
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Prayer by a goblin (small) fay (Jin) and my problem is solved

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

I was taking treatment from one of the renowned cancer hospitals, I was discharged and my treatment was still going on. After some time I went to the doctor. After my checkup he made me doubtful about my second breast. Then I went through a number of tests.

Respected Hakeem Sahib, we have been reading ‘Ubqari Magazine’ since many years. We have found solutions of our many problems through this magazine; especially the column by Allama Lahooti Purisrari is marvelous. This magazine has made me associated with Sunna. Alhamdulilah I have started doing everything following the footsteps of the Prophetﷺ

Due to following these practices,the food which was hardly sufficient for two times, now adequate for two days.This is because I cover my head while eating, recite Surah Al- Kauther and Surah-Al Quraish, and also  I recite the ayat,   

while cooking food,told by Allama Lahooti Purisrari Sahib.

Due to this column one of our biggest problems is being solved.The problem, we were suffering was that my husband’s business partner was not only taking fifty percent share, but the salary as well. I don’t know why my husband was not able to utter a single word in front of him. My husband was following his instructions blindly. That person was lewd and lascivious.He divorced his wife during her pregnancy, with a twelve years old daughter she had to leave the home; simultaneously he got married to another woman, which he is trying to hide. He had been hostile to both of his in laws which was affecting the business. His first wife was trying to destroy his business through magic that was extremely hurtful for us as well. In order to get rid of this dreadful situation, I and my husband went to perform Nawafil to Moti Masjid, according to the instructions of Allama Sahib and came back after offering Zuhr Prayers.

Hakeem Sahib, after offering prayers when I was imploring in front of Allah spreading my hands, with closed eyes, just like a beggar, I witnessed something strange. My husband didn’t experience anything like that. I saw a three feet tall, black shadow just beside me on my right side, as if he headed towards me to put his hand on my head. I felt a kind of warmth on that side, on the other hand I was feeling cold and there was a sort of light on my left side. I got scared and opened my eyes with a low scream. I can still feel that warmth. Afterwards I feel like all of my troubles and problems are going to be resolved. Our business is going towards betterment. We believe that the Royal Jins of Moti Masjid are really helping us. May Allah bless you always and may you guide us with the same passion.

I always write to you about my problems and anxiously wait for your response. On receiving your reply I feel like all of my problems are solved. I keep your letter on my eyes, feeling its sweetness in my heart,thinking it’s from my Shaykh ,who has taught me to follow the footsteps of the Prophet  ﷺ and showed me the path  to become closer to Allah. (N,S)

My Salam to Allama Lahooti Purisrari Sahib!

Respected Hakeem Sahib Assalam u Alaikum! I have been reading your Ubqari Magazine since many years which provides contentment and gratification to my heart and soul. I pay regards to Allama Lahooti Purisrari Sahib and the whole team of Ubqari. I follow whatever comes in the column ‘Jinaat K Paidaishi Dost’. Also I tell others to benefit them. My many problems have been solved through ‘Paidaishi Dost’ .May Allah bless Allama Lahooti Purisrari Sahib, his siblings, wife and children Ameen. (Muhammad Azher Jahaniyan)

A breast cancer patients recovery in Moti Masjid

Respected Hakeem Sahib Assalam u Alaikum!I am thinking a person like me, a shabby and a sinner, how can have the honour to meet you.

My husband is M.B.B.S doctor. I have two sons and one daughter. I had been suffering from breast cancer for a year. I was admitted in one of the renowned hospitals. After I was discharged, while my treatment was still going on, the doctor was doubtful about my second breast and I was horrified by the thought. I went through many tests and was diagnosed with Hepatitis B and C.

The news was killing for me. I felt as if the distance between me and my life had reduced to some steps. Alhamdulillah I used to pray regularly. One of my friends suggested me to go to pray in Moti Masjid. When I asked my husband for the permission, he himself sent me with the driver. As I was told I went for three days, offered Nawafil and begged a lot in front of Allah    . I went through thick and thin of life, from my childhood to youth I experienced many ups and downs and now I was suffering from this deadly disease.I was extremely worried.  I found contentment and peace of heart there in the masjid.One day when my heart was not good and contented I went to the Masjid. After the period of one and a half month, I again went to there. One of the pious ladies told me that on every Thursday night a Dua is held after Dars in Tasbeeh Khana. Fortunately the next day was Thursday. I asked my husband to drop me there. My husband runs a clinic in evening. He dropped me there first then he went to his clinic. I cannot find words to express the contentment and peace of heart, I got through Dua. May Allah bless you with healthy and happy life, may you live long. Again I went to Moti Masjid, I prayed to Allah from the core of my heart, begging and crying, which enormously gratified my heart and soul. On the very next day again it was my test of second breast, I couldn’t sleep that night, the fear surrounded me, on my way to hospital I kept on praying to Allah ,but Alhamdulillah the report was negative. (J, R)

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