
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - July 2015

It has been observed that most of the women do not apply their makeup according to the weather, which not only affects their personalities, but, also creates many problems for them. Therefore, they must keep it in mind what the weather will be, like on this Eid.

Yes! Time of the month of Ramazan is being spent quickly and it will be Eid in few days. May be, you have made a programme to visit the relatives or to go for outing beforehand; however, you can enjoy Eid only when your preparation is complete. Especially you should look healthy, happy and fresh and for this, definitely help of makeup is required. Some ladies might be facing skin problems which they would like to be cured before Eid, so stop worrying! We bring you centuries’ old tried out and latest ways to do makeup in summers which you can try and your skin will become fresh within few days.

Morning walk: You must be aware of the importance of morning walk, if possible, after having Sehri, go in open air or on roof top and do deep breathing. Before Sehri, one should do walk also, on roof top or in lawn.

End of dark circles around eyes: Put 5 almonds without shells in water at night and at the time of Sehri, remove the skin and eat them one by one, chewing them so as saliva is properly mixed with it. Afterwards, drink a cup of milk by removing the cream, skin will start getting refreshed and slowly and gradually the dark circles around the eyes will go away. Now, we will tell you such tricks to improve your complexion and to make you attractive, which are unique. Take baison and early in the morning put baison or ubtan in half a cup raw milk (without boiling) and make a thick paste and apply on your face, after 2 minutes massage your face slowly with finger tips by moving them upwards from downwards. Ubtan will start falling down till the face is clean, now wash your face with cold water, splash cold water in your eyes and then wipe your face with clean towel or tissue paper. To end the smell of milk, put talcum powder on your palms and slowly apply it on your face. The skin of the face will become soft rather velvety.

Some ladies or young girls at times develop spots on their face, heat in the liver may be the cause for this and to remove the heat in the liver, take 10 or 11 grains of unab and put it in water in a mud pot at night. Early in the morning, crush these grains and filter in a thick mulmul cloth and by mixing some sugar, drink it empty stomach. Results will start coming in 21-22 days, along with this, prevent having oily food and things like gur (sugar), oil, eggplant, masoor pulse, samosa, pakora etc. as they also cause heat in the system. Juice of half a lemon, half tea spoon haldi, 2 spoons baison, mix all these and make a paste and apply on your face as mask. Spots will diminish to a great extent. Take white til and put it in buffalo’s milk and grind it, apply on your face at night before sleeping, in the morning, wash your face with some good soap.

With age, wrinkles appear on face, to remove them, massage your face and neck daily for 10 minutes with olive oil or almond oil and then wash with some good soap suitable for your skin. This prescription is good for spots also besides, wrinkles. Take an egg white and whip it, when foam is formed, add a spoon of honey in it and apply as mask on face and wash it after 15 minutes, do this twice a week, wrinkles will go away and complexion will become better. By adding one lemon’s juice in ten tolas honey, apply on your face as mask and wash after 15 minutes. Besides relief from wrinkles, it will also open up the closed pours in the skin. For improved complexion and freshness of face, take some dry mint and put a glass of water in it and then fill it in a bottle after boiling it and put it in the fridge, then every day, drink quarter of a tea cup early morning, empty stomach. Complexion will start getting better. Take some dry milk and whip it in egg white and apply on face for 5 to 10 minutes then wash your face, it will look fresh. Drink lime water and massage your face with the skin of lemon and if so desire then can also put some honey on the lemon’s skin, and wash your face after 15 minutes. Besides this, wash your face with cold water 3 times a day, face will remain fresh.

Apply makeup according to weather: It has been observed that most of the women do not apply their makeup according to the weather which not only affects their personalities but also creates many problems for them. Therefore, they must keep it in mind that what the weather will be, like on this Eid? And should do the changes in their makeup kit accordingly. Ladies must keep sun block and sun cream in their makeup kit on this Eid, otherwise, their complexion will definitely become dark. Always apply makeup keeping your age in mind. Do fashion, massage, apply mask, use cosmetics of good make. Apply sun block cream on face, arms hands and feet before getting out in sunshine. Apply moisturizer in the morning and evening after cleansing of your face. Be careful for yourself while using towel, brush, soap and other things and most importantly, stay happy. Happiness reflects on your face.

Take special care of your hair: Take extra care of your hair, as if hair are not clean, then the beauty of the face is also affected. When you come back in your room after meeting your relatives or after outing on Eid, apply cleansing milk on some cotton and wipe your face properly with it, finally, again clean your face with some good cleansing lotion as it will wipe out all the effects of tiredness from your face and you will get up absolutely fresh the next morning. If with some effort, your natural beauty and attraction is maintained or in other words, if you can save yourself from the effects of place, location, surroundings and unpleasant effects of the change in weather, then this is not a bad deal.                                                                                                                                  

Centuries old methods for attractive faces

Take some secrets of nature for beautification on Eid

Try out centuries old methods for beauty on Eid

Spend Eid, without spots, stains etc.


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