
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend Of Jinnat

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015


Serial of Biography


Episode No. 69

Allama Lahuti Pur Asarari

Born Friend Of Jinnat

True biography of such a person who since birth till today is under the guidance of saint Jinnat. His days and nights are spent with Jinnat. On insistence of readers, strange and interesting revelations are being published in episodes but to understand this mysterious world, lot of patience and courage is required.


Strange views and strange happenings:

The old Jin who sat behind the father of Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah at the time of Tahajjud saw such strange views and such strange happenings that perhaps ordinary human wisdom cannot feel it nor can comprehend or explain. 

There is no lie, fraud or deceive over there:

that world is a strange world, strange place, as we were all spirits before and only spirits will remain after death, physical existence will end and in the world of spirits, there is truth, piousness, light, peace and blessings, there is no lie, fraud or deceive over there, whatever is expressed in the spiritual world and whatever is imagined, same happens in the whole world and universe. 

Old Jin narrates his story:

The old Jin said: I obtained the knowledge of religion, the day we were reading Bukhari Sharif (Book of Hadith) from our teacher. He narrated an instance which surprised other students and they started looking towards the teacher in a state of doubt but, as I was studying hadith in a human form, so I was pleased to see this teacher of the religious school and started respecting him from my heart.

The strange but true instance of the teacher:

The teacher stated that once I went to the jungle with my teacher to collect wood for cooking for the Madrissa’s kitchen and saw a very big snake rather an anaconda lying down. My teacher started reciting something in his mouth… After a while the anaconda started shrinking in size and became a fist long thin snake. The teacher picked it up and put it in his pocket.. I was astonished… Could not dare to ask him anything and we kept on collecting wood, I just could feel this much that there is some movement in the pocket of my teacher but my teacher was peaceful, he picked up some wood and so did it. While passing through the jungle we reached our kitchen and placed the wood over there, the teacher did ablution and started teaching us hadith mubarik. This lesson continued for half of the day, after this when teacher got up, I started following him, his hut type house was nearby and when he lifted the piece of cloth hanging at the entrance of his home and when he was about to enter, I put my hands at his feet. He got attentive and asked what the matter is? I said! Respected teacher I know that you know secret. Tell me the secret of this snake.

Lost and absorbed anaconda in the world of Surah Quresh:

He smiled and said if you had not seen it, I would never have told you, this is a snake who has recited Surah Quresh so much, so much that it exceeds billions of time. It is actually a Jin and such a Jin whom even the ordinary Jins cannot recognize and common Jins cannot feel him. He is absorbed and lost in the world of Surah Quresh and is reciting Surah Quresh continuously in the form of an anaconda and as per this snake Jin, he has not eaten in centuries, he says that whenever I feel hungry or thirsty I recite Surah Quresh.

Surah Quresh and solution of problems:

I recite Surah Quresh and my hunger ends, thirst goes away and whenever I feel hungry or thirsty I recite Surah Quresh and my hunger and thirst ends immediately. This is so since centuries, if there is any worry, I recite Surah Quresh, the worry ends, any problem, all problems, I recite Surah Quresh and all my problems, my agony, my worries end. As per respected teacher, today it is come out of his pit in the jungle after centuries, it took the form of a snake, this Jin lives in a hole in the ground and he got the taste and pleasure of Surah Quresh over there only… He just started reciting it and by reciting it continuously, he has reached this stage that has seen the blessings of Surah Quresh with his own eyes.

How the blessings of Surah Quresh were revealed:

The teacher further said that this snake Jin says, that the first day when I started reciting Surah Quresh I felt that there are some hurdles and some powers are not letting me recite Surah Quresh but I gathered strength, from hundreds of times I reached thousands and from thousands reached hundred & thousands of times. Again there were some hurdles and I could not recite Surah Quresh for many months and I was surprised and worried also that after all, why I am not able to recite Surah Quresh? I should definitely recite it. In this state of confusion, thoughts worry, I roamed about for many months but this hurdle did not end. Finally, one day I flew and reached holy Kaaba conducted seven circles of Tawaf around Kaaba and then in the hateem I humbly begged before Allah that O’ Allah! Open up and award me the power of Surah Quresh and reveal its secrets before me. I kept on praying humbly for quite some time and while weeping when I got up I heard a voice from nowhere saying “Go! For you, the Surah Quresh is opened up in the universe”. Upon hearing this I felt inside myself, that as if there was a lock which has been unlocked within me.

Blessings of Surah Quresh:

Thus! I started reciting Surah Quresh and while doing so reached millions of times and from millions to billions and from billions to trillions and now my account has reached trillions rather more than that. I am centuries old and days & nights of my life consists of centuries, now it is me and Surah Quresh and with its blessings Allah SWT has opened up the doors of food and fulfillment of other needs, I eat without eating, drink without drinking, sleep without sleeping and do everything without doing and get everything, with whichever intention I look in the universe the same so happens.

Now this snake is my companion:

 The old scholar Jin said that my teacher further said, which I heard standing in the door way that I with a special act of mine, have given this Jin the form of a small snake and have made it my companion and in any case, he has become use to me as he was looking for some companion due to loneliness of centuries and getting bored of the loneliness of centuries, he was looking for certain ways, destinations, some elevated status and he desired, after the loneliness of centuries that he should be given something. Thus!!! Now it is my companion and I am his. 


