Hazrat Ayub bin abbi tayimi sakhtayani رحمۃ اللہ تعالیٰ علیہwas a popular tabae and he was popular due to his knowledge, character and worship of Allah although he had a severe dislike for any popularity. He opted for lesser known paths instead of the paths that were populated so as to avoid being in the eyes of people. However if any people came across him and recognized him then, he would be the first one to say salaam. The people would then reply a lot more enthusiastically and would add some additional things with these greetings in honour of him. Hazrat Ayub bin abbi tayimi sakhtayani رحمۃ اللہ علیہ would then address Allah سبحانہ تعالیand would say that, “oh Lord, you know that I don’t want this”. He would then repeat this saying a lot many times.
(Chosen: saanwal chugtai, rangho chugtai, amma zaibo chugtai, bho ral chugtai, Ahmed pur sharkia.)