
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

O women! When you hear the adhaan and iqama of Habshee (Bilal) then repeat what he says because in exchange of every word, Allah Subhanawo Taala will endow you with one million blessings. Hazrat Umar Farooq رضی اللہ عنہا says: O Prophet ­ of Allah Taala, is this only for women or for men as well?

According to an international report, the only echoing sound on the earth at all times is the adhaan which pours sweetness in the ears of the believers. Each day the call to Fajr prayer begins from the Eastern Islands of Indonesia. This is as per the information of Muslim countries otherwise the first place where the sun casts its rays and where the Christians begin their Christmas celebrations is a place known as Jaisbu in New Zealand but the people of Fiji Island believe it to be their right over it. According to the world map, the first place in the east is Grave of last Moriori of the City of Chatham Island. In this regard, the study of Robert Ripley’s book ‘Believe It Or Not’ (1949 volume 2) will be quite informative. At the same time, all prayer callers (moazin) announce the Oneness of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la and the Prophet Hood of Muhammad ﷺ¬ . From the Eastern Islands, this chain travels to the Western Islands. One and a half hours later, the villages and districts of Sumatra start to resonate with the sound of adhaan and this continues to reach Dhaka after an hour. Before the sequence of adhaan concludes in Bangladesh, it starts filling up in the air of Calcutta and Srilanka From the other end, these soulful sounds reach Mumbai from Calcutta and the entire land of India reverberate with the declaration of Prophet Hood and Allah Subhanawo Taa’la’s sovereignty. As stated by the international report, the Farj prayer timings at Sri Nagar and Sialkot is the same while Karachi, Quetta and Gwadar have a forty minute difference with Sialkot. Meanwhile, the calls to Fajr prayer enthrall the winds in Pakistan. Before this, the adhaan begins in Afghanistan and Muscat. Next in line is Baghdad, which has a one hour difference from Muscat. During this time, the prayer call resounds in countries like Saudia Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iraq. There is again a time difference of one hour between Scandinavia and Baghdad. At this time the glory of adhaan reaches Syria, Egypt, Sudan and Somalia. Scandinavia and Istanbul are located on the same coastline. There is a difference of one and a half hours from there till Eastern Turkey. Libya and Tunisia is next to receiving the soulful adhaan sounds. In this way, the Fajr call to prayer that began from the Eastern Island of Indonesia travels an extensive nine and a half hours journey to the Atlantic Ocean. But right before it reaches the Atlantic, the Eastern Islands of Indonesia are prepared to proclaim the call to Zuhr prayer. This way, the adhaan does not stop for even a single second around the earth. Millions and billions of prayer callers raise their voices in harmony to call the believers to assert the authority of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la and celebrate the apostleship of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This chain will continue with fervor and zeal till the Day of Judgement.

Origin of adhan:

When Hazrat Adam  علیہ السلام was sent to the earth on the land of Hindustan, he was horrified by the environment of that region. Therefore, Hazrat Jibraeel علیہ السلامdismounted and in order to relieve Hazrat Adam   علیہ السلام from his state of dismay, called the first ever adhaan on the face of this planet. (Haleet ul Aulia page 309 volume 2, Abu Naeem Asfahani (430 AD) Mauqa ul Waraaq) hence proved that the best way to get rid of horror is to listen to the adhaan.

Once Hazrat Ali Al Murtuza رضی اللہ عنہا was sitting in his home in a very melancholic mood.  Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ¬ entered and said: Say the adhaan in Ali’s ears, it eliminates sadness. (Mawahib ul Jaleel Fe Sharah Mukhtasir Khaleel page 443 volumes 1 Shamsuddin Abu Abdullah Maliki (954 AD) Matbaa’ Darul Fikr 1412).

