
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Herb; Which can cure/ Ends the typhoid in 10 Seconds- Mrs. Zia, Jhelum

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

(Mrs. Zia, Jhelum)

The germs of typhoid fever are in intestine.  QIST (قسط) can kill these germs, only in 10 seconds.  This is the best medicine for those People who usually suffer due of digestion problem. Frequent intake of four doses after every hour is effective in the swear condition of
diarrhea (lose motion).

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, Aasalam-O-Alikum, I always read your one sentence in the monthly Ubqari Magazine that ‘I have brought a precious pearl for you and I did not hide this’. I thought that I should add on to this precious pearl and that precious pearl is, KIST-E-SHEEREN (قسط شریں). This plant is excessively found in the area of Azad-Kashmir near the edge of river Jhlum and river Chanab. The actual reason of fame for this medicine is due to the saying of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. It is narrated by Hazrat Zaid-bin-Arkam that Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ ordered us to use   QIST (قسط) and olive oil for the treatment/cure of (Pulrosi) زات الجنب (پلورسی). It is narrated by Hazrat Anas-Bin-Malik رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ that Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ said that QIST (قسط) and Scarify/Scratching (پچھنے لگانا) are the best treatment among those which you use for the cure. It is in another narration that don’t torture your child in fever by persistent their throats while you have QIST (قسط) as a best treatment. It is narrated by Hazrat Jabar that Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ said, O Women! It is the state of regret for you that you killed your children, if there is swelling in the throat or there is headache then he should take QIST-HINDI (قسط) and scrub it in water and then take it. There are such numerous narrations like it. After using QIST-SHEEREN (قسط) I have come to know about its infinite benefits. Seven benefits are stated in the HADEES SHAREEF.

  1. It is useful in headache, take one fourth spoon of QIST (قسط) with water.
  2. It is useful for Liver: In Hepatitis, it’s use is very beneficial for four to five times in a day. It avoids the early weakness of liver and increase the hunger.
  3. It removes the disease of intestines; the germs of typhoid fever are in intestine. QIST (قسط) can kill these germs, only in 10 seconds.  This is the best medicine for those People who usually suffer due of digestion problem. Frequent intake of four doses after every hour is effective in the swear condition of
    diarrhea (lose motion). Instead of saying this is not wrong that it is very valuable for the early illness of abdomen/stomach.
  4. For the disease of chest: For the treatment of old cough, it is very beneficial to use it with the combination of QIST (قسط) with Malthi. This is very cheap and permanent treatment for Tuberculosis. In Prophetic ﷺ Medication it is mentioned to use it with olive oil for the treatment of Tuberculosis and this is really beneficial.  Mix equal amount of Honey, QIST SHEREEN (قسط), and Olive Oil, this mixture is very beneficial for the weakness of body. This is very beneficial for Pulrosi (Water in Lungs).5 It increase the immunity power in the body. It is a shield against disease. It diminishes the duration of virus attack for instant flue usually remain for three days it reduces the duration for one day. For safety precautions use it twice in a day (in Morning and in Evening), it will save you from the attacks of viruses. It can be use with Black seed (کلونجی) for every disease of abdomen/ stomach.6 It works effectively on the un-cured Wounds, Fractured and Pimples. Use one third of Tea-Spoon with water three times in a day (in Morning, Afternoon and in Evening) and then see the miracles of nature. Use it until the complete restore of wounds. Maximum the wound will be healed in one week elsewise use it for one more week.7 It is the best medicine for the swelling of kidney, the germs which cause swelling in kidney went through mouth.  If there is throat infection, tonsils and infection in tooth, it may infect your kidney. For this use small spoon of QIST SHEREEN (قسط) with water In Sha Allah (ان شاء اللہ) you will be saved from this disease.  It is beneficial for the pain of Muscles. It robust the nervous system, to protect the children from the effects of cold make a mixture of honey with QIST (قسط) and keep it and if you feel symptoms of flue and fever then immediately give this mixture to the child. In Sha Allah (ان شاء اللہ) winters will be spent with very comfort. The above described tips can be used without any tension/ worry. It is very beneficial for female problems. It prevents the Lacquer. In-short there are many benefits. This medicine which increases immunity in body against every illness is not very expensive.
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