
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Inborn Friend of Jinns - Part 3

Ubqari Magazine - July 2015

The special wazifa of jinnat for those who have no offspring:

The sahabi baba began to say that there was one brother of mine who had lived a long life and when he was married he was unable to have children. People said a lot of things that there must be some black magic or the after effects of evil eye on this brother. In the world of jinnat black magic is quite common and jinnat involve themselves with this sort of magic to a great extent. We went for all sorts of treatment and cure but we couldn’t figure out the solution.

We got treatment of every kind but all in vain and we got disappointed and worried. Many years passed and my old mother kept on praying day and night so that my brother may be blessed with offspring. Once my mother saw a dream that there came seven women and they were carrying seven baskets, made of straws, in their hands and in every basket there were fruits of seven different types, they had arrived to give these things to my mother. My mother asked why you give me these things. The women replied that we have come to give you seven sons. My mother asked to them in dream that my son doesn’t have sons, how you have arrived to give these things, one woman who was looking their leader said that these seven baskets will benefit you when you will recite that Surah of the Holy Quran in which there are the most oaths and the oaths which have been taken by Allah. My mother asked which those oaths are and what is the name of Surah? The woman replied that those seven oaths and the Surah is Surah Shams.

Allah granted a commendation through dream:

Recite this Surah more and more, the more you recite the most you will get the benefit. Otherwise at least recite this Surah at least 40 times in the morning and in the evening. If you keep on reciting this surah constantly then in sha Allah you will get 100% success and you will get offspring means sons and you won’t be unsuccessful. When my mother woke up she sighed and I was sleeping at the place near to my mother. When I listened the sigh of my mother I got up and got surprised that what kind of problem occurred that my mother is sighing and weeping. I went and kissed the feet of my mother and asked her by pressing her feet that what kind of problem do you have that you are weeping? My mother replied that I had saw a dream and in the dream I have been ordered to recite Surah Shams 40 times, I am weeping because I feel that Allah has made easiness for our problems and in sha Allah we have come in the life of comforts and bounties from the life of problems and troubles.

Got seven sons by reciting Surah WaShams:

My mother started reciting Surah Washams since that day and in surprising numbers, my mother used to recite this with as much belief that she used to recite innumerable in one day, and if she could not recite in abundance she at least used to recite 40 times in the morning and evening. This recitation with belief prolonged a lot and during this my brother didn’t get offspring but my mother didn’t get disappointed and she kept on reciting Surah Shams constantly. After some time brother got a good news by the grace of Allah, after listening to this good news my mother kept on reciting Surah Shams, I used to like her this recitation. She kept on reciting by hoping that if Allah has granted pregnancy, in sha Allah he will also grant offspring and will grant sons.

Recited the commendation of Surah Wa-Shams and got seven sons:

My mother kept on reciting with this belief and eventually Allah blessed my brother with a son. After that I noticed that my mother was continuously reciting Surah Shams. I asked her for one or two times that you have been continuously reciting Surah Shams and Allah has granted a son to the brother, why are you reciting this again? My mother replied; Son! I am reciting this Surah because in dream I had seen seven sons for your brother and Allah will give sons to him, I have true belief. Therefore on the behalf of this belief I have been continuously reciting Surah Shams. And really this happened, my mother kept on reciting this Surah and Allah kept on granting us sons. When we got seven sons my mother left reciting Surah Shams.

O premature! Don’t leave reciting Surah Shams:

After some time my mother saw a dream and in dream somebody asked my mother that who will be more premature than you? You have left reciting Surah Shams, don’t leave reciting this Surah. Because your son has got sons with the blessing of this Surah and if the sons of your son get sons even then you should not leave reciting this Surah.

Sahabi Baba was telling us the story with belief and confidence and was telling us the observation of his life.

Got sons, blessings and bounties by reciting Surah Shams:

Sahabi baba said that it was the belief which compelled my mother to recite Surah Shams and she used to recite this with true heart. And really it happened by reciting Surah Shams, my  mother passed away a long time back, but still we have more sons in our family even now we desire for daughters and beg to Allah for daughters. Sahabi baba told that he has told this procedure to many people who only had daughters or who didn’t have offspring. I asked them to recite this continuously and with 100% belief. And really they got sons and the sons got health, blessing and bounties. Whoever recited this surah he got sons even some people were infertile and there was no medical treatment for them but they also got sons by the blessing of this surah.

Haji Sahb told his experiences and observations:

When Sahabi baba told this story, Haji sahb said that if you have told us about this procedure I will also tell you it’s one procedure and observation.

During this I just felt like that this topic should be closed and Sahabi baba should tell us about the hidden mysteries of this universe and such mysteries which many people are trying to know but they are not getting success. In congregation many people and younger’s were sitting therefore I didn’t feel it better to ask him for closing the topic, but after sometime I realized that it was proved good that Haji Sahb told his experiences and feelings and observation of Surah Shams. I realized this later and this realization felt good.

