
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

A Story Of Trial Of A Child’s Faith

Ubqari Magazine - August 2015

(Najma Aamer. Gujranwala)

one day he sees an incredibly dangerous snake poised such that it has become an obstacle for people who wish to travel. He thought that today is a good day to assess whether god likes the religion of a monk or the magician.

It is present in Musnud Ahmed that prophetﷺ said that long ago there was a king and he had a magician. When the magician got too old he said to the king, now I am old, my death is near, give a young boy in my custody and I will teach him magic. As a result, he started teaching an intelligent boy. A house of a monk was also situated on the path that the boy travelled to go to the magician. The monk would be busy in worship and sermons. The boy used to stop on his way and saw the way he worshipped and listened to his sermons. He used to stop here on his way to and fro. The magician used to beat him, so did his father. One day, the boy complained to the monk. The monk told him, when the magician asks why you are late tell him that my family had stopped me from coming and when your family is angry tell them that the magician had stopped him. Time passed…on one hand he used to learn magic, on the other he learned the words of Allah and the way of life liked by Allah almighty.  One day he sees an incredibly dangerous snake poised such that it has become an obstacle for people who wish to travel. He thought that today is a good day to assess whether god likes the religion of a monk or the magician. He picked up a stone and threw it towards the snake while saying oh lord! If you like the religion of monk more as compared to the teachings of the magician, kill this animal from this stone. The animal was killed as soon the stone hit him and the way was cleared for the people. The boy told the monk about this episode. He said, dear boy! You are superior to me today, now you will be tested by Allah almighty and if this happens, don’t tell the people about me. Now people would queue up to meet the boy for fulfillment of their wishes. With his prayers congenitally blind, leprosy effected and all kinds of sick people would heal.

King’s blind minister heard about him and went to the boy with lots of gifts and said, heal me and I shall give you all the gifts. The boy said I don’t have the healing power; it belongs to Allah almighty that has no accomplice. If you promise to believe in him, I shall pray for you. He agreed, the boy prayed and Allah Almighty cured him. The minister went to the king’s court, his eyes were shining brightly. The king asked was astonished and asked him, who gave you eyes? The minister said “my sustainer gave them”. The king said, “Do you mean to say I gave them”? The minster replied, “No, only Allah is my lord and yours too” Now the king tortured him, asked, “Who taught you this”? Finally he said that I have embraced Islam on the boy’s hands. The king called the boy and said, now you are an expert magician, you heal the sick. He said it is wrong, I cannot heal anyone nor am I magician, healing is only in the hands of Allah Almighty. The king said, “I am Allah”. The boy said, “No, not at all”. The king said, “You believe in someone else as your lord besides me”? The boy said, “My and your lord is “Allah”. He started torturing the boy and till he came to know about the monk and asked him to leave Islam. The monk refused and the king had him torn apart by a saw.

Then he asked the young boy to leave Islam. When he also refused, the king ordered his soldiers to take the boy to the mountain top, if he leaves his religion, its good enough, otherwise push him from there. Te soldiers thus took the boy and when they were about to push him the boy prayed اَللّٰھُمَّ اکْفِنِیْھِمْ بِمَاشِئْتَ (oh lord! Save me from this, anyway that you want). Just as he prayed this supplication, the mountain quivered, all the soldiers fell, only the boy was saved. Then he went to the king, the king asked, “What happened? Where are all of my soldiers?” the boy said, “Allah saved me, they were all killed” the king ordered has other soldiers, “take him in a ship to the sea and drown him”. When the soldiers were about to throw him in the sea, the boy again prayed the same supplication. A wave rose and all the soldiers were killed. The child then came to the king and said, My Allah has saved me. He said oh king! You may take all he measures that want, you cannot kill me. There is only one way, if you do as I say I will die. The child said, gather people in a ground, then tie me on a bark of a date tree, adjust an arrow on a bow and say(  بِسْمِ اللہِ رَبِّ ھَذَا الْغُلَامِ) ( in the name of Allah , who is lord of this boy) and then hit the arrow towards me. It will hit me and I will die. The king did as he had said, the arrow hit the temple of the boy and he died. Voices were raised from all sides, we believe in the lord of this boy. The king’s companions got scared and said, “We did not understand the boy’s trick. Look at the effect it had on these people, everyone has embraced Islam. We killed the boy so that his religion will not be able to spread, but the exact opposite happened, everyone has become a Muslim. The said, “ok, now dig caverns in all the castles and their paths, fill them with sticks and light fire, whoever leaves this religion, leave him, and otherwise throw them. The Muslims accepted to bear being burned relying on Allah almighty. A woman who had an infant in her lap hesitated a bit, Allah gave the baby the ability to speak and he said, what are doing mother? You are on the right path. Show patience and courage and jump. ( Riazu Saleheen)

This is where one step into the most lovable martyrdom arena

people thinks that being Muslim is easy

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