
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Inborn Friend of Jinns - Part 1

Ubqari Magazine - July 2015

Accepted Everything Without Any Explanation:

So much so that gold started falling in the ocean. I kept on sitting while keeping a stone on my heart that in front of me Shah sahib (RA) neither refused nor he took the pearl, neither did he take the key, nor did he take these gold petals. Because the father of Shah Wali Ullah (رحمۃ اللہ علیہ) had advised me one thing in life that to consider the master such that any logic should not be given and to accept his yes or no without any logic. So that thing used to come in front of me. I accepted everything without any logic.

Dignity of the Order of Murshid or the Master:

I felt that another gust came and clouds vanished and they were spreading the petals of flowers in the sea. I was anxiously seeing millions of petals of flowers floating in the ocean. Whereas they were of gold. And on every petal of rose a word was written “wali”, I could not understand anything. The journey continued. I felt in front that a bank came. I started waiting for that shore. But I had a feeling also that I wanted to continue my journey with that old sailor. Where I had even the mildest feeling of losing the pearl, the key and flower petals, on the other hand, I had the dignity of the order of my master in my mind. But I had these thoughts that I reached the bank. The old sailor came off and I came off with him. When we went in front two stones were lying. He sat on one and he asked me to sit on the other.

The Wisdom behind Not Taking Three Things:

I sat down. He said to me. The first thing was the pearl. If you had taken that you could have become wealthy. But this could have stayed only to you. After your death your generations could not have benefited from it. And your generations would have become destitute, poor and abject. The second thing was the key. This was in reality the key of the treasures. It was the key of seven big kings' treasures. If you had taken the key then the jinns who are appointed as caretakers of these treasures would have become your slaves. They would themselves have taken you to these treasures. And they would have opened the doors of these treasures for you. You could have looted the treasures and your generations could have looted the treasures as well. Your three generations could have benefited from the treasures and after that the fourth generation would have been deprived.

The next rain was that of the petals of flowers. In these petals of flowers were wealth, affluence, means and things like that and on every petal the word “wali” was written. The meaning of this word wali was kingdom and the governorship or welayet of a certain area or territory. When these petals would have come to you, the invisible system would have functioned. And you would have become a king of a certain area. Wealth, throne, crwon, armies, governance, authority would all have been yours. And you would have taken these things. This would all have been till your life. After that this would all have finished.

All of this was Your Test:

All of this was your test. All of this was a trial. In fact shah sahib had you sit behind himself and tried to reward you for your services of many years. In fact shah sahib (RA) wanted to give you something else. In reality, shah sahib wanted to give you something else. Something due to which you remain happy and prosperous. So that you remain wealthy and that you remain virtuous. So that there should not be any deficiency in your sustenance, wealth, bliss, respect, and treasures. And not only you your generations also remain always happy.

I Shall Give You That Treasure:

I shall give you that treasure. And that is your keep. That is lying due to your services. The old sailor said to my while jolting me. Look, be careful, at any time you serve a man of Allah with the sincerity of the heart in return for that you get Allah. And the meaning of Allah is that you get all the blessings of Allah of this world and the hereafter. I shall give you one one blessing from the hereafter and that is surah Quraish. Recite this every time with Bismillah, every moment, every minute, every second, and every hour. Every step, every breath. Never leave this.

All The Secrets of Life Are in This:

The pearls and diamonds are in this, the key is in this, the petals of flowers are in this. The gold petals are in this. The universe is in this. And its secrets are in this. Take this! I give you permission for this, and I also give you the complete effect as well. Go! Return back!! That’s it!!!

Never Send a Seeker Again:

Say my salam to hazrat Shah sahib (رحمۃ اللہ علیہ). And say that sheikh please does not send a seeker again. Our system is affected. There are a few duties and services that we are supposed to do. Go back! He rubbed his hand on my head. And patted me on the shoulder and said, Assalam-o-alaikum. When he said salam then I felt in return that I was sitting behind hazrat Shah (sahib) at the time of tahajjud. I rubbed my ears that I spent many days and nights over there, but all of this felt as if for a short while I am getting the spiritual attentions of hazrat Shah sahib (رحمۃ اللہ علیہ) in his tomb behind him.

