
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Psychological, Domestic Problems And Tested Guaranteed Treatment

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015

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After multiple washing of hands……..:

I was sitting in a party, suddenly I saw my hands and a look on other woman’s hands also, I had an observation about my hands that they are dry and with white patches, there idea surrounded me that I wash my hands a lot and the utensils in my use too being washed by me 10 times but without satisfaction, this keeps going sometimes hands and sometimes utensils. I got tired of washing. I am secondary school teacher, I know that this is pscycateric problem and I know that I can’t leave it. Can you give suggestions to such people? (Mehar, Mulltan)

Suggestion: very good, you know about your pscycho condition, this thing that you can’t leave this habbit of washing hands and utensils again and again, not for long period just for shorter time duration. Do mention to your mind that I will wash for two times only, maybe by this you will wash more than 2 put less than 10 note that the women you saw at their hands were well and they used to wash for 1 time so washing for 1 time is enough, beauty of your hand will return as soon as you minimize usage of soap and water.


Madness personality:

I left going to wedding ceremonies, because so mnay times it happened that any aunty saw me and select me for her son, I know my lackings the proposal I want for myself, I don’t got, I always remain in dreams with my hero, different feelings and desires. Sometimes I want wealth and sometimes beauty; I always remain in madness and false hopes. (Farzana, Lahore)

Suggestion: Word mad is unusal, somebody usethis word in love and other use anger, the way you use this word, it always contain negative meanings. Don’t say this word for you, in young age every girl imagine herself with a hero but with the passage of time, acceptance of reality will be learned and the wishes are not always be fulfilled. The girl live in reality have more happy life than the girl live in dreams.


I wish, my son stop going astray:

6 months have been passed by my son’s wedding and he fell in love with another girl. Ihide this truth from his wife but the girl told by herself, my daughter in law belongs to germany. She says that if he ould not stop meeting with that girl she will go back and break this marriage. Divorce is quite easy task for her, we can’t imagine that this type of situation come in my family. I want that my son leaves all this things.  (Zehra Imtiaz)

Suggestions: According to you, asking for divorce for a girl is filthy thing and for any girl meeting her husband with any other girl, is unbearable, to bring a self sufficient man to straight path, it is difficult for parents, but keep striving and make his sit in the company of pious and righteous people, to whom he listens and in other condition, she has free will for making decision of her life.


Old complains:

When I was 5 years old, my younger brother was born followed by second. They both gave me tough time, my toys which I kept them safely were being given to them and the toys brought for them, nobody offered me for them. I complained and wanted to snatched those toys from them, then I was scolded brutely when I grew older people said yo me that you envoy your brothers, be kind and polite to them. Now I am 15 years old, parents have old complain, I wish to commit suicide or I go somewhere, where people admire and value me.

Suggestion: after the arrival of your young siblings it usally happens that parents attention diverts from elders, in this condition parents should understand their feelings and emotions. Your parents also gave attention to you but younger ones also need attention, that’s why, complains last. It is true that parent’s love each of their offsprings that can’t be imagine by kids you are grownup now you can easily divert their love towards you so forget what had happened. I agree, you had this situation but still you need to forget this because then you will get peacs of mind and real happiness.


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