
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2014

I said that you send your son to the committee round about to get an onion plant from the nursery in juma bazaar and give it to me. I will do ‘dum’ on the whole of plant instead of doing dum on you-chew 2 petals at a time 3-4 times in a day. Allah S.W.T will grant cure-he did so.

Muhammad Hanif Bhatti

My childhood and youth was spent on Qazalbash road Bibi Pakdaman. I was 10-12 years old and use to have intense pain in my ear. My grandmother was the hakeem of our family. She had shown me a plant on shimla paharri which she use to call Gul Hamash. Whenever I use to have pain in ear, she would tell me to go and bring a leaf of Gul Hamash. I use to bring the leaf which she would warm on fire, then she would squeeze it in her hand and one or two drops would fall in a spoon which she would put in my ear, I use to get immediate relief from the pain in the ear with these drops.

There is a CNG pump on Murree road in Rawalpindi, I was a locksmith over there. One day, the owner of the CNG, Khan Sahib said “Bhaa” (brother) still he calls me Bhaa. His brother in law was incharge of the gardens and parks, he said take a cab and go to his house, he will give you a plant, bring it carefully to my house. I took a cab and went to the house of his brother in law but he was not at home. His sons were there. When I met them, one of them brought a plant from his house which was in a mud pot and was about 3 feet tall. I immediately recognized it as “niazbo” plant. They also told me to take it away carefully. I took the plant and reached the house of Khan Sahib and rang the bell. Khan Sahib was waiting for me-He opened the gate quickly and was delighted to see the plant. I asked Khan Sahib, what is the special property of this plant that you have given me 200-300 rupees for cab, there is a nursery close to our CNG station and I would have brought you the same plant for Rs. 20 or 30 only. He smiled and said “Bhaa” it is not about money, Allah S.W.T has given me enough. I often get blisters in my mouth due to heat in the stomach. When I chew the leafs of this plant, Allah S.W.T gives me cure. The next day, a lady from neighbourhood came to me and said baba jee, it has been 15-20 days that there are blisters in my mouth, I am fed up using the medicines given by the Doctors, I cannot consume salt and pepper and only take slightly sweet or tasteless gravy. I have come to you for ‘dum’ I said that you send your son to the committee round about to get a niazbo plant from the nursery in juma bazaar and give it to me. I will do ‘dum’ on the whole of plant instead of you-chew 2 petals at a time 3-4 times in a day. Allah S.W.T will grant cure-She did so. Her son gave me a plant of niazbo and took it back after one hour. Next day, upon coming back from the mosque, I was passing by their house that a thought crossed my mind that I should ask about them. I pressed the bell and the lady herself came to the door and immediately said baba jee may Allah S.W.T bless you that after quite some time, I ate gravy with salt and chilis with bread. Allah S.W.T cured the blisters in my mouth in one day only.

I was on a journey about 15 to 20 years back and elderly person from Karachi Mr. Ibrahim was also with us. One day while doing ablution, he was saying something to one of our companion about some herbs. I became curious and when he got free and came into the courtyard of the mosque and sat over there, I said, Ibrahim Bhai (Brother) my wife is suffering from leucorrhea from quite some time, do you have any treatment for it also? He said why not-when you go back home, take 11 leafs of sheesham and put them in water at night. Give this water in the morning to your wife and make her drink it before eating anything else. Do this for 11 days. When I went back I did so and after that, till today, my wife has never had leucorrhea again.

I was in my childhood when my elder brother got a blister on the end of his backbone. Often he use to call me from the bathroom and when I would press his back less blood and more pus came out. Grandma treated him quite a lot but in vain. One day, a jogi came in our neighbourhood and my grandma told him about this problem. He looked at the wound of my brother and told grandma not to worry, this will become alright in couple of days or a week-He told her to take some cotton and dip it in arc milk and then to wet it in goat milk and apply it on the wound every day. My duty was on the plant of arc. There was a graveyard near our house, I would take some cotton and would remove a leaf and would put its milk on the cotton when cotton would become totally wet in the milk, I use to bring it to grandma and would give it to her and actually Allah S.W.T blessed/cured my brother with this little act.

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