
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - April 2015

Readers! I bring precious pearls for you and do not conceal them. You are also requested to be generous and contribute. (Editor Hakim Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai )

Who is healthy? You or those who eat Gurr, sleep on cots made of jute rope and live a natural way of life? Do justice to yourself and search your heart…!!

Old traditions, living styles and conduct … all have diminished. When the tongue got familir with new dishes, new foods and new tastes, it protested. But we did not refrain. Then the stomach also protested in the form of acidity, gas, obesity, cholesterol and various strange and dangerous diseases. We did not even stop then. New amazing tastes kept developing day by day and but the life itself developed bad taste and lost all its fun. We named these amazing foods as Barbeque, Fast food and Bakery. As such names of most things beginning with Urdu alphabet ب are dangerous like broiler, bottle (fizzy drinks), burger, bakery and those starting with the alphabet چ are even more harmful like sugar, fats and tangy foods. In short life has exhausted, hospitals hve increased, doctors and medical stores are in abundance in every street as if they are grocery or vegetable stores. Why did it happen? Why did not we think about it? It has been revealed that we are ourselves responsible for all this. Will simple food have to wait for our sickness when the doctors would advise us for their use? Wow! What a strange practice! Simple natural foods are for the sick and attractive and tangy ones for the healthy people. Return back otherwise you will resort to simple foods only when facing ailments. No joy will be left in life.

A few days back I was hosting lunch to some guests. After food, I presented them with a tray of local Gurr. Disliking for the same was visible from the faces of few of them but one person fetched two pieces of Gurr from the tray. He ate them one by one. I did not pay any attention to the disliking of others and asked a question from that person as to why did he ate it? With a sigh he replied that for years I had been eating Barbeque and fast food. Such foods have exhausted me. When I started thinking about turning my life into death, my father in law came to see me once. We used to visit each other frequently. Before the meal, my wife gave me my medicines. She also gave me medicines during the food and also gave me syrup after food. He kept watching all this with silence and astonishment as he was familiar with my nature for I was against all natural habits. He gathered some courage and said: ‘Son why are you after your life and wasting of your money? My daughter has told me that your heart is affected, your experience breathlessness, your muscles and nerves have gone weak, stomach has stopped functioning and to make it work, you are taking many medicines. I know that you will again ignore my tips with laughter. But please get some natural Gurr from the market which should not be whitish. It should be brown or blackish in colour meaning that it should be free from any chemicals. Eat a small piece equivalent to the size of a toffee after every meal. Suck or chew it. Just try this for a few days.’ I was aware of his sincerity but as I was his son in law, and traditionally sons and brothers in law enjoy teasing their in laws, I said that: ‘Okay. I will bring Gurr but I will not stop taking my medicines.’ With a sigh he said: ‘Alright.’ I told him that if the Gurr will not be effective, I will never use it again. My wife interfered and said: ‘Daddy has already brought Gurr or me. He gets it from Peshawar Charsadda which is in the form of small pieces. It is free of chemicals and is not whitish. It is dark brown in colour. I eat it regularly. Few days back you were praising the tea I gave you. I used the same Gurr in it.’ Listening to all this, I took a piece of Gurr which was slightly bigger than a toffee and ate it. I practiced this for few days. After every meal I ensured eating some Gurr. Slowly my intake of medicines reduced. Today I snatched Gurr as it is not Gurr but my benefiter which has cured me from these five ailments.

  1. 1.      Obesity and increasing of waistline.
  2. 2.      Male infertility
  3. 3.      Acidity of stomach, gaseousness, and indigestion
  4. 4.      Rheumatic pain, stress of nerves and epilepsy
  5. 5.      Throat infection. Voice improved and the secretions which used to fall in the throat subsided.

I was listening to the account of that gentleman and observing him keenly. I had not even diverted my attention from him, two more guests, who initially expressed their aversion, picked up Gurr and ate it eagerly.

After a few months, I met one of these two gentlemen again. He said: ‘What an amazing thing it was? I had not told you then but the truth is that I was not satisfied with my married life. There were quarrels at home. My stomach, muscles and nerves were gradually getting weak, although my age is not much. Since the moment I started taking this free of chemicals Gurr after every meal, and also started using it in tea, I am amazed.’  He further said that ‘what that friend had told about treatment of phlegm and mucus in throat, I told about it to many people and it was very effective. I advised some friends about taking Gurr for their stomach problems and some for their muscular weakness.’ He kept speaking and narrating the benefits of Gurr.

I started thinking that: ‘Alas! Why are we getting away from traditional local and natural tips..?? When we returned back, this natural way of life welcomed us. Warmly embraced us with a sigh of relief. Nature hugged us with tears but left us with granted us with great and presious blessings of health and well being. Readers! I search gifts for you from everywhere and bring them to you. Return back to Gurr from synthetic sugar. We are already returning towards nature in the name of pure leather, cotton, dim lights, and avoidance of pressure horns, peaceful residential societies and usage of cloth made of jute. All of these are the voices of nature. Who is healthy? You or those who eat Gurr, sleep on cots made of jute rope and live a natural way of life? Do justice to yourself and search your heart…!!

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