
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Make The Child Courageous and Brave! A Few Suggestions for Mothers

Ubqari Magazine - April 2016

The decision that when an infant is going to begin crawling is also made by the infant him/her-self. In earlier times mothers had this view that if a child is taught how to walk much earlier, his/her legs get bent. Recent research has abandoned this idea.

It is said that a neonate is unsociable. He is only aware about himself. That is why he does not try to mix up with others apparently. However, he has a complete capability for this. If it is tried to understand his personal feeling and to improve his hidden abilities, then a person becomes quite successful. After the birth when a person gets conscious, he toddles with his feet to go to the lap of his mother. This is his first effort to make contact with others. When the mother picks him up in the lap and calls him, the child starts considering her his guardian subconsciously. The manners in which someone picks him up and cuddles him, those signs get imprinted on his mind. The child understands that whether the picker is treating him with effort and affection or is just boringly or in-cordially he is passing the time. The neonate spends quite a few days to gain balance after the experience of birth. He feels hunger for the first time when the nature fills his mother’s breasts with milk. Normally after three days after the birth, milk appears in the breasts of the mother. Doctors and hakeems describe mother’s milk as the most beneficial and indispensable. An important reason is that the neonate feels immense pleasure due to the heartbeat of mother and the touch of her hands. Similarly, if he is swung with hands or sung lovely rhymes, he becomes delighted. It is normal to expect a wise and a wishful reaction from the neonate. The mothers who grab, jolt and nestle the child in order to make him laugh are mistaken. It is quite possible that this playfulness will create bad effects on the minds of the people and instead of laughing, he might start crying. Initially the child laughs to experience. When he finds people around him laughing, he copies them and starts laughing himself as well. Till two weeks after the birth, the child is not aware of any other business apart from sleeping and drinking milk. Neither does he have enough strength to do anything. While growing in the mother’s womb, he remains safe from gravity. That is why when he has to face gravity after the birth, he gets frightened. You may have seen often that a child feels a lot of pleasure while bathing. The reason for this is the ability to swim, due to which for some time the child gets rid of gravity for some time and he shows his pleasure. When the child becomes two weeks old, drowsiness reduces. Now he spends a lot of time being awake and shows his interest to play with various faces. The breasts of the mother are a natural toy for him. That is why apart from drinking milk, he plays with them. It would be better not to stop him from playing with the breasts. However, when he has learned to sit and lie and to crawl on knees, make him familiar with another toy. But don’t take this step drastically or at once. Rather take it slowly such as in the case of milk. In old times mother would let the child cry for a long time. They had this idea that if a child cries for a long time, he becomes quite hungry. But recent scientific discoveries have abandoned this theory. Child specialists say that if a child cries for a long time, his stomach fills with air and the hunger subsides. Then when he gets his feed after the due time, he takes half of it and turns his mouth aside. After some time he starts crying again as if he is saying that I am still hungry. The decision that when an infant is going to begin crawling, when he is going to stand and when he is going to start walking is also made by the infant him/her-self. In earlier times mothers had this view that if a child is taught how to walk much earlier, his/her legs get bent. Recent research has abandoned this idea. In reality the legs of a child develop a bend when he does not get a chance to put load on his legs before he starts walking. All the healthy children try to stand while they are still in the laps of their mother. They have a need to strengthen their legs and to enhance their ability for walking so that the bones could be nourished properly. The children whose weak and progressing legs have to endure full load, they get distorted in most of the cases. The ability to use the power of speech is the most difficult for the kids. In this regard he has to go through various stages. Some children start babbling and copying elders after a few weeks. The child initially starts doing chirping words. When the lips also accompany the process, the sound of mama appears. This is the reason that a neonate utters “dada” (daddy) first and then “mama” (mother) afterwards. Even though, according to the principle, he should utter mama first. The role that is played by the mother in the birth and grooming of the child cannot be played to an iota of an extent by the father. The child is naturally willing to be introduced to new things. In this regard he exhibits immense audacity and hastiness. The idea that a bad act leads to punishment comes to his knowledge gradually. Just like in the case of a young man, a few problems and disappointments badly torment an infant. However, do not perceive that ordinary crescendo and turbulence affects the mind of a child. It is a normal observation that the families in which there is a conflict of interest and opposition of people with each other, their kids are are more courageous and brave as opposed to those families in which an artificial air of serenity persists. Such kids are not aware of the ups and downs of the external world. And become unsuccessful in their future life. The thirst for acquiring knowledge is inborn in the child. He creeps towards every new thing. After playing with it for a while, he throws it away as a worthless thing. This is an announcement of the fact that he has learned something about that thing, now bring something else. Experts say that a child learns important things about a toy within 90 seconds. 

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