
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Act On 2 Things And Spend Ramazan Splendidly

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015

 (Rabia Qamar , Lahore)

 A lot of time will be spent in preparing sehri by the women, inshAllah when sehri is prepared with good intentions, there is also a hadees that actions are judged by intentions, meaning that if women have intention of getting reward, Allah Almighty shall give reward them fairly

Time is of utmost importance for women  in ramazan as their household chores are such that most of the women spend the whole day in kitchen, therefore I have brought some spiritual and kitchen tips for the readers of Ubqari so that they spend an easy and wonderful ramazan…if women rejoice their good will in ramazan, every moment can be added in their count for rewards. It is possible as you ladies must be already fasting and praying regularly because a muslim strictly offers prayers, fasts and practically acts on the shariah from puberty till death. MashaAllah you will be offering prayers five times a day so inshaAllah you will also offer taraweeh. You must be tired but do offer it even if you have to offer it while sitting. Besides this, a lot of time of the ladies will be spent in preparing sehri, inshAllah when sehri is prepared with good intentions, there is also a hadees that actions are judged by intentions, meaning that if women have intention of getting reward, Allah Almighty shall reward them fairly. Now when you will prepare sehri, you will also be rewarded for fast of the whole family. Similarly a  considerable amount of  time is also spent for preparing aftari. When there is intention of serving and breaking fast of those who are fasting, the reward will increase by leaps and bounds. Just a meager change of intentions makes the difference. The sins between prayers of the regularly praying women and sins between 2 ramadhans of the fasting women continue to be forgiven. Big sins are forgiven by repentance. To gain the utmost blessings in ramadhan, women require do two things. If women can act on these, they can supercede men who worship adamantly.

1. First task: When fasting (or shariah reason), neither do nor listen to backbiting, don’t quarrel, don’t be thankless in the month of ramadhan ….. Just stay quiet and ignore.

2. Second task: keep your tongue busy in some kind of recitation, repentance. Keep on reciting continuously while kneading flour, cooking chapattis, curry, even while mopping keep reciting blessings on the holy prophet ﷺ­, or anything that has been advised by an Allah wala. Recite continuously. With its blessings you will develop the habit of avoiding sins and all the wrangling will end and the ramadhan will become valuable for you. Insha’Allah, by the grace of Almighty Allah. May Allah guide us to gain benefit from the precious moments of ramadhan and may we practice it.

1. Zikr (recitation) is a source of showering of blessings by Allah almighty.

 2. Allah almighty’s love is rooted.

3. Allah almighty blesses his consent.

 4. Body and heart gain strength.

5. Face and heart become enlightened and rejuvenated.

 6. A bond is formed with Allah.

7. It becomes easy to do pious deeds with the blessing of zikr.

8. Allah Almighty’s zikr are the plants of heavens.

 People who recite gain many other benefits too. Whoever practices in ramadhan, InshaAllah it will be easier for him to do pious deeds and Allah Almighty will bless him a heart that loves to do zikr. May Allah make us travel on the righteous path and destine for us a heart that remembers Him. Aameen, summa aameen. Dear readers! Now we will talk about kitchen. Be it dieticians or elders, everyone advises about fresh eatables especially the view that frozen foods are devoid of nutritional value is shared commonly by all. Sea foods, dairy products, even vegetables are now available in frozen form. They are stored after cleaning, cutting and washing such that they are very easy to cook even though washing vegetables thoroughly subjects them to risk of loss of vitamins. Many women store fruits, vegetables and spices before ramadhan for easy cooking. For example crushed garlic and ginger is used in almost all recipes. To save yourself from crushing it again and again, crush a large amount at one time and store it. Many women adopt this way especially in ramadhan but along this facility there is a problem, that is, as soon as the jar is opened, a stinky odour comes out which is not agreeable to the senses. To avoid this odour, freeze crushed garlic and ginger in an ice tray and then store these cubes. Now take out the cubes and used them when needed. Another way could be to add 2 teaspoons of oil and a pinch of salt according to the amount and store this in a plastic cup in the freezer. In this way, it will not freeze and the odour will reduce somewhat. You can use it when needed quite easily. In ramadhan, cut and freeze pees, cabbage carrots etc. This will help you in cooking Chinese dishes for aftari in ramadhan. If there is a plan to call someone for  aftari ,freeze some snacks the day before e.g, shami kabab, samosa rolls, and apply a paste of spices on fish and chicken for tikka and freeze them. But remember to heat the oil properly and then fry the frozen snacks, some people take out the frozen snacks so that they defrost and then fry them. There is a risk of deterioration of taste when the ice melts, therefore always cook them in heated oil. If you are scared of splashes of hot oil place a lid instantly.
Never try to freeze the defrosted food item because the food loses its nutritional value after defrosting. Cooking frozen vegetables in steam increases their taste manifold. Cooking frozen food for a longer duration of time effects their taste and colour quite considerably. Readers! If we follow the above mentioned points, ramadhan will be not only be easy, it would be splendid…..


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