Haji Sahb Started telling, that it is the story of that time when I used to live permanently in Baghdad and I spent the golden and splendid days of my life in Baghdad.

Go and fulfill the need of a needy beggar:

One day I felt that somebody is saying to me that go out and fulfill the need of a needy who is begging, resolve his problem and I set off unintentionally. I kept on walking in the famous old market of Baghdad.

An appeal of a wealthy beggar who was restless since 12 years:

After a long walk I met a beggar and needy person, he was crying that he didn’t need wealth, money, gold or silver instead he wanted a grandson.  “Is there anybody who can bring a son for  from Allah? Is there anybody who can complete my generation? Is there anybody who can extinguish my thirst of grandsons? Is there anybody who can finish my hunger by giving me the bite by the hands of grandson? O people! I don’t have grandson. I have been restless since twelve years. O people! I am not a beggar, neither a needy and nor a deserved person. O people! I am a rich and wealthy person. The need and desire of grandson has made me beggar and now after being compelled I am walking towards the market. Is there anybody who can get me blessed with sons by the grace of Allah?”

A strange beggar asking for a son:

He had a weeping voice. There was a magic of pain in his voice and he was grieved. He was continuously shouting. Nobody was raising his hands to help him but everybody was thinking that how strange beggar he is, who does not ask for money or gold and silver, he only asks for sons. I started following him, it was the time of “Chasht” means the day had just been started. Till the sunset I followed that old man and that beggar continuously kept on asking for sons and I continuously kept on observing him but nobody helped him. There was nobody to fulfill his need.

The Sighs and appeals of strange beggar to Allah:

He leaned against a tree and started weeping and talking to Allah, “O Allah! You know that I have helped the poor people in my whole life. O Allah! I remember that time when You blessed me with a son and I fed 1100 poor people. I had got 100 poor people worn clothes, I built houses for 11 poor people and O Allah! You know that I have never taken that bite for which a beggar would have asked. O Allah! I don’t call myself a generous person but I have never denied the request and appeal of a deserved person or a beggar in my whole life. Today I am begging You for my need, kindly fulfill my need. O Allah! I walk on the roads from morning to evening being a beggar but nobody fulfill my need. Will my entire life pass in this struggle and I will leave this world as nameless?”

The Story of Haji Sahb got wept everybody:

“O Allah! Send any Khizar who could fulfill my desire.”

Haji sahb was telling the story in such a way that I and the other persons sitting there, were weeping. Haji sahb himself was weeping.

He said I got tensed after listening to this voice and got worried. Perhaps I was sent to help this man. A voice arose inside me to fulfill his need and help him. Haji sahb said that the grief and pain of that beggar amazed me and his cries kept on hitting my heart during the entire day. But at the end when he leaned against a tree and wept and told his feelings and grieves to Allah, and mentioned his good deeds and well behavior with the poor people, his condition inspired me and I realized that Allah has sent me for the help of this person. He was weeping and talking to Allah and he didn’t have realization that somebody is listening to him or somebody is following him since the morning. Haji sahb sighed and said I also followed him for the entire day but neither I tired nor I got bored instead I was in curiosity that when the journey of this man will finish. At last his journey was finished at that time when he was weeping by leaning against a tree. At that time I was continuously thinking that what I should tell him?

Allah made me a source to help that rich beggar:

Which commendation or citation should I tell him? And I was worried suddenly I got a feeling that, Who has sent me for his help He will guide me Himself and when I paid attention towards Allah after closing my eyes, the voices of crying and appeals of that beggar was coming into my ear. But I was continuously attentive towards Allah saying that O Allah! Please guide me that what should I do and how should I help him. O Allah! I don’t know what the help is and how I can help him. Just suddenly a sentence uttered from my tongue, today I think that how did I uttered that sentence? Then I realized that when the grief and pain of a person increases then his requests to Allah get the attentions of Almighty Allah, then Allah makes somebody a source to help the grieved person and perhaps Allah had made me a source to help that beggar.

O old man! Don’t get disappointed, recite Surah Wa-Shams:

I started talking to him, O old-man! Don’t get disappointed. Allah has sent me for your help. I have been following you since “Chasht” till the sunset. I told him the ways from where he passed through in the day and the different words he shouted in different places. I have been continuously listening to your appeals and I also listened to the words you said to Almighty Allah while sitting beneath the tree. Respected old-man, don’t get disappointed and recite only Surah Shams. Recite yourself and the whole family members as well. If it is not possible then the maximum family members who can recite should recite this, Recite this innumerable, or at least 40, 40 times in the morning and in the evening, or 40 times once in a day.

Recite Surah Shams, you will get son and grandson too:

Don’t ask me for how many days you have to recite this. Till you don’t get your desire fulfilled you should keep on reciting this. Keep on reciting this Surah day and night; in sha Allah your desire will be accomplished. You will get son and grandson who will put bite into your mouth. The old-man was looking at me and was listening to my words astonishingly. His behavior was uncertain as if he could not get help in any means and there is nobody who can answer his appeals. He asked me, “Are you speaking truth?” I mollified him and told him that it is true that I have been sent for your help. I have been especially assigned a duty to help you, please listen to my words understand them and spread this thing among all.

