
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Places of Worship Of Non-Muslims, Their rights and our duties

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

[From the pen of Editor Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai]

Islam has mentioned everyone’s right with affection and love. Even the rights of animals have been detailed. Ubqari is the pasban of the rights of Muslims & non-Muslims.

Tolerance and Generosity of Salahuddin Ayubi: When Salahuddin Ayubi entered Bait-ul-Muqaddas as the conqueror, the proof which he gave of his tolerance, generosity and human affection is praised even by the European analyst. Edward Gibbon writes that it is just to praise the kindness of the Turk conqueror. He did not let the humbled, face any trouble or misery. He could have acquired heavy sums from them but he freed 70,000 prisoners in return of a meager amount of 30,000 only. Plus, he freed two to three thousand people due to his kindness. Thus, the prisoners were reduced from 14,000 to 11,000. When Queen of Jerusalem came to him, he not only spoke very pleasantly but also lowered his gaze and became tear-eyed. Edward Gibbon also writes that Salahuddin Ayubi distributed charity amongst the orphans and widows. He provided all kind of facilities for the injured of the war. He was just to be strict towards the enemies of the Quran but the kind & liberal proof which he gave is not only praiseworthy but also lovable (For details see Edward Gibbon’s History Of The Decline & Fall Of The Roman Empire- V6; p499-500)

Salahuddin and His Christian Subordinates: Stanley Lane Poole writes in his book ‘Saladin’ that when Jerusalem was being handed over to the Muslims, the army of the Sultan, elite people and officers had managed a setup in the streets. These soldiers and officers curtailed all kind of victimizing so that no Christian was hurt. All exits of the city were guarded. A much respected ameer was assigned at Bab Dawood so that all travelling to and fro could pass without interrogation. (Reference: Saladin by Stanley Lane Poole – p202).

Fair Treatment of the Mughal Emperors towards Non-Muslims: Professor Ram Prasad Khosla writes in his book ‘Mughal Kingship and Nobility’: “The justice and equality which was maintained during the era of Mughals and the religious tolerance policies were such that the public was always contented. Politics and religion were deeply connected in the Islamic Empire but due to the Mughal’s religious tolerance, no danger was formed. It was never attempted in any era to force the religion of the emperor over its public’s religion. Aurangzeb did not even keep Islam a requirement for gaining employment. Although the King was considered as the guardian of Islam but they never bounded their public; be it Christian, Jew or Hindu” (p297; Edition 1934)

Mughals Always Protected The Religion of Non-Muslims: Parmatma Saran writes in his book “Provincial Government of the Mughals” that the Government of Mughals at its peak was one of the top Governments of the world but the demands for humanity with which they dealt with the non-Muslims shall be remembered till the end of this world. They did not practice force against the non-Muslims and always demanded justice for their places of worship.

Muslim – Non-Muslim riots were neither written, nor read nor heard During the Mughal Era: Sir John writes in his book ‘History of Warfare’ that women and children were being killed along with the culprits. They were not hanged - Rather they were burnt in their village or were shot. The English did not hesitate to feel pride that they do not spare anyone. Killing was their hobby. For three months, morning till evening, 8 vehicles brought dead bodies which were seen hanging in the passages and markets. Sir John writes this sadly that this was the behavior of these cruel people which they did in 1857. But if I see the life of the Mughal Emperors at their peak, they always developed each aspect of the lives of the non-Muslims and gave them respect, honor and position. This is why they gave rights, place, and protection to East India Co. and gave them complete opportunity to develop. Sir John writes that Hindu – Muslim riots were neither read nor heard. (Reference: Rise of the Christian Power in India. Author: B. D. Basu. p285)

Verification by Encyclopedia Britannica: It is mentioned in the 11th edition, Volume 10 of Encyclopedia Britannica that all scholars of Europe accept the fact that wherever the Muslims ruled, they maintained demands of justice, equity and affection. They provided protection to their subordinates irrespective of their religion, according to the teachings of Islam.

Level of Fair-Treatment with Non-Muslims: Likewise his fellow-countrymen and co-religionists, Sir Valentine Chirol has gathered a masterpiece of the history of the Turks. He has written ‘The Turkish Empire’ along with Lord Eversley. In the last chapters, while mentioning the achievements of the Turks, he wrote that for 300 years, 10 kings and 1 president Kosoli took part in the expansion of this empire. During this period, he achieved constant success and victory. Within this era in 1402, he met rulers like Timur and Mongol, waged wars, faced victory, bore defeat. But the most note-worthy thing which the Turk Emperors did was that they practiced extreme fair-treatment, religious intolerance and forgiveness. These are big examples for the kings of today. (Edition 1921; p426)

Muslim Emperors; Well-wishers of the Worship Places of Non-Muslims: Lord Eversley discusses Sultan Abdul Majeed, who was the Turk Ruler and he ruled Saudi Arabia as well as the whole Middle-East. He says that the Sultan had many strengths and qualities, instinctively. He was the greatest person of all the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. Another quality besides these was that his nature was not of passing laws to squash the non-Muslims or to give tough punishments. Rather, he always remained a well-wisher of their rights and safety of their places of worship. (Reference: Turkish Empire; p313)

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