be fine.

Mental problems:

The problem is that all family is well educated Msha’Allah, I also was very intelligent in childhood but after that due to the mental problems I could not get education. I studied up till matriculation. And due to this all family member look at me with strangely that why I did not get more education. Expect this there is a problem with me that there keeps on revolving any story in my brain and I become ill by thinking that, I want to get rid of these negative thinking by any way, I find things to agree my brain and sometimes I make myself agree but after some days the same feelings prevails again. The intensity of these thoughts is so much, sometimes I feel that my brain will explode. (saj’jan Sahiwal)

Suggestion: to change your behavior and to give birth to the desire to live the happy life, you need to change the views and words about yourself and the words. For example I am the same like other people. Every morning say to yourself that today I must do something good. This is the preparation to avoid the stress, do not show your state to others. Change your thinking, and stop thinking without any reason, it seems that you do not have any business take interest in domestic tasks, spend time in kitchen with your mother. Keep yourself busy in other tasks of household. When you will spend the busy day these thoughts will automatically start going out of your brain. Offer faj’jar prayer and after that go on roof in veil l and take deep breaths in open air, this will put positive effects on your brain health. Do not think about the education these types of thoughts will give you pain.

The smelly perspiring

 I have a problem of stink in my sweat .i take bath and after some time I feel smell again. There come a lot of pimples on face and back. I also have constipation. I have a psychological issue that I take bath again and again. I think all the time. I also have the problem of constipation. Every time smell comes from body. Despite I take bath a lot of tomes but it does not end. (A.N)

Suggestion: your problem is not that big as you are worried your problem is never the psychological one. Whenever you take bath boil the leaves of Neem tree in water then take bath with that water. To get rid from the smell of sweating takes “Khon safa” from ubqari Dwakhana. Use it consistently. Take at night at the time of sleeping add one teaspoon of peeling of Ispagol and some drops of almond oil in the lukewarm milk. When the smell will end you will not take bath gain and again. 

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