Behavior of amicably and love with non-Muslims:
We cannot find the example of Behavior of Prophet ﷺwith non-Muslims. He ﷺ loved everyone weather he is known or unknown. He ﷺ form ALLAH was in favor of being friend with every person either he is enemy, therefore ALLAH said: if enemy wants to be friend he ﷺ should also accept it.
Due to this effort He ﷺ ordered to release those convicts who must be killed, and had ordered that every lowest Muslim can give refuge to any non-Muslim convict and is allowed to recommend. Mother or momins Hazrat Ayesha رضی اللہ عنہا said even if any Muslim women gave refuge to any non-Muslim her refuge was respected.
Prophet ﷺ used to accept gifts from non-Muslims and also send gifts to them. Ruler of Aliah gifted white Mule to Prophet ﷺ He ﷺ gifted him shawl and wrote ruler ship of city to him. (Bukhari). There was city named Doma between Haggaz and Sham. There was a Christian ruler named Doma gifted Sundas a very costly Hibba. That Hibba was so soft and beautiful that everyone praised it. (Bukhari)