Whatever you see, Digest it:

The severity of my breathing persuaded shah sahib to turn behind and look at me. He said, whatever you saw just digest it. This is that mechanism that is not present in the the world of your jinns. Then he said, Allah almighty gave to me and I never even showed a piece of it to you. If you had seen it, then you may not have come back. And you would have said that this world is pungent، Because the realm of the souls smells good. I started sitting behind the back of hazrat Shah sahib every day. I started seeing a new scene every day. And I used to see a wonderful mechanism.

The Spiritual Power of Sahaabi Baba:

Where the old scholar jinn was continuously telling about his states and was telling about his incidents. He was in a state of unconsciousness. He did not even have a feeling that how much time had been passed. And this is also a fact that the time was passing. And he was telling about the states of his heart, old experiences observations, the incidednts of surah Quraish and the incidents of various deeds. At the same time I saw in the eyes of the sahaabi baba and I was totally dumbfounded that he was thinking about something with his eyes closed. I thought that maybe he had slept. I did not find it pertinent to wake him up. In a short time he started saying to me that Allama sahib! You thought that perhaps I had slept, I smiled and said that I thought that the same. He said, “no, whatever this old scholar is saying, I have been listening to all of that. And After listening I am feeling with my spiritual power that whatever he has said whether it is true or false. So where I  have reached with my spiritual power, very few people in the universe have reached there. The feeling I have due to my spiritual power, many people cannot acquire that thing. Develop an estimate of my power and strength with this thing that I can reach below seven seas, seven oceans, seven rivers and seven lands. I can develop feelings and knowledge in air and atmosphere due to my spiritual powers. I have a feeling and then that happens in the universe. And then I have to accept that with the states of the heart that whatever I am saying and thinking that is true and a reality. Many people cannot understand this truth and the reality. That is why I do not express myself. Because certain realities are such that if a human being denies them either he becomes sinful or he becomes an infidel or he becomes rude and insolent.

Today I Will Tell You About a Few Strange Realities:

That is why I try to keep on listening and not talk. If today I have spoken so I will tell you about a few wonderful realities. I saw his sagely state and asked. But before asking I asked the old scholar who was telling the wonders and observations of surah Quraish that if he could allow then we could listen to the states and incidents circumstances, and experiences and observations.

Wonderful Spiritual Experiences And Wonderful Spiritual Observations:

So he said to me, that why not? Rather I myself want that I should listen to these things. But the old scholar said that do not forget to listen to this incident from me، because this incident has given me a lot in this world. Wonders, states, wonderful spiritual experiences, and wonderful spiritual experiences, I have found everything because of them. And you will be surprised too. And after staying this he became quiet. I asked the sahaabi baba again. Huzoor, please tell me that whether jinns live in the depths of oceans? Do jinns live in graves? Do jinns live under rivers? Do jinns live under the land? If you have spoken today then please tell us a few realities and incidents and observations. And please tell us about certain realities that might astonish us. Upon listening to my suggestion, sahaabi baba said, I will definitely tell you today. He said, Our nation of jinns and and this nation of jinns is an extremely old nation. They are older than humans and larger in number too. Humans are nothing in number compared to jinns. Rather humans are very less. Sahaabi baba saw me with fast eyes and said, do you know that the house in which human beings live that your practitioners say that they burnt so many jinns, and scared so many of them, they do not even know that the house in which jinns live they do not live in a few numbers like hundreds or thousands rather they are in millions.  Then he stressed upon his argument and further said that this is a reality that jinns live everywhere, they live on every tree, in every house, in every dilapidated place, in every ruin, in every inhabited place, in seas, rivers, canals, trees, gardens, parks, graveyards, houses, there is no place in the world where jinns do not live. I felt that everyone was listening to their talk with perplexity and awe. In the meanwhile I saw that that old scholar jinn was listening to these things with curiosity while dropping tears with his eyers. I don't know why they were crying. I could not ask this. But they were crying. And they were crying too much. Then I asked him, “Sahaabi baba! Tell us based on your experience and  Sahabi Baba answered politely, “Yes you can narrate”. Alim Jinn said that once he was passing by a forest which had many dangerous animals. There were no human beings there. There were demons and animals only. I rested in the forest for a while because it was time for prayer. I called for Azan. Many Muslim jinns nearby came to pray. They prayed with me، After the prayer was sitting and reading all wazaif given to me by my Murshid. My murshid was from Makkah. Suddenly I felt there was a storm. All the animals started runny around. Dark clouds covered the whole sky. Storm covered the whole jungle. It was so strong that the trees were falling down. The stem/branches were braking. We could hear bird and animals screaming. I was watching all this because I was a jinn and I knew that the power in the storm comes from jinnat.

