
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

You are extremely lucky to be in the Tasbih Khana

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

Maulana Zahoor Ahmed Bhagvi (May Allah’s Mercy be upon him) was a noble and Godly person. He had a servant named Munir Ahmed who had a very jolly nature. One day Munir Ahmed asked him that as he (Maulana) had numerous wealthy friends so if he could ask any of them to sponsor a Hajj journey for him. Maulana told him that he could do that on one condition only if he would stop making fun of others. It was taken so seriously that a legal paper was written and got it signed by him. Then Maulana asked one of his friends to prepare arrangement for his Hajj journey. The friend was so obedient that he instantly fulfilled the request. Those days, the Hajj journey was normally done by sea. Maulana was also accompanied by few other servants as well including Munir Ahmed. They all performed Hajj and got their heads shaved. After Ihram was over they finished the remaining rituals.

Now let me have a chat with my Lord:

They used to ride ponies and donkeys those days as means of travelling so Munir Ahmed was riding a donkey. Suddenly he turned towards Maulana and said.’ Zahoor Ahmed, now let me have a chat with my Lord’. Upon this Maulana reminded him of his promise that he would not be funny again. He replied, No not at all, then he started chatting with Allah by saying that O Allah! We have a custom in our country that if someone is found guilty of a major offence, he is made to ride on the donkey and his face is blackened before parading him in the streets so that people would see him and hate him followed by shaving of his head as a symbol of his crookedness. O Allah, now my head has been shaved and I am riding a donkey and if You still not forgive me then I would think this entire journey was nothing but useless. Maulana rebuked him and said,’ you started your useless jolliness again!’ Munir replied, no, no; let me have a chat with my Lord’.  While this was all going on, a Godly Dervish went passed there as all the Men of Allah gather in Makah during Hajj. When he saw all this he asked Maulana not to stop his servant as he was in a trance while talking to Allah and was continuously being blessed by Allah’s Mercy. When Maulana heard this he left him saying, Ok now you keep on talking to your Lord as now it is between the two of you’. Indeed he, who learns to talk to His Lord, would definitely achieve everything. 

The fortunate ones:

The one who learns how to talk to his Lord is, undoubtedly, the luckiest person in this world while those who do not know how to do that should consider themselves as deprived as Allah does not want to talk to him so he was not bless with Taufeeq to do so. Is it possible without Allah’s Sheer Mercy? You must be extremely lucky that Allah has made you hold the Tasbih (beads for recitation) and made you stand on the prayer mat. You are lucky that you have been permitted to come to the Tasbih Khana and Allah has given you permission to offer prayers as well as reciting supplication over His Beloved Messenger(Peace be upon him). This intimacy is not available to everyone not even those who may be sitting quite close to Ka’aba.

The picture of my friend is in the frame of my heart: During Hajj journey this year, I offered Maghreb prayers at the residence of Hadhrat Ameer Hamza (May Allah be pleased with him) which has now been converted into mosque. There was a guy sitting next to me during the prayer and he wanted to share something with me. He must be sitting there well before Maghreb. When I sat with him and contemplated the condition of his heart in my mind, I was really amazed to see that he was no more belonging to this world rather he was continuously absorbed into the Love of Allah and His Entity.

The picture of my friend is in the frame of my heart,

Whenever, I bow down my head, I saw Him there.

He was so absorbed in the remembrance of Allah that even if he was cut into pieces, he would not even feel it. The sincerity of his heart reminded me of another verse:

I had Allah on my side despite the sheer hustle of this world;

we were though mingled with others but still remained isolated (with our Lord)

We cannot imagine that a person excessively involved in the worldly routines can have such a strong connection with Allah. We have just the apparent means to assess different people and think that our assessment is always perfect (although that may not be the case).

His phone number speaks out:

I asked one of my friends, I rang you several times but you never picked up’. Another guy was standing there who clarified on his behalf that he did could recognise my number. I asked him if it was the same when he calls him. He said, ‘his number speaks out’. Believe me his words still echo in my ears, ‘his number speaks out itself’. As he had strong connection and his number was known to him so despite receiving several calls, he would recognise his number. 

Your call is connected through the rapidest system:

In fact, we do not bother to dial Almighty’s number that frequently. We dial after long intervals and though I am taking some liberty but the connecting angels would also not bother to connect that call that we dialled heedlessly and they would just dump it in the pending account. Now it will stay there for some time. But sometime we dial His number and even give Him a missed call and immediately we get a call back. How did that happen...continued

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