Honorable Hakeem Sahab, Assalam o Alaikum, May Allah grants you a lot many blessings for your effort in publishing Ubqari magazine. I am going to share a valuable tested tip that has come to my aid a lot many times.
Four Rakat Nafl Hajat:
In the first rakat, recite Surah Ikhlas 11 times after surah Fatihah.
In the second rakat, recite Surah Fatihah 21 times after surah Fatihah.
In the third rakat, recite Surah Fatihah 31 times after surah Fatihah.
In the fourth rakat, recite Surah Fatihah 41 times after surah Fatihah.
After finishing the namaz, recite Surah Ikhlas 51 times. Durud Shareef 51 times.
After that, recite Ya Allah 100 times in the position of Sajda.
After that ask Allah for your valid need.
(Bint Saif, Multan)