Jinnat are fond of Storm:

Jinnat like storm a lot because they also travel in the form of storm and wind. Whenever there is a storm they like it, they move in it, they fly and dance with it. I saw an old tree which was standing in this storm. When I went near it I saw a cave under its roots.

Cave under the Roots of the tree

The old tree fell down and I could clearly see a cave under it. I was shocked to see a cave there. I felt that there was a passage to go underground. The alim jinn took a breadth while narrating this story as he was telling this with emotions. He said that he started going inside the cave. He saw that jinnat were living in the cave. Their generation, their home, their living, their food was different. I was not shocked to see jinnat as I knew that jinnat live under the ground.

Jinnat underground:

Another reason for my surprise was a pathway underground. I kept moving inside that path and reached an entire new world. I saw a different type of jinnat which I never came across before. The lives of those jinnat were different. They were much more dangerous, their food  and living were different. For once I got scared of them that they would eat me. But then I realized that I was also a jinn. There was some unseen power which was continuously taking me forward.

Weird/Different Old Jinn and Surah Shams:

Then I came across old jinn who was reading Quran. He was repeatedly reading only Surah Shams. He would start again when finished. I sat there unwillingly. As I mentioned earlier that I was feeling that there was unseen power which kept me moving till here. The unseen power made me sit beside that old jinn. I kept hearing him reading Surah Shams over and over again. This way many hours passed and I was neither tired nor bored. Many jinnat were passing by the old jinn but nobody was paying attention to him. Only I was sitting and hearing his recitation.

The Old Jinn hugged me:

After reading for hours that jinn went to sujood and remained in the same position for hours. When he got up from sujood, his forehead was wet from sweat. He hugged me and loved me. I could feel frangnace from all part of him, and could feel spirituality. After meeting him, I felt as if I have met someone from paradise. I could feel a paradise around me.

Unground Jinnat offered me food:

He then politely asked me to sit down. I clapped and two young jinns came to him. He introduced me to both of them and said that I live above the earth. He also mentioned that I was very much surprised watching them. I nodded my head in agreement to what he was saying. He sons smiled at me. Then they served me food and drink which was very tasty and I realized that I was eating a lot.

Unseen power brought me here:

After I ate the food, they asked me how I came. I told them that I myself don’t know how I reached here. But there was some unseen power which dragged me till here and that is how I ended up meeting them. One question that I had in my mind was that why he was reading Surah Shams repeatedly. All the jinnat were listening to this story carefully. Sahabi baba confirmed that whatever I was telling was true. He asked me to continue telling it in detail.

Read 1 crore 15 lakh times Surah Shams:

The jinn who I found reciting Quran told me that he has been reading Surah Shams for 40 days continuously, without eating, drinking, sleeping and resting. I have read it for one crore 15 lakh times. It is not difficult for jinnat to read it this many times as they have God gifted powers.

1100 years of age Jinn’s gift to human beings:

The old jinn told me that he has prayed Surah Shams to give its power and effect to the person who can pass this amal to all those people who are tensed/worried in many ways. He said that his age is almost 1100 years and he is towards the end of his life. He has always seen jinnat troubling human being in many ways. They misguide children, create fights between husband and wives, make accident, light fires, and become reason for illness. I decide to read Surah Shams for 1 crore 15 lakh times before I die and give this amal to human being.

Wazifa for fulfilling all wishes:

Whoever reads this Surah 40 times with بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ every time before it, read Durood shareef 7 times in the beginning and end for 40 or 70 or 90 days or else can continue till his wish is fulfilled. The first thing that will happen to him is that he will become rich. If one doesn’t have children, he will be blessed with children. He will get Rizq. In short for whatever reason this amal is done will be fulfilled. It can also be read by parents who have abnormal children.

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