My wept of 12 years succeeded:

The old man stood up, he hugged me and kissed on my forehead and started weeping loudly and said that my heart has accepted this, my desire has fulfilled, I have got the heritor of my property and my prayers have been accepted. My wept of 12 years succeeded, Allah has rewarded me for my every tear, I am satisfied and I am contented. The old man was continuously saying this in intuitive way that I am satisfied and I am contented. I have satisfaction, belief and comfort, who are you? I replied that please pray for me I have come to serve you, I told him the procedure of Surah Sahms and came back. I had a curiosity and keen that what happened after that?

Allah gave a grandson by an accusatory procedure:

By this accusatory procedure did he get son or not? I was curious. Approximately after one year I went to meet that old man by searching his home. He recognized me from far away and asked that aren’t you my helper? With your help Allah granted me a grandson. I searched you a lot but where had you been? When I got grandson I arranged a big party in which 90% people were poor and 10% were my relatives and rich people. I provided them food, gave clothes to poor people, gave vehicles, arranged jobs, and for some people I fixed monthly remuneration. It was all in the happiness of having a grandson. Then the old man stood up and called his servant and brought his grandson out. I took the cute and beautiful baby in my hands and kissed him. I prayed for him and recited the prayers for his guard and after reciting some citation I gave him back in the lap of the old man. 

Baba Jee (the old man) told the citation for son seekers:

The old man was too much happy; he arranged best dishes for me and ordered me not to go without having meal. We went into a big drawing room together. In drawing room, best bed sheets were spread for me and pillows were kept for me and high quality things were arranged for me. He was continually saying that O people come and see he is the person who became a resource for me to get son from Allah. During this many people gathered, most of them didn’t have offspring, I told all of them the same procedure and everybody was amazed. I asked the old man to tell them the same procedure. He replied, “Believe me, I forgot to tell this.” These people didn’t ask me, I used to tell them that a person came as Khizar from Almighty Allah and he told me the procedure and I recited it day and night with full devotion and grief, and Allah blessed me with a son (grandson). I told the procedure of Surha Wa-Shams to all the people who had arrived and added some words that they should recite it with trust and belief and shouldn’t recite without trust and belief. I asked them to recite this continuously; in sha Allah they will get the offspring and son as well.

Whosoever recited Surha Wa-Shams procedure, he got sons:

The old man departure me after giving many souvenirs which I didn’t want to take, but I accepted due to his insistence and he asked me to say thanks to my family members as well. Now I had a curiosity that did the people get offspring to whom I had told the procedure. It was the first accusatory procedure which I was blessed, which I also mentioned earlier. I went again for this accusatory procedure and told to the people and whosoever recited this, Allah blessed him with the bounty of sons. However, one person got daughter but everybody got offspring. Everybody got offspring and they were happy. Everybody was satisfied and was offering prostration.

A splendid procedure for Infertility, Agenesis and for the lack of sons:

This procedure is very much splendid for infertility, agenesis and for the lack of sons. By this procedure the blessing, mirth and kindness of Allah is attracted and by this procedure surprising results are obtained.  When Haji Sahb told this story, I and everybody was surprised because the old scholar and many other people had told the stories but this story was too much surprising. Haji Sahb told that since that day whosoever meets me who does not have offspring and generations I tell all of them the same procedure and advise them that every family member should recite this or maximum family members must recite this. This procedure has much effectiveness and blessing.

Any person who does not have children and so, next generations, I told this act to everybody and insisted that all the family members or maximum number of people who can recite it, must recite it and this is a very effective act, when this story ended.

Sahabi Baba revealed such astonishing secrets which were not revealed before to anyone:

 I repeated my old questions to Sahabi Baba, that Baba Ji, you kindly tell us the strange experiences of the mysterious life and tell us the secrets which are hidden in the universe, not revealed to any person, tell us those things for which people, tried a lot but could not succeed, then Sahabi Baba while telling about mysterious things told us about a strange thing, he said!

Meeting with a species in the bottom of the sea:

Once I asked Allah SWT that O’ Allah! If there are any creations living in the depths of the ocean besides sea animals and fish, kindly reveal it to me. I got an order to proceed to the ocean, when I did so as commanded, I found a sailor who pointed towards his boat that I should sit in it, I sat in the boat, it was a big boat and me and the sailor were the only two people in it and it was a dangerous black night with no sound, ocean, all around, but I was not scared, however was astonished that what does Allah SWT desires and what is his wish. Wondering all these things, I was going away and was travelling in astonishment. After many hours of journey, even though this boat was traveling with the speed of light for many hours, the boat stopped at one place and the sailor did Salam to me and entered into the water and disappeared. Now I was alone in the middle of the ocean in the boat.

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