To remove Hiccups
If someoneone is having constant hiccups then he should take a teaspoon of celery (ajwaeen) with water. Inshallah it will stop hiccups.Very useful.
Cure for Inappetency
For inappetency recite this verse 21 times on water and drink it. You will feel hungry.
’’ وَلَوْ لَا فَضْلُ اللہِ عَلَیْکُمْ وَرَحْمَتُہٗ وَ اَنَّ اللہَ تَوَّابٌ حَکِیْمٌ ﴿نور۱۰﴾
(Amliyat Kashmiri)
For inappetency recite this verse 41 times on food and eat it.
وَالَّذِیْ ہُوَ یُطْعِمُنِیْ وَ یَسْقِیْنِ ﴿الشعرء۷۹﴾
For blisters: recite surah Waz zoha 41 times on sugar and chew it. InshaAllah all excrescences will remove. (Amliyat Kashmiri) (Addi eman, abbotabad)
Eyesight weakness: Early in the morning before sun rising recite this
مُعِیْنُ السَّلَامْ مِئَا تُ الْحِیْن اَلصَّابِ الْغِلَامُ الْمَرِیْ
three times in a big bowl of water. Separate out three sips from the bowl and drink them before breakfast. Take ahandful of water in your right hand andblink your eyes in it. When water becomes warmer throw it in a plant pot. Again take another handful of water in your hand and wash your left eye first then right and keep repeating till water turn warm. Do this process for 90 days. Insha Allah weakness in the sight will be cured.