Hadees Hasan continuity of adhaan:

Hazrat Mula Ali Qaari (1014 AD) writes in Marqat ul Mafateh that hadith that talks about the melancholy of Hazrat Ali رضی اللہ عنہا has been experimented by all its composers in their respective eras. All of them have found it practical as well as beneficial. Imam Dailami narrates that Rasool Allah ﷺ¬ said that if you witness a human or animal’s rudeness then say the adhaan in his or her ear.( Marqat ul Mafatehpage 86  volume 3 Baab ul azaan , Mula Ali Qaari Maktab ul Mashkaat ul Islamia) Imam Ibne Jazree Shaafi (833 AD) narrates regarding this hadith: Hazrat Imam Hussain  رضی اللہ عنہا experimented this hadith and found it useful.

Hazrat Ali Bin Hussain رضی اللہ عنہا tried it practically and found it valuable. Hazrat Hafs Bin Ghayas, Umar Bin Hafs, Hasan Bin Haroon, Fazeel, Abdullah Bin Musa Abu Abdul Rehman Asalmi and Abu Bakr رضوان اللہ اجمعین also established the benefit of this hadith.

 Abdul Rehman Jazri states that in the words of Ibne Nasir and my Sheikh Imam Mehdas Jamaluddin, who ever experimented this has found it advantageous. I have never heard of a narrator who has practiced it during intense pain and did not reap any benefits out of it. (Manaqib ul Asad ul Ghalib page 36, volume 1, Shams Uddin Ibn ul Jazree (833 AD) Maktab tul Quran Misr) therefore, we should also say the adhaan when we experience sadness, melancholy, pain, on the grave of a deceased loved one or worry over a sudden accident.

Answering the Adhaan:

When the adhaan is called out, it is a blooming Sunnah to accept and answer it. The Prophet              (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) addressed the women and said: O women! When you hear the adhaan and iqama of Habshee (Bilal) then repeat what he says because in exchange of every word, Allah Subhanawo Taa’la will endow you with one million blessings. Hazrat umar Farooq رضی اللہ عنہا says: O Prophet                 (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) of Allah Taa’la, is this only for women or for men as well? The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) answered: the amount of blessings is double for men.

There are 15 kalimaat (verses of faith) in every adhaan and 17 in call of Fajr. In this way 15x100000= 1.5 million x 4= 6 million + 1.7 million Fajr Salah, a total of 7.7 million can be earned daily. Imagine how generous and distinguished would be the Creator who gives such a noble opportunity to his worshippers every day. (Al Ma’jum ul Kabeer page 16 volume 24 Raqam ul Hadees 20049, Sulaiman Bin Ahmed, Al Tabraani Maktab tul Uloom wal Hukm, Al Mausil 1404). On the gruesome Day of Judgment, whne the last adhaan will be called out, Hazrat Bilal Habshee رضی اللہ عنہا will be riding on a heavenly camel declaring the adhaan. When Hazrat Bilal Habshee رضی اللہ عنہا is going to reach the words [اشھد ان محمد ا رسول اللہ] all the foremost and latest of Muslims will hear that adhaan. At this moment, whoever replies in answer to the adhaan accepting the Apostleship of Prophet Muhammad                (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) will gain the approval and the ones who negate it will be the accursed?

In the virtues of Ibne Zanjuya:

(Sablul Had page 453 volume 12, Muhammad Yusuf Salehi (942 AD) Majlis ul Alal Saiwan ul Islamia Misr- Maktab ul Masjid ul Nabwi). When all the Prophets and their Ummahs will hear [اشھدان لاالہ الا اللہ اور اشھد ان محمدارسول اللہ  ] , they will consequently reply to the verses of the adhaan saying [ اشھد۔۔۔۔۔۔۔]  We bear testimony in faith of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la. Hence, adhaan is that only ethereal melody that has reverberated since the beginning of the universe and will continue till its end. Therefore, we should also form a strong bond with this melody and assure our eternal riddance.  (With Thanks from Dawat-e-Tanzeem-e-Islam) 

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