
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Whispers From The Heart (By The Editor’s Pen)

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015


Believe me that if each of our wealthy brothers pay their Zakat accurately and pass it to the well deserving people according to the Sharia, there will not be a single poor person in the society. The people here are so rich that it is almost impossible to imagine about their amount of wealth. If these wealthy people want to have abundance in their wealth and like to grow it further like becoming billionaire from millionaire or trillionaire from billionaire and so on should follow the examples of thousands others who have experience enormous growth in their wealth. This act is so significant that whosoever performs it, will have his life full of success, prestige, fame and everlasting comfort for themselves as well as their future generations. I met a stranger whose ancestors were famous for their grandeur and wealth and I was shocked to learn that he was no longer a rich person rather he was living a very miserable life. Even poorer than the poor. I was stunned to listen to this and asked him why? He said that he has analyzed it thoroughly and he has reached the conclusion that his ancestors never paid any Zakat or Ushr and it was the sole reason for his misery. This evil practice ruined him and left his family penniless without being aware of it and everything was snatched away like blown away by the wind. Another person said that he has already advised his descendants not to stop paying Zakat and Ushr as it was done by his ancestors strictly that they used to follow the complete code of paying Zakat and Ushr according to Sharia injunctions. He had also warned his children that if they wanted to become miserable and adverse then stop paying Zakat and Ushr. If you continue paying Zakat and Ushr then no one in the whole universe can make you poor.


Dear Readers!

In Ramadan, we pay charity through our bodies, our wealth, sacrifice our wishes and longings, charity in the form of hunger, thirst, lowering the gaze, protection of our ears and tongue. This month is actually a month of charity and virtue. In addition, fasting in sweltering heat of long summer days is no less than a test. Therefore, in this Ramadhan, you and I should consider paying Zakat and Ushr and think about it seriously so that our thoughts materialise into actions. Believe me that you will never witness any poverty, pennilessness and starvation. This is so important to think about it lest the givers become the takers. I know so many incidents, where it was destined for the people to experience bloodshed, murders, litigations, domestic violence and abuse, problems in life and defeats everywhere in their lives, who  were actually liable to pay Zakat but instead they pretend to be deserving for it and they ate the Zakat money and filled their bellies with it. It leads their own lives as well as their generations to destruction and ruins. We should try to control our gaze, our tongue, our hearts, our ears, eyes, thoughts, emotions, wishes, intuitions and intentions with Istighfar and repentance. Istighfar means that we are seeking forgiveness for what we have committed and we would never do it again and would restricts all our body to focus on this commitment for the whole month. Then you will see a wonderful Ramadhan and it will be so splendid that you can never imagine. Let us make a firm pledge that in this Ramadhan, we will pray less for ourselves and more for others, for the enemies of our country, lives, respect and our generations. Yes we should make a firm pledge with ourselves that in this Ramadhan, we will practice goodness, tolerance for our owns as well as for others and we will continue increasing it and never forget  to include, in this Ramadhan at Sahri and Iftari, your minor kids in your Amen as their Amen goes beyond the seven heavens. Try it if you are in any doubt…!

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