Greatness and blessings of Surah Quresh:


Respected teacher! Took a deep breath and said that this snake took a promise from me that after your death I would not leave alone your generations. Old scholar Jin said, I was surprised the day I heard this and teacher narrated this happening during the lesson of Bukhari Sharif to me and everybody else and this story of teacher brought me close to the blessings of Surah Quresh.


A strange world:


The old Jin said that when I was present before Hazrat and was sitting behind him at the time of Tahajjud I saw a strange world, I saw a big ocean in this world and this ocean was so big that perhaps many oceans of our world would come into it. I saw that there is a small boat in this ocean. The ocean waves lifts it and then brings it down, there is an old man sitting in it who is rowing this boat with two oars, there are long hair of this old person, white beard, white face and white thin long shirt and white sheet of cloth he has tied around him, is wearing old fashion leather shoes. Apparently one can feel that he is extremely contented. In this state of concentration and absorption I reached him, how did I reach and how did I travel miles of distance upon ocean waves, I do not know. Only, there was a feeling that I was sitting behind the father of Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah R.A. and was taking his attention and with the blessings of his focus on me, the worlds were opening up before me. 


What is ours is yours!


 I got into this boat and I felt that Baba Jee (Old Person) was waiting for me. Baba Jee did Salam to me before I could do Salam to him and asked me to sit down, placed excellent sweet fruits before me, cold and fresh water in a cup before me and I consumed these things. Then he himself said pointing towards the father of Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah R.A. that you have been sent by Shah Sahib R.A., I said yes! He said Shah Sahib R.A. himself is of highly elevated status then why has he sent you to me? Then said alright alright!!! Saying this he said alright what is ours is yours. Keep one thing in your mind do not ask many questions, just go on looking, I gave my consent that Ok whatever you will command I will accept.


  Pearl in the mouth of a blue coloured fish:


I sat quietly, cool breeze was blowing, not so cold that I would shiver, there was a pleasure, peace in the ocean. After a short while when we went ahead a big and beautiful blue coloured fish brought a pearl in its mouth. The old sailor asked me to take this pearl! I was about to take the pearl that I heard ‘Oon hoon’ (sound of no no) and again heard the same voice after a short while. I was surprised that this was voice of Hazrat Shah Sahib R.A. behind whom I was sitting and I had a feeling that he is saying do not take it! I pulled back my extended hands. The fish kept on waiting for a while with the pearl in its mouth and then went away! When I looked towards the face of the old sailor, I had a feeling that he is smiling. While talking the old scholar Jin said, that, I felt that I have served Hazrat Shah Sahib R.A. sincerely for many many years and I am getting this precious pearl as a reward for doing so, I do not know what precious stone was it!!! But Hazrat R.A. stopped me, then I realized that there is always some secret in everything that a saint says, if one does not understand these secrets then it is a shortcoming of oneself. One should understand these secrets.


Key in the mouth of a turtle looking creature:


 I was absorbed in these thoughts that a beautiful looking turtle appeared towards my left side. Apparently it was a turtle but actually it was some other sea creature. It came towards me holding a key in its mouth and it took its mouth out of the water on the side of the boat where I was sitting and there was a feeling that it is saying, take this key! I wanted to take this key but again heard the voice of Hazrat Shah Sahib denying me to take it. I understood that Hazrat رضی اللہ عنہ. is stopping me from taking the key, I did not take this key, the turtle type species waited for some time with the key in its mouth and then it went away. I looked toward the face of Baba Jee and there was a light smile on his face but he kept quiet, I was wondering that this must have been the key of treasures, key of the secrets of the universe, key to the wealth, key of knowledge, key of spiritualism! Such thoughts were coming in my mind and heart but then I thought that the personality to whom I have submitted myself is such a personality who has stopped me from taking this key. 


 Ocean whiter than milk and sweeter than honey:


Our journey in the boat was on. Old sailor was reciting something with the string of beads in his hands and was also moving the oars slowly, but, the boat was travelling very fast, there was a feeling that oars were being moved just as a formality, otherwise, the boat was being moved by some other power. There was ocean till one could see but the strange thing was that it was absolutely clear white rather was milky like white milk. I put out my hand from the boat and into the water many times, and drank water but to my astonishment the water was not bitter and saltish rather too sweet like milk and honey. I was surprised that Baba Jee was not talking to me.


The old Jin made us cry:


Tears came into the eyes of theold scholar Jin while talking to us and he said that perhaps you will find my conversation strange. Haji Sahib and other respected people sitting over there cried, there was an apparent concern and pain in their tears. Old scholar Jin said that during this journey another thing which I saw was, that suddenly a black coloured cloud came around our boat. Within a short while something like flower petals started coming down out of it and apparently these flower petals were thin, but, when I touched them, they were of gold. I wanted to collect them that suddenly I heard the voice of Shah Sahib R.A. ‘Oon hoon’ and I stopped in a second, thought that there is rain of gold, the boat is filled with it and he is not letting me take it. This gold is so much that my generations could become rich and wealthy, finally I pulled back my hand but the gold kept on raining and there were so many petals that except of our face and neck all the boat was filled up with it (continue)


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