
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Natal friend of Jinnat

Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

Story of young Jin’s grandfather

Many jinnaats were sitting and many of them were old, at the place where this discussion was going on. One young jinn asked,” can I say something? He said I am not so experienced but my grandfather was an aamil. I spent many years in serving him; he died a few months ago. His age span was many centuries; I also got some experiences from his age. I had been listening benefits of" محمد رسول اللہ " from him but today they Open so  fully to me that I am amazed, I saw my grandfather reciting " محمد رسول اللہ " plentifully. Sometimes he used to tell its benefits and wonders of this holy sentence with rapt feelings (Wajd).  I didn’t realize this before but after listening this I am feeling it deeply.  I have realized that this is something very important which my grandfather had been reciting.

 Wonders of my grandfather’s tasbeeh:

 My grandfather had a wooden tasbee (counter/counting beads) its beads were big, and he used to recite " محمد رسول اللہ " On it. He said one day I have changed its thread for 41 times, from many years I am reciting on it. Its thread become weak and then it breaks, so I have to change it again.  I am reciting it from centuries and its secrets and wonders which I know, may be, no one other know them.

Wonderful Secret of getting Buried treasure:

Then he said one of its secrets which open to me is that if there is any treasure in someone’s house, if he knows it or he is doubtful either there is a treasure hidden his house or not, then his whole family or only one person must recite " محمد رسول اللہ "  more than million times. Some signs of treasure will appear in dream or by any other way that will bring out it. 

Lost treasure of Mughal King

My grandfather told once Mughal King Akbar lost his treasure, which he placed in some fort of Sindh. The person who buried it, died in a war and he was the only person who knows about the treasure. Now nobody knows where he buried it. Those riches were very important for king because he got it after conquering a state. It was the wealth of a whole state.  The king himself didn’t have such treasure which he got from there.  It could be dug out by any one. He was worried very much. He called many experienced persons like aamils, palmists and other such persons but all in vain.   He was worried, if someone took that treasure without his knowledge then he will lost it. One day someone told him in his dream about my grandfather, that there is a jinn and he has a Wazifa, if you can find that jinn and purchase that wazifa then you will be able to know about that treasure. By searching, the king found my grandfather; he was living in the woods of Joth Pur.

King sent him a massage and called him. He said I don’t go anywhere; people come to me who need me. The king went to him and told him the whole problem. He kept on listening. Then he took a Tasbee which was near him, he put rose water in a big pot and started moving tasbee in it. After a while rose water turned into steam and finished. Then he poured another rose water bottle in that pot. He moved tasbee in it. Again it finished by turning to steam. Likewise he used 7 bottles.

Jinnat had occupied the treasure.

He said, while moving tasbee in rose water that your treasure is safe, in fort there is a tree and on the right side of that tree there are some plants of jasmine, those plants are planted by your person as a sign of treasure. Find out that place under those plants. There are 19 big pots of brown. Your wealth is safe in those pots. When king heard the word 19 he became excited because he and that person knew about the quantity. My grandfather told this and became silent. Then he said go and take out those 19 pots but 3 jinns have occupied that wealth. Then he gave the king 4 amulets and on each amulet " محمد رسول اللہ " was written 41 times. This thing was told by my grandfather himself. He told me as well with detail.

Where has one pot gone?

King went hurriedly in that fort with his people and sealed the fort. He allowed some of his trusted persons with him in the fort. There was really a tree and plants also. He ordered to dig that place. He started finding those pots of treasure. They were filled with jewels and diamonds. But those pots were 18 not 19. King was amazed where has one pot gone? He already had placed those amulets on the four corners of treasure to control the jinns. At last he sent his people on fastest horses to my grandfather and he stayed in the fort to protect the wealth. . After 3 days those people reached and told my grandfather about the 18 pots.

Disappeared treasure

Grandfather took the tasbeeh again and started moving in rose water. 3 bottles were finished yet and my grandfather said that pot is in custody of jinns so, it is unseen.  I give you the remedy. He gave 3 amulets to tie them on the sides of that tree.  After doing it that pot was supposed to be appear.

Finally King got all hoard

Speedy horses came back like fast storm and winds to king in 3 days. The king was anxiously waiting. They gave amulets to king and he himself tied them with the tree on three sides. Then he ordered to dig and he got 19th pot and most wonderful thing was noticed that 19th pot was biggest of all and there was more diamonds and jewels than others. King was so happy, after saving the treasure he came to my grandfather with costly gifts to make my grandfather happy.

I only have the secret of  " محمد رسول اللہ "

King asked one question which wazifa or word did you recite that you got such power. I met many experienced aamils, jotishs and palmists but they could not tell about my wealth. Suppose if they tell me about treasure but how could I get that 19th pot from powerful jinns? After this knowledge this grandfather took a sigh of peace.  He said I only have the secret of " محمد رسول اللہ "  Without this, kalma is not complete.  It completes and perfects the kalma I am reciting it from centuries. I recite millions in a day, I am constantly reciting it. Powerful jinns and giants cannot compete with it. With its power, hidden treasures pop up in seconds. No one can bear it if the jinns are so powerful, they can’t defeat it.

 My grandfather’s story

Then he told his own incident. He told that I got a ring of costly jewels as a gift from someone.  I placed it in a leather box and one day I saw that the ring has vanished from the box. I searched everywhere but could not find it. At last I started reciting my specific wazifa of  " محمد رسول اللہ "I kept reciting, but I was unsuccessful.  I was tired then I started the rose water method. In this method pious spirits drinks rose water and they tell me my destination.

Why has she stolen my ring?

I kept on pouring rose water and reciting. During this process, I came to know that my ring was stolen by a female jinn and she has gone overseas to be unreachable. I was very angry that why has she stolen my ring. I shrunk my body with the help of  " محمد رسول اللہ "and turned into a beautiful bird. I was flying in the form of a bird with my body and that bird’s speed was thousands miles per hour. " محمد رسول اللہ "   gave me direction and it protected me also when I was flying on seas. I reached on an island where no signs of life was present. There was not any human or jinn and nothing to eat.

Finally I found that female jinn

She had hidden and closed herself in a tree. I started reciting " محمد رسول اللہ "And started finding her.  Finally I got to know that she has closed herself in a tree and outside, she has made a protection wall with magic to make her invisible and protected. I reached there and she knew that and she made that wall more powerful but I knew that this wazifa is more powerful than all other things.

A helpless female jinni was at my feet

I recited and started blowing on her. I felt after sometime that the tree started to fissure. After all, tree break into pieces and she came out. She started pleading and crying. I felt that it is her profession; she stays here for some time then she comes in her country again. I felt it is not good to forgive her. If I forgave her she would do that crime again. I left her in prison with the help of  " محمد رسول اللہ "and I wrote on it that you will be free after 3 years from this prison. While coming back to my country I heard her fearful screams in whole jungle. She was a very powerful jinn of black magic world; no one could defeat her.

I turned into a bird and came back to my country safe and sound. I have that ring with me and I love it because I fought a big war for it.

 Secret of protecting your wealth and property

My grandfather use to tell another thing, that young jinn spoke in an excited way, who will recite
" محمد رسول اللہ "   his treasures will remain safe, and they must transfer to his generations.  His treasure cannot be stolen or destroyed by, thieves, pirates, storms, and floods. He who will try to destroy them he will be destroyed. His body will be dispersed. His body will be finished and his generations will be destroyed because whole universe can be defeated but the second part of kalma cannot be defeated. 

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