
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Learn ways of tidiness from experienced elderly women

Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

A tidy and clean wife takes care of her husband’s comfort in every aspect. No matter how late he comes home at night, she will serve him with ready and hot food, makes breakfast for him very peacefully and nicely, keeps hot water ready in winters and gives him icy water in summers.

­Experienced elderly women say that young wives often take more care of their own beauty and dressing but often ignore an important issue that is regarding how to live happily and peacefully with their husbands. To live a happy married life no doubt both wife and the husband have their individual roles to play, but a clean and tidy wife can make her house an ideal example with her sensibility and jolliness. To get married at a young age is not difficult as compared to when after marriage she has to live in a happy environment with her husband. This is the most worrying and attention worthy thing for her. In regard to this, following are a few tips and ways, and applying them practically will be very beneficial for her.

Expression of gratefulness and peace:                                                                               

To become your husband’s apple of the eye this is one of the first and effective measures. To be able to satisfy the wife and make her grateful husbands usually take a lot of pains. For example her unnecessary expenditures, her routine health problems, too much spice in the food, and many more household things. There is no doubt that mistakes and unpleasant things can be done by the husbands, but sensible wives usually tolerate a lot of their husbands’ mistakes with patience instead she accepts them and does not flare up on trivial things. Husband’s extreme punctualities, cigarette smoking, excessive tea addiction, off and on ranting and impulsiveness doesn’t bother her a lot and she just laughs these minor things off and gets amused by them. The most satisfying thing for the wife should be that she and her house have gained the husband’s attention. This is a big thing that one person who was previously busy in all directions aimlessly, was flowing in some temporary requirements and demands, has now left everything else and has found one destination that is his home now whose queen is his wife now. Is this fact not good enough for the wife that previously a man, who belonged to no one, is now influenced by her for the rest of their lives and belongs to her now? This acknowledgement and success should make the wife extremely grateful and satisfied.

Expression of realizing his importance and liking towards him:

Realization and expression of gratitude and satisfaction are next followed by her appreciation of things her husband says. The woman who interrupts her husband on everything he says and shows her disapproval at whatever he says, gets annoyed by his jokes, always sticks to her own opinion and is domineering in her tone and shows him that she is superior, will eventually lead to her husband’s disappointment and him losing hope in her. Every husband is in dire need of friendship and companionship. When he is not able to get this in the house, he will begin to avoid the house and stay away from home and will prefer to stay outside with his friends, whatever good or bad company he finds. Gradually there is a psychological or spiritual gap which develops between the couple, which often the wife suffers more from. This condition is usually mostly attributable to a non-compliant wife.

Taking care of husbands rest and relaxation:

A tidy and clean wife takes care of her husband’s comfort in every aspect. No matter how late he comes home at night, she will serve him with ready and hot food, makes breakfast for him very peacefully and nicely, keeps hot water ready in winters and gives him icy water in summers. She talks to him about happy things while feeding him, and does not bug him with trivial household fights and quarrels. This way he leaves the home for work with a much satisfied mind and when he arrives back tired and exhausted, he is delighted by the happy go lucky nature of his wife. In terms of business matters also, a pious wife will give her husband a pious advice and this nourishes unity and similar thinking between the two. To face the downs of life with success, both wife and husband should take steps together in one direction with unity. A sensible wife will follow her husband in his steps along with him. She does not move in the opposite direction and sticks to her husband in every difficult time and stands by him like a sincere partner. This way the wheel of life keeps moving peacefully and both of them reach their destination successfully. 

In summary, to be good to your husband you require these following measures: gratitude, to be able to listen to him carefully, sticking by him in every word he says and difficult times, stand by him in his mistakes, build a relationship full of trust. Marriage is an unbeatable relation which should and is kept till the end. All these points are such that only a sensible and lucky woman can find interesting and beneficial


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