
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

True biography of such a person who since birth till today is under the guidance of saint Jinnat. His days and nights are spent with Jinnat. On insistence of readers, strange and interesting revelations are being published in episodes but to understand this mysterious world, lot of patience and courage is required.

Teacher Fauqani Saani and visit to ill Mohaddis Jin: My love, affection and interest towards teacher Fauqani Saani have increased. I realized that Allah SWT has kept special qualities in him. There are some qualities in every human and Jin and there are a lot of them in pious and and saint and even ordinary Jinnat. I met him for the first time when I was travelling on my Jinnati vehicle to visit an ill Jin far away in a cave of a hill, I was told by Abdussalam Jin that he is very sick and remembers you a lot, finally I searched for him and reached to see him, he got up and sat, became happy, I did certain acts for cure due to which he got some instant relief and felt peace in his heart and body. He became happy and said: I have a student and I will call him and want you to meet him. He knows the secrets within secrets of this universe pretty well.           Allah سبحانہ تعالی has revealed these layers of secrets a lot before him, he never sits in one place so much so, that even on the day of his wedding he was sitting with a gifted person whereas his wife was waiting for him, he is always into investigations and search and spends days & nights of his life in the search, his every minute and breathe is spent into the secrets of the universe, his life, his breathes and his being is very precious (this mohaddis took a deep breath and said) I wish! That the rest of the years of my life are also given to him. Within some time he came to us, said Salam in a heavy and impressive voice and sat down, immediately upon sitting he started pressing the feet and shoulders of his Mohaddis teacher and did not pay any attention towards me. I kept on sitting in his presence and after a while this Mohaddis introduced me to this Jin and said: His name is Fauqani (as I had met a student of Fauqani Jin before also, therefore, deep in my heart I gave him the name, Fauqani Saani) then this Mohaddis gave a detailed introduction of his.

Conversation with Fauqani Saani Jin and secrets of this universe: After a while the Fauqani Jin became attentive towards me and the conversation started. Such things came during conversation which were related to the secrets of the universe, if I express these, then the ordinary human wisdom and human conscious, vision and comprehension will never understand, but in today’s sitting I want to deliver something as AMANAT to my Readers of which they will get definite benefit and will definitely get advantage. One Tasbih and endless forgiveness: The first thing which Fauqani Saani Jin told was that if some person desires that I meet my end upon faith and can utter Kalma, get the true closeness with Allah سبحانہ تعالی and his Messenger (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) and get their true connection, grave is heavenly, the question and answers, sessions of the Day of Judgment become too easy and the journey of Pul-e-Siraat on the Day of Judgment is done with ease, on the Day of Judgment gets endless forgiveness of Allah سبحانہ تعالی, is welcomed into heaven and angels are with him whose respect him, then such persons should recite before going off to sleep, one Tasbih                            ‘یَاتَوَّابُ’ and this is to be recited only while going off to sleep with Darud Sharif 3 times before and after and imagination should be O’ Allah I am the biggest sinner, all the world has been forgiven but I cannot be forgiven but yes, if your glorious mercy will be there then I will also be forgiven, and my sins and crimes are unforgiveable, therefore, due to the blessings of your this qualitative name forgive me too. Thus, it will be only one tasbih but it should be recited so as every part of the body and every piece in the body gets attentive towards the glorious being of Allah سبحانہ تعالی.

Fauqani Saani Jin said something which surprised me: This Fauqani Saani Jin told about such an amazing thing that I myself was surprised. When I look towards the word ‘یَاتَوَّابُ, I understand it, and when I listen to the expression and truthfulness of Fauqani Saani Jin, still I understand it, rather understand it a lot. I was hearing his talk.

Excellent end of an ordinary Muslim Jin upon faith: During this, Fauqani Saani Jin told me that in our world of Jinnat there was a person who was not very pious, rather he was an ordinary Muslim, before his death, many years before, I had told him about this act that if he recites one tasbih (100 times) of ‘یَاتَوَّابُ’ at night before going off to sleep, with or without ablution and at every place in every condition, this one tasbeeh before sleeping with Darud Sharif 3 time before and after. He died sometime in recent past and his family told me that in his last moments, he said that bring Holy Quran, when Quran was brought, he started reading it in the best of accent and in a beautiful melodious voice whereas he was totally illiterate, he could not read Holy Quran but at this time he was doing so in an excellent way and he kept on reading Quran so much so that he read about one and half Sipara of Holy Quran and then returned it and made everybody attentive. People! I ask forgiveness of my sins, ask forgiveness for not following Allah’s commandments, please give my message to all those whom I hurt and tell them that I apologize, I bring faith on Allah, angels, his holy books and his prophets and the Day of Judgment and that the good and bad is from Allah SWT, I have faith in all these, I have faith that there is life after death, people be witness of my faith, of my repentance and while talking about such good things and reciting Kalma he passed away towards the eternal life.

This is not just death: This is not about just one death, I have found many excellent and best possible deaths like this in my life. Fauqani Saani Jin further said, recitation is a small one but its benefits are too great. Every living being has to die whether human or a Jin, death is a reality and who understands this reality, he understands the reality of life and who forgot death, he forgot life for good too, death is the real thing whereas life is not, and at the last moments, till the Day of Judgment every living being has to taste death. Readers! After this experience and strange observations, I started telling this to innumerous people and since long time I am telling this and am still telling it.

Strange dream of Allama Sahib: One night, while asleep I saw a dream and it was a strange dream. They were many people close to me, their dress were very nice, beautiful faces and bodies and they were riding upon some heavenly vehicles, I don’t know what were these vehicles.

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